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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Exclamation Machinery Heads-up

    Hope I'm allowed to put this up here

    There's a stack of old machinery just listed on machines4u in Marylands, NSW: benchsaw, radial arm saw, jointer, thicknesser, moulder. All solid cast iron, 3-phase, working but in need of some cosmetic help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Australia.


    Nice one Elan !
    Fancy a road trip ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Hehe, nah. I'm heading to Perth on Sunday

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Australia.


    That's cool, judging by the price he's put on them they will be up there for some time.
    Have a good trip mate !

    Melbourne Matty.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canberra, ACT


    I'm picking up the Jeffwood thicknesser tomorrow - offered him half the listed price, figured worst he could say was no. Which he did, initially
    But seems he had a change of heart... hoping I won't be disappointed.
    I think, therefore I am... unable to get anything finished!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Australia.


    Well done Leanne !
    Great little thicknesser, there are some good posts on this forum on that Jeffwood thicknesser

    Melbourne Matty.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canberra, ACT


    Quote Originally Posted by L.S.Barker1970 View Post
    Great little thicknesser, there are some good posts on this forum on that Jeffwood thicknesser.
    Thanks - have been looking through those posts... may have a few more to add as time goes by.
    Was in good nick from what I could see. Ran some timber through before we loaded it and I was grinning like a cheshire cat
    Autofeed rollers will need a bit of adjusting, they didn't move the timber through. But all in good time.

    The main issues was, for a little 'un - she's a bit hefty!

    All good at the pick up end - forklifted on. Even at the drop off, boys from Kennards lifted it from back of ute onto trailer... and that's where it all went a bit south.
    Had also picked up a new table saw (sawstop industrial 5hp...more to come on that elsewhere). Being the 'lighter' of the two, she was picked-up/loaded last, and hence intended as first off.
    My shed is still being finished so, a temporary holding bay was arranged (i.e. mums garage - handy). 5-mins from Kennards - sweet.
    On the way, the pallet thickie was on gave way and motor side was facing the saw, so her fall was braced by the saw outer packing - definite contact, but no penetration. ok, not much to be done but secure thickie for the moment and move the saw off and out of the way.

    Well, 9-hours later (I did stop for about an hour to have lunch - girl's gotta eat!) and thanks to a horizontal block and tackle (I miss my winch) the saw was on the ground - umm yes, I was doing this alone.

    Did I mention saw was on the ground? Yep.
    Not in the garage. No.
    It's in front of the roller door - though not on the side where I have all the insulation for the shed being stored. No. On the side mum parks the car. Ooops Just as well she was out at the time and can still use the car

    So sawstop is landed... not likely to move it until I can get some more hands to help (oh brother of mine...)

    Meanwhile thickie is still at a weird angle in the trailer - time to get her back to vertical. first get the broken pallet out (or at least shift her forward to get the bits wedging her at an angle out of the way. fencing/pry bar + block and tackle + ratchet straps. Slow and steady wins the race.
    And finally, she's back in her rightful stance.
    Strap her down and let's head home, sort it out tomorrow - 5-mins, easy.
    No. It's not.
    Less than 200m from mums driveway is a paved section of the road, think its a speed deterrent thingy - I was doing less than 10km/hr; slowly moving one eye on the road and one eye on the trailer - when I see thickie take a tumble. BAckwards, forwards - can't remember now. I was horrified.
    Right. there is no way. no way, I am going to be able to get you upright at this point.
    Nothing obviously broken, bent or otherwise missing. So strap her down and off we go.
    Out of the housing estate, onto the main road at a very sedate pace and it's happened again.You have GOT to be kidding.
    Thickie has done a cartwheel - still in the trailer. Right. Straps re cinched - checked again. yep - tight. You are not going anywhere.
    But thickie (or gravity) had other ideas. So about 500m up the road, I stop again - she was now see-sawing on the motor.
    Seriously, I was beside myself at this point - have always been good at strapping down loads, judging the weight distribution. But this time I had met my match.
    Finally got home and had to have a looong sit down, and a beer. It kind of helped.
    This morning, went back to kennards; unceremoniously (but very carefully) lifted thickie off the big trailer we had the two beasts on, and into a heavy duty box trailer, this time wedging her firmly with car tyres - particularly under the motor. Next time she is lifted will be onto her new resting place in the shed.
    And I will check that my brawn trust is available to assist.

    Oh, yes - and I still have to go back for the saw
    I think, therefore I am... unable to get anything finished!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Melbourne, Australia.


    Leanne, Its not an easy gig, moving all this machinery back and fourth.
    A trip to country NSW last year to pick up an old moulding machine, just under a ton I reckon.
    The old farmer on the phone assured me we could get it on with his tractor, when we got there, well there was a tractor, no boom no lift, just a little hydraulic scraper at the front with about 10 inches travel.
    But those ingenious old boys got this thing on by blocking it up to the right height and pushing it on the trailer with skids, amazing as I was really worried when we rocked up.

    Epic travels with your thickie, but it sounds like you got there in the end !

    Melbourne Matty.

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