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Thread: Writer's Block

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Default Writer's Block

    Quote Originally Posted by David Clark View Post
    If Australia is such an inovative country, I am surprised that more people don't write articles for me.

    There is no bias against a contributor from any country in the world.

    So, get writing these articles now. All I ask is no more tool posts or fixed steadies. Lets have some
    interesting, informative and inovative articles. We pay £50 UK per printed page.
    You can also write to me at
    [email protected]
    for my attention or for publishing in Scribe a Line.
    (for full text, see

    The challenge is out there. I'm tempted to give it another go just to see whether Dave is as good as his word. The only proviso that needs to be added is that it must be original material - if you've already posted here for example unless you can add more photos and extra explanation, it probably won't be acceptable. (Nothing saying that you can't post up an abbreviated version here - it just needs to give a reason to buy the magazine (extra content))
    Anyone else thinking about it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    FIFO to Pilbara


    writers block..... is that the brick in the wall I beat my head against because I have too many projects compared to time to complete them?

    as noted in the originating thread about MEW, I am writing some articles, and will try and write more - my biggest obstacle is the demands of work, sleep and other essentials on my shed/writing time.

    I started writing a blog a while ago to showcase one particular project to some friends in USA - but quickly adapted the blog so I could work on my writing skills (ask any of my English teachers from school and they will tell you how bad I was) - it has worked (sort of), but I kept getting distracted away from it.

    Now I simply work hard in the shed when I can - but snapping madly with the camera whenever something interesting is happening. Then later when I'm away for work, I try and use an hour or so in the camp to rearrange the photos, and write the text. My blog articles were loosely patterned on the MEW article format, so I'm hoping I can make the adjustment.
    For me, writing for MEW is more about contributing to the hobby, and preserving some knowledge than 50UKP per page. I had always hoped my kids would be the preservation of my knowledge and skills - well.. MEW readership will have to suffice - and one day I'll have to figure out what to do with my shed and tools

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Newstead Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by desbromilow View Post
    writers block..... is that the brick in the wall I beat my head against because I have too many projects compared to time to complete
    For me, writing for MEW is more about contributing to the hobby, and preserving some knowledge than 50UKP per page. I had always hoped my kids would be the preservation of my knowledge and skills - well.. MEW readership will have to suffice - and one day I'll have to figure out what to do with my shed and tools
    Well said as i replied to David Clark.If we have dedicated parents who want to give their kids an ongoing interest,encourage at every instance.i have no kids but doesn't stop me trying to foster any interested younger people to our work.
    Governments have let us all down by dismantling our technical schools and leaving a big hole [almost 2 generations of marginal technical education.]
    It is up to all of us to try and promote to the young of what was and how it was done.Not all kids are computer nerds texters and 'projectors of a leather clad ''bag of wind around an oval or enhancing their future skin cancer standing in the blazing sun.embrace those kids for it it is those few who will see our history promoted.0.02cents John.

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