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  1. #1
    Davej22 Guest

    Default Anyone know any good apprenticeship website?

    Has anyone come across any good websites for apprenticeships? Or can anyone point me in the right direction as to how I could find an apprenticeship in either NSW or QLD?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Gold Coast


    Hi Davej and welcome
    You haven't told us about your age, circumstances or interests. Some extra info may help with advice.

    The following websites may help you. They both have links to other websites and organizations, so don't worry about the school focus if it doesn't suit your circumstances - just follow the links.

    Queensland VET Development Centre - Department of Education and Training
    Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools

    Have you tried google ?

    Good hunting.

  3. #3
    Davej22 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by dabbler View Post
    Hi Davej and welcome
    You haven't told us about your age, circumstances or interests. Some extra info may help with advice.

    The following websites may help you. They both have links to other websites and organizations, so don't worry about the school focus if it doesn't suit your circumstances - just follow the links.

    Queensland VET Development Centre - Department of Education and Training
    Vocational Education and Training (VET) in schools

    Have you tried google ?
    Good hunting.
    Hi Dabbler,

    Thanks for your response.

    I'm 19 and I'm ideally looking for a carpentry apprenticeship. I was thinking it may be worthwhile looking at some of the mining companies. Do you know if they have any apprenticeships available?

    I've found this site using google which has some opportunities at John Holland and Onesteel. Carpentry & Joinery Apprenticeships (3 open now!) but when I go to their sites I couldn't find any more information on their carpentry apprenticeships.

    Do you have any advice on how I could approach the situation? Or do you know what companies may offer what I'm looking for? I would be happy to move anywhere in Australia for the right opportunity.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Gold Coast


    Hi Dave,
    I don't really know much about this area sorry. The stuff below is from my own job search attempts and experiences. My wife is a careers advisor for a school and used to be a VET co-ordinator. Thats how I knew about those websites.

    I think the web is your real starting point. You just need to systematically follow each weblink until you exhaust that search pattern. I doubt direct unsolicited contact with large employers or complete strangers will work for apprenticeships.

    While sites like seek and other recruitment companies let you search and apply, they make their money from the advertiser. Training and apprenticeship sites get a lot of their money from govt for successfully helping find placements. That means you usually need to register to get any info on specific job vacancies. Some even want to meet/interview you early in the process. (That's how some recruitment comps operate too). Should be no biggie though.

    While there are some apprenticeships in the mining sector they may all not be with mining comps but service contractors. So don't limit yourself to miners. Be aware that large comps plan "enlistment" into traineeships every 12 or 6 months. Finally while carpentry skills are used in the mining sector the number of jobs would be limited compared to metal trades and mechanicals. Even more so for apprenticeships.

    Cmon guys - there must be someone else with first hand knowledge to help Dave.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Katoomba NSW


    Not much call for carpenters in the mines i'm afraid.
    Try some of the group training companies. Not too many employers put their own apprentices on any more.
    A quick google search found this
    Group Training in NSW - Group Training Association of NSW Inc
    Those were the droids I was looking for.

  6. #6
    Davej22 Guest


    Thanks for all the help guys. You've posted some useful links and given some really good advice.

    I'll keep trying my luck and maybe look outside of carpentry as it seems like most of the apprenticeship opportunities are in the mining sector.

    Any more advice would be welcomed.

    I'll keep you posted if I hear of anything.


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