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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sutherland, Sydney

    Default Can't sell a thing.....Economy stuffed or what????

    Hey guys,

    Wondering if anyone else out there is having the same problems.

    I won't go into too many specifics, but at the moment I'm trying to sell a bunch of stuff, 2 cars, a fishing kayak and some of my reptiles. All are priced reasonably based on age and condition, and advertised in a variety of mediums - ebay, trading post, item specific forums, and I have had one bloke enquire about one of the cars and thats it. I can't believe I haven't even had tyre kickers, or even the morons who pipe up and offer you half the asking price!!!

    Is it the economy or am I just out of luck?

    I just got my latest Visa bill for $6k (higher than the usual $2.5k due to a few medium size home item purchases this month) and I feel like crap - don't know whether to scream, cry or what. I'M SO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTATED!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne


    G'day Abitfishy,


    But I can say the economy has been in downturn since March. One of the first industries to notice dowturns are those in advertising/graphic design and when businesses hurt the first thing they do is cut ad budgets (really they should be increasing their spend so they don't lose brand awareness to competition)

    Guess what industry I'm in? And I run my own business, so it's that bit harder as I don't have a boss, so my weekly $ are up and down like a yo-yo. I don't have the opportunity of taking a set pay packet home each week, nor can I forget how the boss is doing revenue wise once the clock ticks past 5:00 each arvo.

    The general man/woman on the street mightn't notice the downturn when it starts but business does and those who derive their income from them.

    On the upside you might get a few calls yet, but when people see more moths in their wallets then they cut out the extras and focus on the have to haves*.

    * some expences in the shed are excluded.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sutherland, Sydney


    Thanks mate.

    Doesn't help when half the things I'm selling are 'luxuries' and the 2 cars are 6cyl falcons.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Hi ABF,
    I can feel your pain. Been there and done that and never again! Waldo's right about the downturn. Now that we compete on the world markets, the needs and desires of individuals mean nothing. You are at the whims of large organisations and their shareholders here and in the rest of the world. As Waldo pointed out, organisations cut their ad budgets, individuals cut as much as they can from their "luxury" budget. You may have noticed Jim's Mowing has started advertising heavily. No money for gardeners at the moment.
    But in some regards, we are our own worst enemy. Now that most of our super goes into stocks and property trusts, we keep insisting that companies earn record profits year after year, yet we are the very same people who ask for lower prices, more secure jobs and cheaper commodities such as petrol from the very same companies.
    Sorry about the rant!
    I think you may have to accept that a "reasonable" price for an item is no longer what it was.
    I lived in NZ for 5 years and there, the price of an item drops by over 50% the minute it walks out the shop door. I think we're in the same boat now.

    Regards and in sympathy,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sutherland, Sydney


    Ah, I tell a lie, I just had some looser ring and offer $1200 for my $1800 fishing kayak thats had 3 hours use which would cost $2400 to replace with new.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Beachport, South Oz, the best little town on the planet.


    ABF, please note the following is NOT a personal attack! Just a question to all and sundry about current attitudes to spending and (LOL) saving of a large section of our community, including my own offspring.

    Strewth ABF! Why did you buy a $2400 kayak if you were only going to use it for 3 hours? Why did you blow so much on household items if you didn't have the bucks? Why are you living on a credit card and maxing the thing if you don't have the bucks?
    Why are so many people apparently living beyond their means and blaming other people for the depth of Schite they find themselves in?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sutherland, Sydney


    Not a personal attack? Not that I really have to explain, however:

    For starters, I purchased the kayak prior to Christmas. I upgraded from a larger, heavier one. There was no issue with the $$ at the time since the changeover from the old one was only a couple of hundred bucks. And at a push, there isn't now, however it is very, very tight - selling these few things (or even just one of them) will make me relax big time. Selling the lot and I'll shout you a beer. (no, not all of you!).

    Basically its one of those things, its a great sport (kayak fishing), but its very weather dependant, as well as motivation dependant to load it all up on the roof racks. Hence its just sitting there and would rather the $ to eventually put towards a newer car to replace the 2 in a few months time, when things have calmed down and I've sold all my bits and pieces (I hope). Come summer, I might regret it, but I can always replace it again if I really get withdrawals, or I can hire a kayak for a day.

    As for living above ones means, I agree, theres a lot of it going around. Too many people are in too much debt. I will add, I've never borrowed for anything except the house, never even a car. We've only got into the near pickle on this occasion because I'm finding things much harder to sell than expected - if it had all gone according to plan, all would be A OK. But who can see into the future, hey?

    Put it this way, we've saved and worked bl**dy hard for the things we want, and put heaps more into the mortgage than we needed to - over the last 6 years since we took out the mortgage we've put in over $35,000 more than needed, and can re-draw about 25K of that amount if we NEED to. But ultimately, thats our very last port of call - long term we are better off putting as much as we can in, and living 'on the edge' so to speak now ang again with the excess as a backup if needed.

