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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Mac vs. PC: The Ultimate Lab Test for New Desktops & Laptops

    Just to get some alternative discussion going, I saw this article and thought our pee-sea friends might like to know. Here’s an exert...

    This computer rivalry has been elevated to a cultural divide on par with Pepsi versus Coke. Taking it beyond personal taste, PM crunches the numbers—with some surprising results (and detailed benchmark scores).

    The full article here...

    The Verdict: Apple

    Mac: In both the laptop and desktop showdowns, Apple’s computers were the winners. Oddly, the big difference didn’t come in our user ratings, where we expected the famously friendly Mac interface to shine. Our respondents liked the look and feel of both operating systems but had a slight preference toward OS X. In our speed trials, however, Leopard OS trounced Vista in all-important tasks such as boot-up, shutdown and program-launch times. We even tested Vista on the Macs using Apple’s platform-switching Boot Camp software—and found that both Apple computers ran Vista faster than our PCs did.

    PC: Simply put, Vista proved to be a more sluggish operating system than Leopard. Our PCs installed some software faster, but in general they were slower in our time trials. Plus, both PCs showed weaker performance on third-party benchmarks than the Macs. Our biggest surprise, however, was that PCs were not the relative bargains we expected them to be. The Asus M51sr costs the same as a MacBook, while the Gateway One actually costs $300 more than an iMac. That means for the price of the Gateway you could buy an iMac, boost its hard drive to match the Gateway’s, purchase a copy of Vista to boot—and still save $100.


    Like someone on this forum said... In 5 years or so you will all be using a Mac.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005



    The only way to compare them is to dump the DRM and patent-ridden operating systems off them and install Linux on both.

    Then you will be able to compare the computers on a level playing field


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default not quite right

    Hi Woodbe

    It’s about software, not hardware. But, I agree, Linux would still be better than Microstuff.

    By the way, you can have both Mac OSX and Vista loaded on the Mac at the same time for a direct comparison. Mac hardware still comes out best for running Vista.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    It’s about software, not hardware.
    Well why does it say "Mac vs PC"? When did PC manufacturers start making software?

    Just keep on going mate, you might convince yourself one day...
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Port Pirie SA


    Yep who cares.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nova Scotia Canada


    I have run Linux (Ubuntu) and M$ (deul boot) on a PC up until 3 years ago and found the money to get a Mac.

    The only thing I miss on Mac is the ability to play games.

    All the other programs I can get, and Mac are putting out a lot better drivers for some of the hardware.

    My opinion is "MAC ROCKS"

    Cleaning my glasses will not make me look any better,
    But will make what I am looking at better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    When did PC manufacturers start making software?
    Since the first day of the Apple computers back in 198something.

    It doesn’t matter which way you choose to read the article, Macs still come out the best, even when running Vista on a Mac.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    forest. tasmainia

    Default looks good to

    i love it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default Forget Macs in a network!

    I have a Mac book Pro and have it setup as a dual boot system (Panther and Vista) and like both of them very much. Depending on the task, one or the other may be slightly better for the given task. I actually run the network at school with both a Mac network setup and a windows network and then the differences really become apparent.

    Macs on a network are an absolute pain in the @#$@#!. It seems to be almost impossible to get network home folders to work properly. Sometimes they work and then stop. It has cost us thousands to have apple boffins to come out and work on it. The last time, it worked for 2 weeks and then wouldn't let you logon. In the end we have given up. Home folders are now located on the individual Macs and everything works again. It is an AFP problem as SAMBA or smb works fine. If you read the blogs, lots of networked users are having the same sorts of problems. It is a real shame as Macs are good computers but their server set up is woeful.

    By comparison, the windows network is much easier to setup with shares and permissions and it almost never gives any trouble from old pentiums on win98 right through to XP and a few vista machines.

    I am only commenting on networks here!


  10. #10
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    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    Quote Originally Posted by Chipman View Post
    Sometimes they work and then stop. It has cost us thousands to have apple boffins to come out and work on it. The last time, it worked for 2 weeks and then wouldn't let you logon. In the end we have given up. Home folders are now located on the individual Macs and everything works again.

    Having had Mac networks for over 20 years (yep!), and having also owned and worked in many PC networked environments, I am not a computer boffin (which is why I have a Mac) but have not spent a single cent on support for any of the Mac networks.

