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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default South Perth Mens Shed.

    Just wanted to say that I joined the South Perth Mens shed today. I've looked around and a few Men's sheds and they all had their +/- but this one has the advantage of literally being 5 minutes away from home.

    They are currently operating out of the Como SHS manual arts centre one morning and one afternoon a week until their new shed is constructed at a seniors centre in Manning. Right now they are collecting tools and machinery which are all crammed into a couple of single garages garages. So far they have 3 WW lathes, a couple of thicknessers, a TS and pile of Triton gear and a planer, a scroll saw, a SCMS and a few other bits and pieces. The recently got a heap of hand tools from one of the prisons (It was interesting to see how unused the files were ) - It's all old stuff and needs sorting out and there is nowhere really to put it.

    Today I helped make some shelves for a prototype "peoples public library". This is were books with embedded chips in them are just left in public locations like bus stops and shopping centres and people can take them and return them when ever they like. I'm not quite sure how this stops them from getting totally nicked.

    I like working alone in my own shed and I don't really need another activity but SWMBO likes it because it gets me out and about and I though I could at least help out. The guys are a good bunch of blokes so if you are living near the area and are interested and want more info or an an introduction I am happy to do so.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    BELL POST HILL, 3215

    Default The Sheds.

    Hi BobL,
    Glad to hear you have joined up with a Shed.
    There are a lot of Chaps that need a hand from Experienced People like Yourself.

    We had a great deal of Luck a fortnight ago, for " The Geelong Comm. Mens Shed ". Vic.
    My wife & I went to see this lady whose Hubby had left 5 yrs. ago, for that Great Place up there.

    Come into the Garage. All of that stuff you can have for your Mens Shed.
    The Best bit was, A 1950's, 3ft. all up Metal Lathe by Myford, most likely an M7, & in good Nick.

    Thought She had wanted to sell it, but no, it was to be Ours.
    Many Many hand tools, a Router, Scroll Saw, 7¼in. Saw, Spanners galore & the list goes on.

    We are very Grateful to this Lady, & when the Lathe is cleaned up, we are going to pick her up & have her sit with us for a Cuppa & Bikkies, & Show off her Lathe.

    It is amazing the amount of Donations The Sheds receive, from all walks of Life.
    Have Lathe, Wood Travel.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Although I'm attending mainly to help there are at least 4 ex-manual arts teacher members so I'm hoping to pick up quite a few pointers myself.

    Good score on the tools isa'

    Quote Originally Posted by issatree View Post
    We are very Grateful to this Lady, & when the Lathe is cleaned up, we are going to pick her up & have her sit with us for a Cuppa & Bikkies, & Show off her Lathe.
    Might be good if some of the blokes were to whip up a nick-nack from it and present it to her when you invite her in.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    We are reviewing our fees and charges for our next budget and are interested to see what other mens sheds charge per year/day/attendance, morning T etc.
    If you don't wish to post here a PM would be much appreciated. Yes I could dig out the email addresses and email a bunch of men's sheds but I thought this might get a wider response.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    BELL POST HILL, 3215

    Default Our Shed.

