Hello guys,

I am new here and I wish I knew this forum before.
I really need some opinion and help from the expert here.
The simple story is: I hired painter and don't like his work because of roller mark and brush mark seeing and then I let him tried another wall and still no good. Then I told him just don't worry about coming again and I just pay him 5 days of total 4 and half days that he already spent. But he wants the whole money of $2700. The job only completed about 30%. I offered him $250 per day times 5 so total $1250. I got this rate by calling a few painters in the local paper. Then he not happy and went ballistic. He was throwing his bucket and brush in front of me, swearing to me, threatened me, and then drove off speeding and screeching tyres. Next day he came back and pretended as if nothing happened. Then i told him to collect his stuff and leave. And he still didn't want to leave until I had to call police and took them 1 hour to get him out of my property. It's been a week now and he hasn't call me, but he said back then that he is going to sue me etc etc.
So I am confused. What is the law here? I think I am pretty fair that I am willing to pay for his work that he's done and still have to fix it. I have pictures of how bad the wall is.
Please help.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...