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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Dog injury while using exercise bike.

    I was given an old, very rusty, exercise bike by the mens shed. During part of the de-rusting process I removed part of the wheel guards and remember reading a note printed on the guards - "Bike must not be used without guards" but the cooling gale delivered without the guards far surpassed the faint breeze delivered with the guards on, so I left them off.

    While using the exercise bike on the front veranda our two border colliers think it's play time. I place a stool alongside the bike, the dogs place a ball on the stool within my reach and I then throw the ball. They both chase the ball, have an argument over who's ball it is, and then bring it back and place it on the stool.

    The veranda is slightly sloped so the ball sometimes rolls of the stool under the exercise bike and the "Super Eager Beaver" dog (Skye) sticks her paw or head under the turning pedals/chain/sprockets etc to grab the ball. She has copped more than one clock on the head from the turning pedals which doesn't seem to phase her at all.

    Last Tuesday she stuck her head so far under the bike to get the ball that her neck behind the ear came into contact with and stopped the fast turning wheel. There was a small "yelp" and I back peddled so shed could free herself but there appeared to be nothing wrong and so we kept playing. 24 hours later while brushing Skye's coat I noticed a golf ball size lump of bloodied matted hair behind her ear and a small wound about 10 mm wide alongside the ball. It looked like a bite but I was pretty certain it resulted from the contact with the wheel.

    Off to the vet again and to cut to the chase there turned out to be a ragged 50 mm long wound under the clot so half a dozen stitches and $800 later she's back to playing again but have moved the stool to the other side so the ball rolls off away from the bike.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Strathalbyn South Australia


    Sounds like an expensive free exercise bike there Bob! Hope she is healing well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Rockhampton QLD


    Heck those freebies can mount up.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Cal View Post
    Sounds like an expensive free exercise bike there Bob! Hope she is healing well.
    Yeah she's fine - still chasing the ball like it's the last ball on earth.

    This is my third exercise bike.

    The first one was a freeby from a relative and they picked it up from the side of the road. Used it for many years and finally broke it and rewarded a couple of the joints, finally some other welds broke and it ended up in pieces back on the side of the road.

    The second one was another freeby from relatives and unbeknownst to me it was a real pro unit and thought about putting it on the side of the road when I bought a rowing machine. Before I did that I checked out what it was worth and found out new it was over $1k. On GT used models of the same bike were being advertised for $500 and refurbished units on sports equipment sites were as much as $650. I sold it for $400 and gave half to the relative who initially gave it to me.

    When I got the freebie from the mens shed I thought I was well in front!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Murray Bridge SA


    Don't know if it helps or not but our Vet gives Pensioner Discounts, won't hurt to ask?
    To grow old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by KBs PensNmore View Post
    Don't know if it helps or not but our Vet gives Pensioner Discounts, won't hurt to ask?
    We're on a "wellness plan" with these dogs so we payed $660 of the $800+ bill.
    The medications, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic cost $87.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    back in Alberta for a while


    Hi Bob,
    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    I was given an old, very rusty, exercise bike by the mens shed. During part of the de-rusting process I removed part of the wheel guards and remember reading a note printed on the guards - "Bike must not be used without guards" but the cooling gale delivered without the guards far surpassed the faint breeze delivered with the guards on, so I left them off.
    a bit ironic, given some of your other posts
    regards from Alberta, Canada


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    Hi Bob,
    a bit ironic, given some of your other posts
    Sure is.

    Interestingly the dogs played quite vigorously for up to 30 minutes around the older exercise bikes with nothing more that an occasional clout on the head from a moving pedal. Those older bikes had totally exposed wheels/chains and sprockets ie no guards whatsoever, whereas I only removed ~ 1/8 of the guard on the latest exercise bike. Just goes to show that you might be safe enough without even a small amount of guard removed but that doesn't necessarily apply to others.

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