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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Another bashing by teenage pack in Brisbane

    Another person beaten by a pack of teenagers and left for dead. Is it getting worse? Will we end up with roving wolf packs of lawless teenagers? Is it a beat up? What would you do?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Port Kennedy, Perth


    There are too many good lawyers’ out there getting people of and the law is too weak. Go back to the old school policing. This is what I think some may think it is wrong but as I said it is what I think.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach


    Did you see the reaction of the attendant who told the victim to leave because his blood was messing up the floor!!

    Poor laws and soft headed judges. We need a change in both areas.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2004
    Adelaide Hills


    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post
    Did you see the reaction of the attendant who told the victim to leave because his blood was messing up the floor!!

    Poor laws and soft headed judges. We need a change in both areas.
    I'm the sort of person who cant walk past a person copping a beating or in serious distress. My wife hates me for it and at times I don't do a proper risk analysis.

    That said, to walk past and not get involved just doesn't feel right and IMO doesn't make me a great human.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  5. #5
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    Nov 2007


    Hard to know what the cause is! Hard to see why it is seen as a fun thing to do of a weekend. I guess the x-box and all the extra TV channels still aren't providing enough entertainment! Where DO young teenagers go anyway! They aren't old enough for pubs, but everything else seems to be happening earlier. Bringing partners home for sleepovers at 14-15. Raunchy clothes on younger and younger kids. Action movies and cartoons. I dunno! Normal life just isn't enough any more! Tough policing is hardly the answer! Tough parenting maybe!
    ea Lady

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  6. #6
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    While the penalties continue not to fit the crime this sort of thing won't just continue but get worse.

    Many of us had it tough growing up with social issues as well as a drastic shortage of money but most of us turned out OK - never had the "problem" of - " nothing to do, I'm bored" - we made our own fun - not always totally within the law but no one got hurt and peoples gear did not get destroyed. It was a different mindset, attitude, respect and responsibility.

    I don't know the answer[s], - the problem seems to be getting worse - we obviously are not on the right track.

  7. #7
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    Adelaide Hills


    Quote Originally Posted by tea lady View Post
    Hard to know what the cause is!
    Lots of reasons and the solution isn't that simple. One reason that people are doing this (bashing others) is that they can get away with it because their peers find it acceptable and aren't likely to remonstrate or report the crime to the police.

    IMHO one very effective way of changing teenage behaviour is by changing the "coolness" of their antisocial actions. Teens just hate doing anything that's considered the slightest bit "uncool" by their peer group.

    Don't know how we go about doing this in the case of alcohol (usually) fuelled violence.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Blue Mountains


    Im a bit amused that this is a being treated as a "new" phenomena. When I was young we had to contend with Sharpies, someone must remember the Hurstville Civic Centre dances on Friday nights.You never went to the Cross in a group of less than a dozen and even then never looked at a bikie. The Bra boys have been at it for years. The affluent areas were not immune either, I remember a big blue between the Shaw kids and some other school. Then there are the unfortunates who just happened to be Muslims who liked Cronulla Beach, although in that case they had a shock jock to gee them on. Unfortunately for all of the veneer of civilisation we carry on with we are a violent lot, always have been.

    Its not right, it's criminal behaviour and should not be tolerated but to decry it as "new" is misleading. I suspect a lot of these kids will turn out OK as well, if and when they grow up. Who knows, they may enter politics where head bashing is considered honorable. There is an old saying "a fish goes rotten from the head down".
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  9. #9
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    I don't know the answer either but I know one thing. socieety accepts things today that would not have been tolerated when I was a young boy or when I was a young man. I am amazed at the swearing for one thing that we seem to accept as normal conversation today. I go to my local club and the language from some of the patrons is unbelievable and not all from the younger generation and the club does nothing about it. Swearing in public in my day would have landed you up in court but nobody seems to care today.
    Reality is no background music.
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  10. #10
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    Oberon, NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by artme View Post
    Did you see the reaction of the attendant who told the victim to leave because his blood was messing up the floor!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastiaan56 View Post
    Im a bit amused that this is a being treated as a "new" phenomena.
    As a young idjut I got into an argument with 4 other drunk young idjuts while waiting for a hamburger. Not only did I get a flogging, but the proprietor charged me for the newspapers I'd bled on when I paid for the hamburger.

    To add even further insult to injury, after I left the shop I found that the hamburger was a greasy piece of crap.

    That was a fairly typical Saturday Night at the time. New, this sorta behaviour ain't.

    I don't really think it's more prevalent, either. A few decades ago the news was pretty much all local stuff, with only major international reports. Now, a bee can't fart in Afghanistan for fear of making it onto UTube. So we're bound to find bad mojo happening at every minute of the day, somewhere in the world, if we go looking for it.

    That said, you definitely don't want it happening in your own corner of the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastiaan56
    Its not right, it's criminal behaviour and should not be tolerated but to decry it as "new" is misleading. I suspect a lot of these kids will turn out OK as well, if and when they grow up. Who knows, they may enter politics where head bashing is considered honorable.
    Nicely said!
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    I agree about the not new bit.

    I can remember my dad telling me when he was in the Solomons in WWII, the yanks he worked with were pretty much OK, but there was some serious evil amongst a certain percentage of them - especially with those from the ghettos.

    My grandmother always used to tell me as a young woman (in the 1920's) life was hard and people were not generally very nice. She used to laugh at everyone talking about the good old days, she called them the bad old days. Life, she said, is much better and easier today. The sexual behaviour of today is nothing new either. It went on just the same then, only no one talked about it, or openly displayed it.

    In the1800's and earlier, everyone had to know their place and display appropriate manners. However, they also displayed an appalling lack of empathy and abject cruelty towards each other as well. We certainly have advanced.

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