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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Armadale Perth WA

    Default When I was a boy ...

    1913, Texas.

    Workers in Miller & Vidor Lumber Co. Dangerous work. Charlie McBride said twelve years old. This twelve year old boy has a steady job. He takes the slabs out of the chute which has a moving endless chain to carry the wood up the chute. He passes the slabs on to the other boy who saws them on an inguarded [i.e., unguarded] circular saw. Charlie runs the saw himself whenever he gets the chance. He is exposed not only to the above dangers, but to the weather - no roof even. Has been here for some months. "Get four bits a day" (fifty cents). Works ten hours. This was the only mill that I found around Beaumont that employed boys likely because they are located some distance out of town. Location: Beaumont, Texas.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by pmcgee View Post
    1913, Texas.

    Workers in Miller & Vidor Lumber Co. Dangerous work. Charlie McBride said twelve years old. This twelve year old boy has a steady job. He takes the slabs out of the chute which has a moving endless chain to carry the wood up the chute. He passes the slabs on to the other boy who saws them on an inguarded [i.e., unguarded] circular saw. Charlie runs the saw himself whenever he gets the chance. He is exposed not only to the above dangers, but to the weather - no roof even. Has been here for some months. "Get four bits a day" (fifty cents). Works ten hours. This was the only mill that I found around Beaumont that employed boys likely because they are located some distance out of town. Location: Beaumont, Texas.
    I found this picture, and the text very moving, especially since Charlie and I share a Surname.
    Thanks for posting it!
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