Dear Chaps,

Looks like I've just "cooked" another cotton pickin' Nelson PIR-activated Double Floodlight - and this time it was one of the more-expensive white weather-resistant models. I must have done it when I put the house's Light-Circuit fuse back in after a little bit of fiddling with a light-switch in the Bedroom. Now, the Nelson just wont go off again after the prescribed minute or so of "Warm-Up" time, following which it is supposed to go into PIR-triggered "Auto" mode. The darn things are so touchy!...:(

I've tried everything to "unconfuse" it again - I'm sure some of you know the drill :-; off, on, off, on, off, and so on, etc, but nothing has worked :((. So I'm going to have to replace it, but I don't want to put another Nelson back in if there's something else out there that's less susceptible to "spike" damage...

I don't know what's on the shelf at the BigB, but there's an "Ideal", a "John Turk", and a "Haymans" within reasonable distance from me as well.

So, any suggestions Chaps? :?

Best Wishes,

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