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Thread: G'day from the Nations Capital.
4th June 2013, 06:44 PM #1
G'day from the Nations Capital.
Or, Chilly Canberra, as today's turned out to be a bit "fresh".
Anyhoo, my names Mick, I'm 32 in a week, IT is my profession of "choice", and I'm not and alcoholic.
I haven't really done a lot in terms of woodwork, but I'm fairly good with my hands, and enjoy the little things I get to make around the place. Be it chucking together some flat-pack wardrobes, or (as I'm soon to attempt) scratch building a bench seat type arrangement under a window in the study.
My old man was a GP, and he always had a fairly decent shed full of tools.
My uncle turns wood as a hobby, and one x-mas me and my brother scored a sweet billy cart off him.
My brother apprenticed as a stair-builder and stayed on for a 10-odd years there, and has recently gotten his builders ticket, so is always good for "family rates" around the house. (So long as I supply beer and a sausage sizzle).
So it kind of runs in the family. I don't know what possessed me to join the work force stuck behind a computer screen all day, but if nothing else, its made me appreciate my weekends away from the office, and get into the hands-on side of things.
Me and my wife are home owners, or a small little 3 bedder (or 2br + study, in reality) in NE Canberra. And are about 6-odd months off expecting our first child. Well, technically we're expecting it already, but not expecting them to arrive until 6 months down the track.
Recently I've somehow stumbled across a YouTube channel called "Wood Working for Mere Mortals" which is good for a bit of a laugh (not sure of the forum rules on posting links to things like this, but more than happy to message if anyone's interested), and shows off some decent techniques and projects. Its got me thinking that maybe I should put on hold the dream of Mustang ownership (at least till the Lotto pulls through), and get into woodworking, and flex those creative muscles a bit.
My shed / garage currently houses (among a bunch of my brother-in-law's stuff) some basic power tool goodness (circ saw, jig saw, cheapo drill press, drills, drivers etc) that have been mainly focused on house maintenance, but having recently picked up a Makita plunge router, I'm tempted now to focus on some more single-use items, like a router table or a table saw and get stuck into some fun projects.
I've found mentions of using an old car jack (which I knew i squirreled away for a reason!) as a router lift, so that's in the back of my mind as something to build when I get some beloved garage space back.
That about sums it up for me at the moment, I've just realized that 5.30's past, and its time to get out of the office for the day.
oh, I really should set up a sig...
4th June 2013, 08:02 PM #2
G'day from the Nations Capital.
Welcome Mick. There's a few of us from Canberra here so you're in good company. I started out exactly like you, building things round the house and have moved (partly) into furniture and other such projects. There's always lots of ideas to inspire on here and good advice on how to do it and what to do it with.
Final advice is that, if there aren't photos, it didn't happen!
TravSome days we are the flies; some days we are the windscreen
4th June 2013, 08:19 PM #3
G'Day & Welcome to a top forum "Mick".
Working with timber making things is such a rewarding and relaxing pastime especially of office workers....lol... and the rest of us..
You'll find a heap of helpful & knowledgeable blokes & ladies on the forum and for most very willing to assist.
Make sure you show off your handiwork as everyone loves a photo, especially WIP photos with build notes.
Enjoy the forum.
Enjoy your woodwork.
Cheers crowie
4th June 2013, 08:36 PM #4
Welcome aboard Mick and enjoy the journey.
Regards Rumnut.
Qld. Australia.
4th June 2013, 11:01 PM #5
Welcome to the forum, i too work in IT office bound each day . Woodworking is certainly the outlet i need each day. The garage is my space,my place of zen
Good work on purchasing the plunge router, the start of many many tools to be bought
I have met a couple of the guys on here that are in canberra, good guys. great to talk shop with like minded people as dont know many other ppl into woodworking unlike your family of carpentry
4th June 2013, 11:31 PM #6
Welcome to the forums from a little outside Canberra
It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it.
5th June 2013, 09:51 AM #7
Well, thats reminded me of the little project I undertook probably about 5 years ago now.
Making my very own cocktail arcade cabinet.
It was a good start, taught me a few things to keep doing, and quite a lot not to do in the future, and gave me an excuse to pick up a few starting power tools.
(I think I managed this with a jigsaw, a rotary tool, and a $5 bunnings saw and plastic mitrebox!)
I'd love to make another one, with the benefit of hindsight, and some quality equipment, but just can't bring myself to replace this one.
If i ever made another one in the future, it'd be less obnoxiously yellow (but that was intentional) and probably fold away into a 'contemporary' coffee table type thing, so as not to take up so much usable space in the house.
5th June 2013, 10:18 AM #8
Welcome to the forum. An interesting introduction at the very least.
7th June 2013, 04:02 PM #9
yes welcome to the forum lots and lots of info on here
have fun on here
regards Michaelenjoy life we are only here a short time not a long time
8th June 2013, 06:21 AM #10
Welcome to a forum
8th June 2013, 01:53 PM #11
Welcome, Mick, from one of your fellow Canberrans.
I've checked out a few of Steve's video's and they range from genuinely helpful to... playful. But they're always entertaining.
I'm not sure if you've checked out Getting Started in Woodworking: A Guide to Woodworking Basics for Beginners | Startwoodworking.com but I found those pretty full of useful info on a range of topics relevant to noobs like me.
Well the sun's out so I'd rather be making sawdust than sentences!
8th June 2013, 08:08 PM #12
Re: G'day from the Nations Capital.
Welcome to the forums finally mate haha good to see thicknesser has been unpacked. Had a chance to turn the pseudo blades on yet? ;-)
18th June 2013, 07:52 AM #13
Welcome aboard, good to have you here. you sound like you'll be a handy guy to knowAs you glean information from us we can get some from you - like how to use our computers lol.
Do you have any pics of your work or even your families work? would be great to see.
If you want to meet a few from the forum and some from other places who share a passion for Wood Working you may like to check this out.
At this time it looks like we will have a variety of competent woodworkers there with skills in flat work, wood turning, carving and perhaps milling.
It will kick-off about lunchtime Friday and run thru till Sunday (if some want to stay Sunday night that is fine too)
Opportunity to spend one on one with some of these and whoever else is there and willing to share there time and expertise.
The invitation for you and whoever comes - bring some tools, bring some wood (these are optional but desired if possible) you can sell, swap, work with it or just watch others.
Mandatory if you come - a smile, willing spirit, desire to have fun learn and enjoy yourself.
Hope to see you there, if cant make it we'll see you round the forum and who knows maybe at some other event
Take Care
Turning Wood Into Art
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