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Thread: Finally...
18th March 2013, 01:10 PM #1
We have just finally bought a Queenslander. We have been looking for a while and finally settled on one. Its going to be a bit of work...
Initially, we're looking at raising and building under but because we have to replace the roof and the house is already a decent size, we're looking at raising a few years down the track when the family gets bigger.
So here is my list of to do.
Roof: Replace roof. While sheets are off, replace old/rotten battens, add a few beams to stop the ceiling from sagging. Put tie-downs in place. The sheets will be replace by a roofer while the timber work will be done by me.
Ceilings: re-screw to new beams to stop sagging, scrap old paint and repaint
Inside: Repaint the entire house, build in the verandah (like a sleep out), put another coat of varnish on the floorboards.
Bathroom: removal all tiles, re-water proof and install a shower.
Outside: Repaint weather boards, replace rotten timber.
I'm giving myself roughly 3 months to do all these.
Its going to be fun!
Read the full thread at
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