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Thread: Sciatica!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs down Sciatica!

    I must have killed a Chinaman!!

    Just as I was ready to really rumble I have been cursed with sciatica!!!
    I have been in pretty well constant pain for over a fortnight despite several visits to a chiropractor.

    I get some relief by lying on the floor, flat on my back with my legs on the lounge chair,
    or by sitting in the car!!! The car seat seems to be just the right shape. Surprisingly some
    types of work also help. For instance, yesterday I cleaned the floor and found that being
    on my hands and knees was good for me!!!

    My main problem is not getting good restful sleep. I'm exhausted!

    I am seeing a different bone cracker on Tuesday. I fshe can't fix me I don't know what I will do.
    I don't want surgery but I may have no other option.

    How many other members have had this problem?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Sciatica nerve pain, sounds to me Art, you have a disc problem which pushes/squashes a nerve.
    GO SEE A GP, forget all these second rate chiros, osteos.
    Your GP should refer you to a specialist who in turn will get CT scans and MRI's.
    As I said in your previous thread get someone at the Mater and use their MRI etc free of charge on sunday.
    DO IT.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Maryborough, QLD


    I have been through this myself. Like has been said, go see your GP and get a referral to an orthopaedic specialist. My issue was the discs were squashed and putting pressure on the spinal cord causing the sciatica. I had previously had every manipulation known to man and only ever got temporary relief. Bowen therapy worked best for me but getting long term relief is not likely without surgery.

    My first surgery was to trim the protruding discs and scrape out a larger cavity for the spinal cord. This worked for about 12 months and then the problem returned. Next came the removal of the discs and the insertion of metal cages and the vertebrae isolated with plates and screws. The sciatica has been cured but I'm not pain free. My lower back pain is now at the point that I need morphine to cope day to day. This is not where you want to end up, believe me on this.

    I know first hand how painful sciatica is but, the cure may turn out to be worse than the original problem. I made the mistake of having surgery without enough consultations from different specialists and I'm now paying the price. Surgery is now quite different to when I had mine done in 2006. Most often now they can do it through the stomach laparoscopically and this cuts down on the creation of scar tissue and recovery time compared to when entry is from the back.

    Whatever you do just make sure you get plenty of expert opinions first. I'm about to see a surgeon in Bundaberg in the next few weeks to see if there is anything that can be done in my situation. I'll probably also end up going to see others in Brisbane or Sydney too.


  4. #4
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    I have known for many years that I have stenosois and the x-rays ordered
    by the bone cracker now show a fairly severe scoliosis in the lumbar region.

    By chance I was talking to a fellow who had a laminectomy done just on two
    weeks ago. He said that one problem seems to have been fixed and another
    has arisen. He's not sure the op was worth it.

    I have researched this on the internet and the prospect of surgery worries the
    crap out of me. There are new procedures and devices available in the States
    but I don't know if they are available here. they seem to be far better, in theory,
    than everything I have heard of here.

    I am going to see a different chiropractor in the same practice
    on Tuesday. She sorted out my wife's sciatica so I am hoping she can do the
    same for me. If not I will then see what the medical doctors have to say.

  5. #5
    Adynaton's Avatar
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    Default Physiotherapists


    I have used a physio for my sciatica and back pain.

    I have had bulging discs and currently have been told never to let a chiropractor or osteo try and work on them as if they do the wrong thing it will be paralysis from the neck down. [personally I would prefer death to paralysis]

    By continuously doing the exercises from the physio over a period of time, I am reducing the bulge in the disc and bringing it back to normal. It is slow and I don't know if I will ever live long enough to make it back to normal [in more ways than one lol]

    My understanding is that ... if it is slow and steady it works better than trying to pull it back quickly. It takes time for the muscles, tendons etc etc to move back to their original places.

    Incidentally the physio has suggested that I get on my hands and knees as this position will help manoeuvre the disc back into position by gravity, as part of my regualr exercise program. No good for the neck but ok for the lower back


  6. #6
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    Well I have visited the new Chiro and things are certainly better, but I think this is the result
    my several visits to the first one and one Remedial massage.

    Today I have been almost pain free for the first time in a fortnight.

    I don't expect sudden or immediate results. I know they can be counter productive.All of my
    treatments this time have been gentle affairs and it has worked!!

    I have been visiting physios. and chiros for years and I find that the best of either practitioners
    to be as good as the other. Operations on the back are a last resort option in my opinion as I
    have seen too many failures and very few successes.

    I will restart my exercise program when given the say so and I am going to retrieve my fit ball to
    use as a seat.

    Ady, I have found that working on my hands and knees has been beneficial, as has been working
    under the house in confined spaces where I had to squat.

