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Thread: Cavity sliding door
18th August 2016, 02:50 PM #1
Cavity sliding door
I've got 2 hinged doors side by side. On the left I want it covered up as a wall. On the right, I want that door to be a cavity sliding that moves into the 'new' wall.
I was quoted $2500 for the job. Excludes painting or putting tiles across the other side of the wall (as the door connected to the laundry and would normally have 1 layer of tiles up the wall as a splashback) So I'm on my own for those.
Includes new door architrave and a skirting board (skirting board probably $5? lol)
Does that sound like a reasonable price? I Imagine the cost of materials wouldn't be more than a few hundred dollars and probably take a few hours of an afternoon to do. And what would be wrong with my existing architrave on the hinged door on the right? (just some mods needed? Or could pull off the one on the left for 'parts'?) I'm not a carpenter but I do query when a quote comes to a nice rounded figure (and took nearly 2 weeks to come to it).
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