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8th June 2009, 11:24 AM #1Luthier/Sawmiller
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G'day Sounds a bit funny with my California Accent so
I'll start with - "Howdy". Los Angeles ex-pat (married to a gal from Mildura) and now living on the NW Coast of Tassie. Hack luthier and long-time Craftsman/Mission-style furniture builder joining the Forum to have a squiz and to connect to like minded folks.
I work milling Tasmanian specialty timbers (Blackwood, Myrtle, Sassafras, Leatherwood, etc.) and spend the weekends doing a radio show and mucking about in the shed. It's QE2's Birthday celebration-excuse-for-a-day-off, so we figured we'd introduce ourselves.
KLast edited by highfieldtonewerks; 8th June 2009 at 11:26 AM. Reason: spelling error
8th June 2009, 12:39 PM #2SENIOR MEMBER
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You and your 'gal' ended up in a beautiful part of the world, from what we are told, Jack, and welcome.
8th June 2009, 12:51 PM #3Luthier/Sawmiller
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Ta from the NW
Thanks for rolling out the Welcome Wagon Ol' Cocky and you are correct IMHO: This is one of the prettiest places in the world..
As a former winemaker, I have had occassion to work in many beautiful places but NW Tassie does it for us. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend, ay?
Cheers and thanks again,
8th June 2009, 03:57 PM #4
Howdy to you too and welcome to the forum. Been to Tassie a few times. Spent 6 months there a long time ago. Beautiful part of the world.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John
8th June 2009, 07:53 PM #5Luthier/Sawmiller
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Mun - Thanks for the kind words. Hope you are not under water up there in the tropics.
9th June 2009, 05:37 AM #6
Welcome to the forum.
Nah does not sound funny. Just keep saying G'day and your sure to fit in no matter what accent.
To me Howdy sound like someones name.
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