    I currently have two machines at home with a laptop I plug in occasionally all connected via Airport, and it's all plug and play.

    Perhaps you've just had the wrong boffins?

    I know several firms which network around 20 Macs without any support techs... what are we all doing wrong?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Default More about mac networks

    We have had macs (os9 and all versions of osx) on our network for many years too and at a very basic level, have had no trouble (although the newer versions of Safari don't like our proxy server but Firefox is great). Airport and bluetooth are great, the only issue is the networked homefolders. It actually worked correctly for 2 weeks and without anyone changing anything, it stopped working again. We get charged $170 an hour and endup with something that doesn't work properly after such a short time! If there is anyone out there who really knows how to fix it, it would be great!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    I must say was really tempted to get a mac recently. They seem much better made and the feedback is generally is good. One of the the things that has put me off them is the fact that my stats software no longer supports macs (minitab 15). The irony is tat minitab as I understand started off on the mac.

    This is significant issue for me and I am aware that a mac will run windows but I doubt it will do so better than a windows box. More to the point I am not too keen on the idea of two operating systems and switching from one to the other to get my work done (this really in my eyes would negate all the benefits of a mac).

    So unfortunately I have gone with a PC again, and I am stuck with Vista until microsloth get their act together and make it a stable system. Having at least one piece of software crash on me every day is not providing any reassurance at the moment! I am really tempted to wipe the harddisk clean and install xp.


    You can never have enough planes, that is why Mr Stanley invented the 1/2s

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Nova Scotia Canada


    I know what you say about certain programs not being supported by Mac. I do miss my games but it was a choice between the crash, freeze, occassional virus "you know" the old PC stuff or a stable OS. I am running Mac, Leporad at the moment and find it to be stable and very friendly with a lot of features Tiger did not have.

    This being said we have our own internal net work with a PC fire wall running Linux, our PC archives running linux, as well as my son's, daughter's and my Mac on the network. Our printer and printer/ scanner/fax are in the network for all to use. No problem right..... Wrong!

    My son and I built a set of electronic drums and boards for them, now with all the computers you would think we are great "no" we require a windose computer to set up and program, record and control the drums. (most cost effective way for us, as well we like to build things.

    To go one deeper we are in the process of building a CNC router and guess what we need to run those programs ....PC ....... Don't figure!

    I do not think we will see any consistant system for a number of years and I do not see it being Windose.

    But I do love my Mac.

    Chipman, I run both Safari and Camino and have better luck with Camino over Safari. Leopard has solved most Safari problems, with certain problems like flash, PDF (sometimes) a couple of other minor things, but I find it seems to run quite well.
    Cleaning my glasses will not make me look any better,
    But will make what I am looking at better.

  14. #14
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    * As tested on an Apple MacBook containing an Intel Penryn processor. Because the new Penryn version of the MacBook was not available at press time for the May 2008 print edition of PM, the test results appearing in the magazine reflect the previous version of the MacBook. Click here to see the non-Penryn MacBook results that appeared in the magazine.
    This is saying when the next technology release occurs.

    What happens if you build a PC and run XP on it the same price as the MAC?

    The fact is Vista will become faster next service pack.

    I must admit more people are looking at MAC though now its PC Intel hardware tumored with MAC proprietary components on it; running UNIX based software.

    Its really ASUS versus MAC. Theres no such thing as the old MAC anymore. MAC is using PC Intel hardware so part of the point of view is MAC OSX versus Vista.
    When buildings made with lime are subjected to small movements thay are more likely to develop many fine cracks than the individual large cracks which occur in stiffer cement-bound buildings. Water penetration can dissolve the 'free' lime and transport it. As the water evaporates, this lime is deposited and begins to heal the cracks. This process is called autogenous healing.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    MAC is using PC Intel hardware so part of the point of view is MAC OSX versus Vista.
    Seeing as MAC OSX really is UNIX it should be UNIX versus Vista

    As for the INTEL hardware in MAC the Macintosh users are really barracking on the same side as PC users

    Its not MAC anymore. Its a bit like changing footy teams. Like barracking for the Brisbane Bears or something when you used to follow Fitzroy
    When buildings made with lime are subjected to small movements thay are more likely to develop many fine cracks than the individual large cracks which occur in stiffer cement-bound buildings. Water penetration can dissolve the 'free' lime and transport it. As the water evaporates, this lime is deposited and begins to heal the cracks. This process is called autogenous healing.

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