    From now on I will always clean the floor on my hands and knees!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    My best result was from seeing a Sports specific Physio with my back troubles = sciatica, bulged discs and slight compression of the spine from being hit by a truck on my treadly when I was 21yrs old. He did manipulation and acupuncture and I did exercises. Went from 1-1&1/2 sheets of painkillers a day to only a couple per month.

    Sciatica/back pain wears you down over time!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Foo View Post

    Sciatica/back pain wears you down over time!

    Soooo true ...MM

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Riverhills, Brisbane


    I had it just once...could not believe how painful it was. Mine was caused when I tried to stop a cupboard, that I made, from falling off a ute. Turns out I turned my leg when I grabbed the cupboard and my hip slightly moved out of it's correct position which put pressure on the sciatic nerve. Trip to the Physio and it was fixed in 1 session. After a couple of questions and testing the movement of my ankles when doing a sit up, they found the problem.

    I held the top of the couch and they pulled on my ankles and the hip "popped" back into correct alignment....I'm with Foo...go see a Sports Physio.

  10. #10
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    OK Skot you were fortunate to have your problem cured so quickly and well.

    I had X-rys done that showed my lower spine and pelvis to be in bad shape.
    The pelvis was twisted down and forward to the left while the lower few vertebra
    of the spine were twisted in the opposite direction. I had a severe local scoliosis
    in this area as a result.

    So far i have had5 visits to the chiros - 2 different ones in the same practice - and one
    visit to a remedial massage therapist. All of this treatment has been gentle and persuasive.
    Everything is coming back to where it should be!! Today after the chiro treatment I was
    told to take it easy for the day. This I did and today i have been almost totally pain free for
    most of the day. The pain I have had has been very low level and for only short periods.

    All of this, because of private insurance has cost me very little.

    I intend to get into the shed again tomorrow but pace my self. I am going to the chiro again
    on Friday and i hope this will be the last visit.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Thumbs down

    Avoid surgery long as possible and make a sure two dr agree I was a case one said yep it be fixable another said he wouldn't touch it. Well the pain was that bad ongoing a year, I took the one with promise now I know a whole new level of pain. Legs .lock, I live with a condition they call suicide disease because my whole right side has had petrol poured on and set a light and no dr can find how to put me out. So yes do your research about surgery. Not trying to scare you but to make you aware. We only have one spine I am permanent ally on heavy medication. Just to sort of live

  12. #12
    crowie's Avatar
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    G'Day Arthur, Sorry to hear this and as you just when you were returning to shed time.
    I had to look it up on wikipedia to know the issue, ....
    Sure hope you are in the weeks and not months of recovery camp as that shed is getting lonely..
    Plus I hope it's heaps better for your trip south!!
    Cheers, crowie

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Townsville, Tropical North Qld.


    Quote Originally Posted by Foo View Post
    Sciatica/back pain wears you down over time! Foo
    If you haven't had this pain it's hard to describe how low you can go
    I had it for years after rupturing a disc and having a GP treat me instead o f referring me to someone who had a clue. By the time I saw a specialist the damage was done. Saw many chiro's, then acupuncture and back to chiro's ad nauseum until an old ex ambo turned chiro gave me two treatments and I have never had a problem since. He wasn't after repeat business as some were/are.
    The biggest secret he gave me was to start hanging from a bar so my back was stretched by gravity (no good for necks) and do this for a short period daily and steadily increase the time. The bar should only be just enough to get you off the ground, you don't want to be dropping down and hurting yourself more, gently gently. I started at 30sec and only went up to a few minutes before I found the relief that had eluded me for 20 years. I haven't been near anyone for back/sciatic pain since. My back is still in poor shape and I don't lift anything heavy but I have no pain.
    This may not be a miracle cure for everyone or anyone but it's free and if it doesn't work nothing is lost.

    The one caveat I would use is, if it hurts to do this stop. If unsure seek advice first.

    Cheers, Ian

    "The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot.. it can't be done.
    If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to add something for the risk you run.
    And if you do that, you will have enough to pay for something better"

  14. #14
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    Well folks since the Chiro and remedial massage I have had a really good run.

    I still get the odd twinge but i am sleeping without pain and I am careful about what I do in terms of the lower back.

    It's good to hear from you Toni!! I am sorry to hear that you are no better in terms of pain and I can offer you nothing but sympathy and the hope that you find a cure.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    When I have back pain I lay on the floor, on my back, and pull my knees into my chest. I wrap my arms around my knees and pull gently and hold. Then when possible pull a little harder. I find by doing this as soon a I get pain, it stretches my back and leg muscles and I get good relief and results.
    It works for me. It may work for you.
    Hope it helps someone.
    regards Ned

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