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14th July 2009, 04:10 PM #1
Sharpening and Plane Tuning Workshop - TTTG Sydney
Sharpening and Plane Tuning Workshop
Sunday, 26 July 2009
When: 9.30am to 3.30pm
Where: Asquith Boys High School, Jersey Road, Asquith.
Find out what sharp means and how to do it with chisels, plane blades, all woodworking edge tools, dry grinding, honing, water stones, ceramics and oil stones.
That blunt tool will end the day so sharp the wood will run away in terror!
Sharpening blades, chisels etc is a continuing issue for beginning tool users and seasoned tradesmen alike. The workshop is designed to provide you with guidance on sharpening techniques, and the opportunity to go "hands-on" for a wide range of tools and sharpening approaches.
Sharpening expert Jim Davey leads this workshop.
Cost: $20 for financial TTTG members or $40 for non members.
For more information go to
Peter Evans
TTTG Committee
25th July 2009, 02:34 PM #2
Hock blade will be the lucky attendees prize
Professional Woodworkers Supplies have kindly donated a Hock blade (for a #4/5 plane), another good reason for not missing this great workshop. The main attraction of course is Jim Davey, the guru of sharpening in this part of the world.
Peter Evans
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