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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Port Huon

    Default A bit of spring cleaning

    OK so it's not spring. Spring has less frost on the lawn in the morning.
    Went up to the shed with the intention to make a few cuts with the new track saw.
    That'll need a bit of MDF/ply getting down.
    I'll need a bit of room to do this so first, a bit of a tidy up.
    That was 2 days ago...

    Started by removing all the bits of timber down from the mezzanine. Sorted out the good stuff (huon, king bill, celery etc) which didn't take long as there's precious little of it..
    All the ply and MDF that I could move without using the hoist, is now sitting on a pair of saw horses waiting to be put back. ( the bit I wanted to cut is, of course, on the bottom of the heap)
    The formply and 25mm MDF stayed put upstairs, too much of a hassle to move it around by myself. I'll have to do it soon as I need a piece of formply for the paulk workbench I'm going to build.

    A few bits of lining need replacing or in some cases, installing, and painting. I should tackle that before I go any further. That took care of the rest of the day, perhaps paint tomorrow.
    I can hardly move in the shed at the moment but if it's another fine spring day tomorrow, I should be able to clear of most of the floor and get back to whatever it was I was going to do before I started tidying up. Oh that's right, making a mess.

    I thought having a nice big shed was going to be fun, not housework!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Ormeau, Gold Coast, Australia


    Welcome to the real world
    Regards Rumnut.

    Qld. Australia.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    If Taswiegens are spruking its Spring then no wonder its feeling warmer in Sydney.

    Good to see Geoff but its what I fear a bigger shed means room for bigger projects which needs bigger tools and more room and

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    That looks like a cold shed for Tassie.

    "If a man is after money, he's money mad; if he keeps it, he's a capitalist; if he spends it, he's a playboy; if he doesn't get it, he's a never-do-well; if he doesn't try to get it, he lacks ambition. If he gets it without working for it; he's a parasite; and if he accumulates it after a life time of hard work, people call him a fool who never got anything out of life."
    - Vic Oliver

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by tdrumnut View Post
    Welcome to the real world
    Ain't that the truth!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Port Huon

    Default Levitating shed

    The lining in the shed is a bit old and tatty so I've replaced the really bad stuff with new sheets.
    In one corner, the sheets are OK but due to the garden level on the other side being over the slab level, dirt had come through.
    I fixed the garden a couple of weeks ago and gave it some time to dry out.

    I stripped off the wall sheet (masonite) to clean it up the dirt and found this - the studs(?) don't go all the way to the slab, there's a gap of at least 20mm.
    The shed has been there a long time so it's not in any danger of falling over just yet. I'm not a builder but I'm sure this isn't normal construction procedure

    I plan to square up the ends of the studs and fit a suitible sized length of hardwood into the gap - suggestions for a better (easier) way to do this are welcome.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Glenbrook NSW Australia


    I had a similar stud problem when I last moved. A earlier owner had sauna in one corner of the shed with no water proofing. Total rotted out the foot plate and bottom of the studs.
    I cut the studs off to a 100mm form the floor an replaced with tread pine 100*70mm foot plate along 4mt section of wall.
    PS make sure you hold the wall and roof up first.
    PSS Love the size of your shed but not the cleaning

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Port Huon


    I could understand if the original footing had rotted out but there's no indication there was EVER anything there! Attached picture may make it a little clearer

    Despite not having a lot of tools, it's amazing how quick the shed becomes unworkable so I find myself working in the carport.
    Size of the shed is 9x6 metres plus there's a carport of the same size attached.

    EDIT: And if a floating wall wasn't enough to deal with, the 70kph winds today have highlighted certain 'deficiencies' in the roofing i.e. it's loose! Hopefully the floor will stay put.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Port Huon


    Sawed away the bottom of the studs and fitted a piece of hardwood with a couple of hardwood packing pieces.
    Not perfect but an improvement.
    Replace the lining board and paint it tomorrow.

    Perhaps I'll get chance to try the new saw tomorrow ...
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by snowyskiesau View Post
    Not perfect but an improvement.
    A good and simple solution, but I would have have used treated timber or flashing underneath as it's in contact with the ground.


  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Port Huon


    After heavy rain overnight and today, I can see a bit more is required to make this area waterproof.
    Now that the garden level is below the slab, there no seepage at ground level - however ...

    There are a few cracks in the fibro sheets and the water running down the wall is getting inside.
    A bit of Sikoflex in the cracks and a coat of paint (outside) should fix that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Port Huon

    Default Nearly there.

    The painting still needs to be done but at least the inside is tidy or at least tidier than it was.
    Surprisingly little got tossed.

    All the plywood/MDF and offcuts of same are now stored away on the shelf/mezzanine. I tried to order these so the lightest is on top so I get down most stuff without the hoist.
    Using the hoist to move these sheets around is safe enough for one person but it's a lot of stuffing about.
    The sheets for my paulk workbench are sitting in the carport waiting my mastery of the plunge saw before I start on that project.

    Next job is to play around with the Kreg pocket hole jig I got last week, then I can finish off a friend's table which will get rid of some of the unstacked plywood (table top is two thicknesses of 18mm ply)

    Then I'll see if the small bench in the foreground is strong enough to take the lathe. Tha will get rid of a bit more clutter - and give me something to play with.
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Albury Well Just Outside


    In my humble opinion you are playing in the shed even if it not what you started out to do.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Port Huon


    Quote Originally Posted by Christos View Post
    In my humble opinion you are playing in the shed even if it not what you started out to do.
    You're right, it is still playing - it's just a different game to the one I'd planned.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Looking good Geoff lighting check out the under shelf kitchen lighting fluro's at the big green shed have one above the Myford its brilliant or watch Zazz and see if you can pick up one of those sheet thingys Fletty posted about. He now wears sunnies in the workshop

    Is that an old treadle sewing machine Ispy in the corner.

    I would be tempted to put a frame along the front edge of the mezzanine from floor up to support that weight over that distance.

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