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Thread: Is May too soon for BMGTG Mk 11?
24th March 2013, 08:13 PM #1
Is May too soon for BMGTG Mk 11?
Hey ah, what do you think of BMGTG Mk II in mid May? Is it a bit soon or not? There were quite a few that couldn't get here last time, and obviously it wouldn't be all the same people anyway.
I say mid May (say Sun 4th or 19th for argument's sake) because the two Maples in the back yard are absolutely pumping colour then - just beautiful. May doesn't have a great deal of rain on average either.
Waddyez tink?
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24th March 2013, 08:16 PM #2
Are you getting us to lay concrete or yellow tongue ? If yes then maybe its too soon.
24th March 2013, 09:06 PM #3
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24th March 2013, 09:33 PM #4
What a bunch of bloody suspicious buggers.
Look, there's going to be no concrete involved in the floor . In fact I'd really rather have it done before then anyway, it's only four sheets of yellow tongue, and Skew said he didn't mind if I sat down and smoked whilst supervising him. Might even be a beer involved.
BUT, now that you've so ingraciously mentioned it, it could be quite fun to see how quickly 50 competent forearms could get the job done.
We could run a book, you know 30 minutes, 60 minutes, how big the biggest cockup is, who was responsible for it. first to cockup; that kind of thing. Jeez, it almost sounds like I've thought that through , although of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
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24th March 2013, 10:55 PM #5
A very cunning plan indeed M'Lord. I dunno about Woodnut but I could take another drive. Need to look at a job up that way anyway
Might try and rope a couple of others in. May as well fill the car with able bodied work.........I mean woodwork enthusiasts.Those were the droids I was looking for.
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24th March 2013, 11:00 PM #6
Sounds like a great idea and I would be there BUT.......
- the Australian Government won't pay the ransom for the forums ANZAC biscuit container AND
- I think that it's Mothers Day (?) and I am doing the 8km run in Sydney!
The weekend after would win me ... and I could bring Ozhunter his chisel?
PS, just googled it and May 12 IS Mothers' Daya rock is an obsolete tool ......... until you don’t have a hammer!
24th March 2013, 11:13 PM #7
25th March 2013, 07:58 AM #8
25th March 2013, 08:22 AM #9
25th March 2013, 08:36 AM #10
25th March 2013, 01:33 PM #11
Mmmmm..................thinking, yeah why not?
26th March 2013, 09:44 AM #12