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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria

    Default THIS IS IT! Cubism Competition 2022

    I have been asked to post this by the competition organises.
    Below is what Paul has put together for the competition.

    (This is the event of the year for which you have all been waiting. It is an event for Forum members and in many regards it has been modelled on the very successful Plane Challenge that was run last year on this Forum. Our thanks go to the judges and organisers of that challenge as they put in much hard ground work

    There are two categories: For the first category your finished work must be able to fit inside a 250mm cube (that's 9.84") and for the second category it must be able to fit inside a 500mm cube (19.69"). It must be comprised primarily of wood and we are setting the wood component at an 80% minimum. This is to allow fixtures, fittings or other decoration that may be made of another material (probably, but not exclusively, metal). We realise that this is potentially a vague figure and have not stipulated whether it is by volume or weight. This is deliberate as we expect entrants to abide by the spirit of the contest rather than test the boundaries. You can put that down to the judge's youthful naivety. However the two cube sizes are rigid. If there are any concerns about acceptable content it should be raised when your individual project is announced and the judges will advise accordingly. Be assured we are not here to wield the axe: However we wish to head off any disappointment at the start: Not when you have nearly finished your work.

    To enter you should start your own thread in this new sub section of the Forum. It will be titled "Cubism Competition 2022 - Forum name". Your intended project, the development and progress should be documented as you go as this will comprise part of the competition. We are looking for enthusiasm more than literary excellence so do not be daunted by posting even if you have not been a regular contributor. A clue here is that we love to see photographs.

    The judges will be particularly looking for the following in your work:

    1. Level of difficulty in the project
    2. Quality of the work
    3. Process description
    4. Overall Appeal (this could be innovation or just what the talent shows call a "wow" or "X" factor)

    The starting date for the competition is 15th April 2022. The last date for entries is 27 October 2022 and all finished work must be entered in the completed thread (more about this in a moment) by 27 November 2022. It is hoped that results will be posted in the first two weeks of December.

    When you have finished your project and are ready for it to be judged you will need to enter it in the" Ready for Judging" thread together with at least ten pictures and a description of the work in not more than 500 words. Your entry can be placed in this new thread, which we still have to create. It does not matter when you do this providing it is before the closing date (27 November 2022).

    So what's in it for the contestants? Well, we would like to think that participating is enough in itself, but to add a little spice U-Beaut has donated a $100 gift voucher and $50 voucher for their products and a copy of "A Polishers Handbook" (maybe personally signed by the author himself)

    There may also be more prizes to come, but no promises just yet.

    So that's it. At the very least you get to participate and enjoy the camaraderie of like minded people, you will certainly have an object you have created yourself and you never know., at best you could come out of this with a gift voucher, a handbook or something else.

    One last request, and this is based on our experience from the Plane Challenge, is to keep the banter on this particular thread down: It is the second most serious thread of this Cubism Competition (the most serious is when you submit your entry ready for judging). We feel sure you will have ample opportunity in the progress threads to make the occasional comment that may be amusing. As with the Plane Challenge, if you have general questions feel free to ask them here. Questions specific to your project should be reserved for your own thread.

    Go for it!
    to enter the challenge
    by starting your own thread
    Last edited by ubeaut; 13th May 2022 at 01:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    This is it folks, we are up an running, thanks Neil, thanks Paul, and thank you Bob.

    Game on, let’s see your best work.

    Cheers Matt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    To participate in the competition, all you have to do is start a new thread in this section titled (I will do an example as if it were for myself):

    Cubism Competition 2022 - Bushmiller.

    It is as easy as that.
    to enter the challenge
    by starting your own thread

    Our thanks go to Neil both for the prizes and facilitating the process on the Forum. Remember that any general questions can be raised in this thread.

    Go for it and good luck.

    Last edited by ubeaut; 13th May 2022 at 01:10 PM.

    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I've been asked to remind and rev the punters up to join in the comp, so


    So don't be shy - get into it . . . .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Adelaide - outer south


    I suspect that many people are still trying to decide on a project before posting. Some things might be easy to change direction on but since we will probably put some serious effort into this exercise we won't want to take too many steps backward.

    In the meantime there is something that could be clarified. My possible project list includes a set of items and it occurred to me that there may be limits on this. My assumption is that related items would be acceptable as long as they all fit within the cube at the same time.
    Examples of related items are- set of moulding planes (similar design and timber)
    - set of canisters (maybe same design and different timbers, or different sizes)
    - 3 ducks to hang on the wall (for those who are into 70's decor )
    Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

    So then the question is: are multiple non related items acceptable if they all fit in the cube at the same time?
    An example of unrelated items is a mallet, a turned bowl and a jewellery box.
    (Someone will probably post a reason why these items are related but I think we can just ignore them).
    On this one I'd guess this would not be accepted - is this the case?
    Cheers, Bob the labrat

    Measure once and.... the phone rings!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by labr@ View Post
    I suspect that many people are still trying to decide on a project before posting. Some things might be easy to change direction on but since we will probably put some serious effort into this exercise we won't want to take too many steps backward.

    In the meantime there is something that could be clarified. My possible project list includes a set of items and it occurred to me that there may be limits on this. My assumption is that related items would be acceptable as long as they all fit within the cube at the same time.
    Examples of related items are- set of moulding planes (similar design and timber)
    - set of canisters (maybe same design and different timbers, or different sizes)
    - 3 ducks to hang on the wall (for those who are into 70's decor )
    Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

    So then the question is: are multiple non related items acceptable if they all fit in the cube at the same time?
    An example of unrelated items is a mallet, a turned bowl and a jewellery box.
    (Someone will probably post a reason why these items are related but I think we can just ignore them).
    On this one I'd guess this would not be accepted - is this the case?