    I don't know if I would go as far as to say I was 'blaming others' for my situation. Simply asking others if they've found the economy an issue. Thanks for your concern though. If you have any other comments, feel free to PM me directly.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    My experience in selling 2nd hand items, FWIW, is that you have to be patient. You will get tyre kickers, most people will offer a lower price because, why might accept. Sometimes, things will sell right off, at top price, others, they take longer. You just need one buyer (for each item), an he may take a while to cotton on to the fact that his new car is waiting.
    Even in the worst depression people need/ want stuff. Second hand cars may be easier to sell in a down economy??!!
    Anyway, good luck with it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by abitfishy View Post
    Ah, I tell a lie, I just had some looser ring and offer $1200 for my $1800 fishing kayak thats had 3 hours use which would cost $2400 to replace with new.

    Reading the posts I get the feeling that you are asking too much and that's why you are not getting a sale.

    You refer to someone as a looser when he offers IMHO a good price for your fishing kayak, which after all is a second hand one. To you 3 hours of use may not be very much but it makes it second hand and as such looses value. Similar to cars that drop in value the moment they leave a new car showroom. Further it is a luxury item and so it's a buyers market.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Sutherland, Sydney


    Thanks mate.

    I sold the reptiles (breeding trios of cute little geckos) about 15min ago so thats $500 extra. Also found a balance of $500 above the minimum to avoid fees in one of our rarely used bank accounts, so theres an easy $1K just in all that. Would love to sell the kayak and the cheaper car....

    Caution: Free plug ahead:
    1999 AU Falcon wagon, burgundy, 256,000k's, hence the price - $3400
    2001 AU2 Falcon Futura wagon, white, only 111,000 k's - $7200

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Sutherland, Sydney



    You may not be aware but these very popular fishing kayaks hold their value considerably. $600 less than new for such a low usage one isn't a bad deal. There are not many on the market as their isnt really an 'upgrade' from these. They are one of the few designed specifically for fishing.

    Having said that, I could come down, but at $1200 I would sell it 10 times over. One recently sold in about 5 hours for $900, howeve that was base kayak only with no fish finder, anchor trolley, etc, and also described as well used, 'beaten and battered'.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by abitfishy View Post
    Hey guys,

    Wondering if anyone else out there is having the same problems.

    I won't go into too many specifics, but at the moment I'm trying to sell a bunch of stuff, 2 cars, a fishing kayak and some of my reptiles. All are priced reasonably based on age and condition, and advertised in a variety of mediums - ebay, trading post, item specific forums, and I have had one bloke enquire about one of the cars and thats it. I can't believe I haven't even had tyre kickers, or even the morons who pipe up and offer you half the asking price!!!

    Is it the economy or am I just out of luck?

    I just got my latest Visa bill for $6k (higher than the usual $2.5k due to a few medium size home item purchases this month) and I feel like crap - don't know whether to scream, cry or what. I'M SO STRESSED OUT AND FRUSTATED!!!!

    There's a saying my old man always said... It's only worth what someone is willing to pay... Maybe your prices are too high

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Sutherland, Sydney


    Yeah, must be. That it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Mt Crosby, Brisbane


    Go to ebay and assuming you have an account put some search terms in and tick completed listings at the left of page. You get a list of all completed auctions form the last few months. Red means no sale.

    It is by far and away the most accurate market snapshot on any goods you find there in my experience.

    Saying your stuff is overpriced isn't helpful I think. Every transaction needs 2 willing parties.

    I have a 95 fairlane and I watch falcon prices closely. As a rule of thumb they halve every 3 years, so say a fairlane in 95 is $52k, in 98 it's worth $26k average miles and condition, 01 it's $13k, 04 $6500 etc. Mine's worth about $1500 cos it's done 300k. Redbook agrees with my calcs pretty closely, utes and sports varieties hold up better. Pity it's not an EF wagon, I'm looking for one, but with that miles it'd be a $1200 car...

    Having said all that I've noticed ebay prices have been dropping across most items since about may. I'm about to advertise a lot of stuff and will be in teh same boat as you, taking lower prices or waiting a LONG time for sales.

    Sorry I'm not more help.
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  15. #15
    Calm's Avatar
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    Seling boats and summer pleasure items in winter is not a time to get best prices. If you wanted to buy a water ski boat, wet suits or water skis one would expect to have more sellers than buyers in JULY.

    If i wanted to buy a motorbike i would be looking now - the reason someo0ne sells now is they need the money and so i can put presure on them to acept a lower price.

    I saw VE commodores for sale at $15,000 last week so i am afraid that a 2000 year large car is worth less than $4,000 and that is with a roadworthy and low K's

    Sorry i cant give you better thoughts.


    PS every time i sell something there are plenty around and when i want to buy there are none around - i wonder where they all go???????????????


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