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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Melbourne - Australia

    Default AL960B manual and controls

    Hi all,
    My first proper post. I have recently purchased the Hafco AL960B at Hare & Forbes in Melbourne.
    I wanted to reply to this thread,, but realised that you can't when it's more than a year old.
    Anyway, the Grizzly manual referred to in this thread is far better than the one supplied by Hare & Forbes. You think they could get one of their guys to sit down and put together a decent manual.
    The AL960B owners will know that the controls on this machine are limited, actually, they are not limited, there are none. Apart from the spindle on/off lever.
    So I wanted to add at least an emergency stop. But then looking at the Grizzly machine, I thought I would add at least a power on button and lamp.
    So when plugging the machine in and after an emergency stop, you will need to press the power on button before you can run the machine. To do this I would need a contactor or relay with an auxiliary NO contact to latch the contactor on.
    I would put the controls here (see image), there is room behind the aluminium panel.
    AL960B Controls.jpg

    Has anyone with an AL960B done this?
    Also, has anyone fitted an inch button?
    Third and final question, can the spindle lever be integrated in to the control wiring in a way that if you have left the lever on, pressed the emergency stop, you cannot put the power back on until the spindle lever is in the off position? Hope this last one makes sense.
    If no one has done this before, I will look at adding these controls and keep you updated here.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Hi John,

    1. My lathe is pretty much an AL-335, I've fitted a foot pedal switch(and brake). its in series with the E/stop button so would be no different to what you are planing.

    2.I have an inch button, never used it. I dont see the point in a lathe this size... but I've missed the point of things before lol

    Are you saying if you turn the power off when the lever is ON it will restart when the power is turned back on?
    Maybe they saved some money by leaving a third contactor out but I would have thought you would need at least two contactors?

    3. thats how mine works.

    Does the manual have a wiring diagram?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    If it helps on my AL320G the E-stop button has a stop and start switch under the cover. Powering off the lathe at the powerpoint requires you to press the go button in the E-Stop button which sounds like how yours is going to be.

    Personally, I think it is good to have switches mounted low. That is where my last lathe had its switch, now the AL320G has the switches on top so I have to reach over the chuck to stop it. I think the lower switches are therefore safer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Melbourne - Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Stustoys View Post
    Hi John,

    Are you saying if you turn the power off when the lever is ON it will restart when the power is turned back on?
    Maybe they saved some money by leaving a third contactor out but I would have thought you would need at least two contactors?

    Does the manual have a wiring diagram?

    Yes, with the AL960B, when it's running and you turn the power off and back on it will restart if the lever is on.
    So you always need to check that the lever is off, which you probably should anyway.
    This lathe has no contactors or no controls, the only switch is the lever.
    The wiring diagram in the manual shows contactors, lamps, reset button etc. But the manual is crap.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Is it a cap star motor?


  6. #6
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    Melbourne - Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Stustoys View Post
    Is it a cap star motor?

    Yes, single phase, 1.5kW.

    I also found out from someone at Hare & Forbes that for some customers they have changed the lever switch on these lathes. They replace it with one with a NC contact in the off position. This NC contact is then used in the control on circuit so the machine can only be powered on when the lever is in the off position.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    Hi John,
    I don't know how to reverse a cap start motor without at least a 3 pole switch/contactor(and even that might not be a good idea, 4 would normal).
    The wiring diagram will show the machine with every option. Though no work light is starting to make me wonder. Post a scan anyway if you can.
    Does the chuck guard have a interlock on it?

    No electrical cabinet on the back of the headstock?


  8. #8
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    Melbourne - Australia


    No electrical controls, just the junction box on the motor with a "pop-up" circuit breaker.
    The lever switch is a cam switch, fwd - off - rev, similar to the Kraus-Naimer or Moeller ones.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Melbourne - Australia

    Default AL960B Lathe controls

    I have installed and wired the emergency stop and illuminated power on button to my AL960 lathe.
    At least now I don't have to switch it off at the power point.
    See pictures.


    I will also add a limit-switch to the lever switch, so power on will only be possible when the lever switch is in the off position.
    I will post the circuit diagram when it is finished.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Nice work JVB!

    I was looking at doing the same think with my 960. I remember looking at it and thinking 'why did they not put an E Stop there?' It didn't cross my mind that their was enough room behind your switches to house the mec and wiring!

    I will be doing the exact same same thing! Were their any issues in pulling the cover plates off and drilling the holes? I have not taken mine off yet.

  11. #11
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    Melbourne - Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Dono View Post
    Nice work JVB!

    I was looking at doing the same think with my 960. I remember looking at it and thinking 'why did they not put an E Stop there?' It didn't cross my mind that their was enough room behind your switches to house the mec and wiring!

    I will be doing the exact same same thing! Were their any issues in pulling the cover plates off and drilling the holes? I have not taken mine off yet.
    There is (just) enough room behind the plate. Removing the plate is easy. I'll take some photos of the inside. Just remember to double check and then check again before you drill the holes. I used a 22.5mm holesaw, standard size for pushbuttons and pilot lights.
    I'll also finish the circuit diagram and post it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Melbourne - Australia

    Default AL960B controls circuit diagram

    Below is the circuit diagram for the controls as installed on my AL960B.
    Please note that even though the lathe has a lead and plug, in Victoria it is considered to be "fixed" equipment. As per "the Act" all electrical work has to be carried out by a licensed electrical worker. Not sure about the legislation in other states.
    Drawing size is A3.
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Thanks JVB,
    I will go over the diagram this arvo!
    I'm pretty sure the rules are the same over the states, no 240v play time for the "un washed masses".

    It's not such a bad rule really. Their is so little room for error with it. It's not just the kill yourself shock and increased fire hazard, people always want more power points and it's easy to overload a circuit. The next electrician has to sort it all out. A lot of places I worked on in the past still do not have RCD's and we still come across the old fuse wire breakers.
    Plug based 12v kits are allowed here in NSW though.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Melbourne - Australia

    Default More photos

    I've been asked to provide some more detailed photos of this mod.
    I haven't put the limit switch on the lever yet, but this may get me to act on this in the near future.
    The photos show:
    1. Junction box with motor contactor and MCB.
    2. Original power lead in to junction box.
    3. New power lead in to junction box.
    4. Wires are 2.5mm2 flex.
    5. Wires from the E-stop and on pushbutton, 1.5mm2 flex (2A MCB for controls).
    6. Junction box is mounted on LHS of the lathe.
    7. Wires to the E-stop etc, just run through a gap under the panel.
    8. I've used spiral wrap on these wires, probably better to put them in a flexible conduit.


    Any questions just ask.
    The circuit diagrams is posted somewhere above.
    I'll try to get around to putting a limit switch on sometime this winter.

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