    The Judges would except say a matching set of planes, if they were for instance a Tongue an groove set.
    If you were to submit say a turned item, an a carved spoon no we wouldn’t except that.

    Cheers Matt.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    At the time of posting we have three entries and it is great that those people have bit the bullet at this very early stage. We should emphasise that a dilemma as to the project is no problem at all. You could start with one and then change your mind: That is OK. The crunch comes when you submit your completed thread as that is what you will be judged on. If, as in Matt's previous post, you submit two items and they are not considered linked (a carved knife and fork comes to mind as an example of two different items that would be linked), you will just be asked to select one of the two items so that would arguably diminish your chances. However, it is probably best to ask for some judgement right at the outset if you think there may be an issue.

    The judges are here to praise you not to bury you. (Apologies for any perceived plagiarism)


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    West Gippsland, Vic

    Default Right said Fred!

    Hmmm ...A cube filled with cubes of diminishing size inside each other comes to mind.

    Cubism Competition 2022 - Shedhand
    If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Shedhand View Post
    Hmmm ...A cube filled with cubes of diminishing size inside each other comes to mind.

    Cubism Competition 2022 - Shedhand
    A "matryoshka" cube perhaps? Or certainly a boxed set. My recommendation: This is thinking "inside the cube." Run it past the judges .


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    As we come to the end of three Monday public holidays in a row (up here in QLD anyway) I thought it might be time to stir the pot a little and whip up some enthusiasm for the Cubism Competition. Three bold woodworkers have already commenced their projects and I know there is a heap more talent out there just itching to participate.

    I recounted in my mind when the Plane Challenge began that I was quite hesitant to compete: I was certainly short of time and, quite honestly, the last thing I needed was another project. You only had to ask SWMBO to assure yourself of that, but I thought "$#@!," I need to do something for myself: Something quite nonsensical because I really didn't need another plane. However, I realised that I wished to participate and be a part of the process. If you like I wished to "belong." I confess at the outset I thought I would make two planes so at least one of them would not come last!

    However, in the end I realised that if I hardly had time for one entry, I certainly did not have time for two entries. Of course, there was no "last" place and no, I didn't win either. The thing I got from my entry was my own development (at this early stage of my life) and watching similar processes evolve for the other participants. I found I had skills that had been deeply hidden and I was truly amazed at how other contestants developed too.

    So, to those of you who are a little reticent, I would urge you to take up this challenge as I think you will surprise yourselves as to what you get from it. Added to that, I and my two compatriot judges, are looking forward to seeing the entries as they come in, because with such a wide set of rules (well not unlimited width, so 250³mm or 500³mm ) regarding the project it will be most interesting.

    One other aspect I would mention is that the Forum as a whole benefits too. An active Forum is a healthy Forum that is there for the benefit of it's members as and when needed.

    Please feel free to ask any questions.


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria


    Just in case you missed it, or you start with latest post instead of first post here's where to go to enter.
    - - -
    to enter the challenge
    by starting your own thread

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    I never thought you folks would be interested in this cubism malarkey!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Tom trees View Post
    I never thought you folks would be interested in this cubism malarkey!

    Our interest is huge, but that one does not have quite enough trees in it!


    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    This competition started a little slowly, but the signs are that interest is building. Many of us were suffering from post covid-lockdown burnout. While the prime objective of the Cubism Competition is the competitive element, there is also another important factor and that is the journey. The journey comprises many aspects and from the outset we have encouraged participants to document their process. This inevitably revolves significantly around pix, but also descriptions.

    We don't mind at all if you are not a scribe as we are looking for enthusiasm more than literary skills. We want to see the failures, the experiments and the prototypes as well as the successes as this is all part of the learning curve: The Forum itself is a place for sharing and learning and we think it is one of the Forum's strengths that we derive knowledge and skill this way.

    So, apologies for the lengthy preamble, but to encourage this aspect we are offering a small, intermediate incentive of two prizes, not for the best result, but for the best documented description of your entry. These two prizes are quite independent of the final results. One prize will be for the best documentation up until 31 August and another prize is for the best documentation up until 31 October. Now these documentations do not have to feature a completed article, but you won't be able to win this twice. Neither will these intermediate prizes be any guarantee of ultimate sucess, although a good documentation will be well received in the final judging.

    The prizes are handmade pens donated by CraftySally, who we thank very much for her generosity.

    he prize offered for the best documentation up until 31 August is a Cigar Chrome pen in Swamp Karri estimated to be 6000 years old (to be confirmed. We are actively looking for a pre-historic person to verify ).

    IMG_0777 (Medium).jpgIMG_0781 (Medium).jpg

    The prize offered for the best documentation up until 31 October is a Sierra Chrome pen in Vine Tree estimated to be 60 years old (that's the wood, not the pen, also to be confirmed . )

    IMG_0775 (Medium).jpgIMG_0774 (Medium).jpg

    These are beautifully made pens almost certainly guaranteed to improve your writing skills and likely (but not guaranteed) to improve your attractiveness to the opposite sex.

    Contestants already participating are welcome to add more information in their threads if they wish and for new entrants, no more sitting on the fence, you know what you have to do: Go go go!



    "Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Armadale Perth WA


    Quote Originally Posted by Bushmiller View Post
    Cigar Chrome pen in Swamp Karri estimated to be 6000 years old (to be confirmed. We are actively looking for a pre-historic person to verify ).
    FWIW, what did IanW say about it, in the end?

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