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Thread: Telstra SUCKS
3rd July 2004, 08:35 PM #1
Telstra SUCKS
I won't go into the whole rant but...
In mid-April I ordered a telstra home isdn package with their special offer.
I am still waiting. So I asked some embarrassing questions of their countrywide manager by email and fax .. no phone calls for this little black duck or should I say, spiny anteater.
They are still stuffing around and refuse to guarantee they can provide a service that meets the standards laid down by the Australian Communication Authority.
Then I found out I am entitled to compensation, which is accruing at $40 per they must owe me more than a couple of grand.
Ho Ho... REVENGE IS SWEET and Hibis is coming..
3rd July 2004, 08:51 PM #2
I always spelled the spiny anteater as "echidna". As it is from an Aboriginal word, I imagine there might be more than one spelling. Is "echnidna" your local name for the little, prickly fella?
Whatever, more power to your elbow in the battle with Telstra. I thought about ISDN, as I am a million miles from real broadband. I decided that the hassle of getting it arranged with some nameless, faceless drongo 3000 ks away from here was not worth the gain.
It only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth.
3rd July 2004, 09:02 PM #3
Your spelling is correct, the first n in mine was originally a typo.
If you want broadband have a look at this press release, it names a couple of ISP's that can do it.,00.html