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27th July 2009, 10:30 AM #1
Best way to attach dado/chair rail
Hi All,
I will be putting up some lengths of dado rail soon (like that in the in the attached picture). It is due to be installed to a masonry wall, which is lined with plaster (top half) and cedar panels (lower half) that are battened to the brick wall by means of 20mm battens.
My question is, what would be the best method of attacheing the dado rail?
I was planning on using construction adhesive as the primary anchor, and a few brads into a batten to hold it in place while the adhesive sets. Will this be sufficient, or should I use spagetti and 75mm nails into the masonry to hold it in place while the adhesive sets? I'm not sure that brads into a 20mm batten will be sufficient to hold the dado.
Any advice appreciated.
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