    Hi BobL,
    Very surprising, that we are in one of the most Disadvantaged Areas in Geelong, & we only have a couple of Chaps from this area. Not sure what the Problem is.
    We ask $25 per year, but at this time we are only open Wed. 9am. to 4pm. We don't charge for Tea or Coffee. Bikkies are only there if someone brings them.
    I know some of the other Sheds ask a lot more, & charge for a Cuppa & Bikkies.
    Some of us may take Scones or a Sponge or similar, & we are a happy bunch of approx. 28, but only get 13 - 19 Attendees.
    There are 15 / 16 Sheds in Our Area, & they have a Cluster Meeting every few months, to work out any Problems. Starting a little to Political for my liking.
    We got rid of OH&S, & have in place Duty Of Care.
    Have Lathe, Wood Travel.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Just a note to say that the new building for the South Perth Mens Shed has commenced.
    The location is next to the Manning Senior Citizens centre (corner of Downey and Ley St) just off Manning Road in Manning.
    The workshop area is quite modest (14 x 7 m) but we do have a 6+ x 3 m store, office, kitchen and bathroom plus access to a bus garage as a mobile work are.
    Meanwhile we are still operating out of the Como SHS manual arts centre and new members are welcome.
    Feel free to rock up at any time to meet the guys but if you need a personal intro or would me to show you around just send me a PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Perth Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    Just a note to say that the new building for the South Perth Mens Shed has commenced.
    The location is next to the Manning Senior Citizens centre (corner of Downey and Ley St) just off Manning Road in Manning.
    The workshop area is quite modest (14 x 7 m) but we do have a 6+ x 3 m store, office, kitchen and bathroom plus access to a bus garage as a mobile work are.
    Meanwhile we are still operating out of the Como SHS manual arts centre and new members are welcome.
    Feel free to rock up at any time to meet the guys but if you need a personal intro or would me to show you around just send me a PM.
    Days and times of opening?????
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Template Tom View Post
    Days and times of opening?????
    Sorry about that.

    Mondays 12:30 till 4 pm
    Fridays 9:30am till 12:30
    Hours are restricted because we are operating out of a school (Como SHS) environment.
    Once we get our own place the hours will be significantly extended.

    Also there is requirement for all visitors (and Shed members) to check into and sign off at the School Admin.
    They bring either you down to the Shed or get someone to come up to meet you.
    If you want I can meet anyone that is interested in a visit.
    PM me if you wish

    If you come by yourself ask for Ron (Shed Coordinator) or me.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007
    North of the coathanger, Sydney


    Interesting my SWMBO wanted me to go to the local mens shed - said I needed someone to talk to rather than the radio

    We've just upped our yearly rates to cover insurance and is now $50 per year
    we also throw in a gold coin each visit to cover tea and biccies etc
    opens three days per week 10 - 3
    interesting bunch of chaps with skills from non existent to pretty good
    veni, vidi,
    Without wood it's just ...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Sawdust Maker View Post
    Interesting my SWMBO wanted me to go to the local mens shed - said I needed someone to talk to rather than the radio
    It takes me forever to get anything done at the Mens Shed. Can't find the tool, when you find it it needs attention, get distracted and start talking with one of the blokes etc etc.
    Then again, productivity is a secondary aim and the first one is social so that's OK then.

    One of the blokes at the shed gave me a small Honda Genset today - said he was cleaning up and didn't need it. 10 Years old, hardly been used - perfect to run the fridge on the camper if we go off road.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    One of the blokes at the shed gave me a small Honda Genset today - said he was cleaning up and didn't need it. 10 Years old, hardly been used - perfect to run the fridge on the camper if we go off road.
    Thats a nice gesture Bob,they come in handy here in the west with the intermittent power disruptions this time of the year.So are handy at home as well we needed ours the other night ,wife gets nervous with any power outages regarding large freezers !


    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by John Saxton View Post
    Thats a nice gesture Bob,they come in handy here in the west with the intermittent power disruptions this time of the year.So are handy at home as well we needed ours the other night ,wife gets nervous with any power outages regarding large freezers !

    Yes there is a good spirit of friendliness and sharing at the shed and good point about the freezer.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Any idea when the Manning premises will open Bob? I can't get there with the current opening hours.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by bookend View Post
    Any idea when the Manning premises will open Bob? I can't get there with the current opening hours.
    Completion date is said to be sometime in Nov.

    What times would suit you?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008
    BELL POST HILL, 3215

    Default Our Dust Extractor.

    Hi to all & BobL, Bob I showed our Shed Boys your writings of how a D E System should work, as it woodn't with 4in. tubing. So now we have 8in Steel down to 4in pieces on the angle to go to different machines. The weak part is we are using Vac. Hose, & it is to weak for suction. Went out Fri. 75mm. piece Flex. Tubing 5M. long $16 a M. = $80, & we meed 2 pieces. Don't think the Boys will come at that. Thank you for all your knowledge, as we put it to great use.
    Have Lathe, Wood Travel.

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