I last posted here with a tale of woe about termites.

I'm planning to get the repair work done in about 6 months time and I'm looking for pointers about building contracts.
I have a good friend (licensed builder) who can do the work and will be available at the right time. He's given me a guesstimate for the entire job and I've requested a more formal quote taking into account such things as other trades (electrician, plumber, etc), material costs, time it will take and what ever else a builder needs to know - and tell his client.
As he is a friend, I want to make sure that everything is covered in a contract so we are both aware upfront just what is and isn't included in the quote.

Where do I start? Are there standard contracts to cover this sort of repair work?
Are there standard allowances for such things as increases in cost of materials between the time of the quote and the time the work commences?

Any pointers or guidance will be gratefully received.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...