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  1. #1
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    North Of The Boarder

    Default Wild Dingo - Shane Eyre

    Standing up for ones believes is a hard thing to do, proud to know you Ding
    Two protesters arrested after anti-gas hub blockade

    Two protesters arrested after anti-gas hub blockade - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    Updated Wed Jun 8, 2011 6:52pm AEST
    PreviousNextSlideshow: Photo 2 of 2
    The protester is refusing to come out from under the bulldozer (ABC Local: Ben Collins)

    Two anti-gas hub protesters have been arrested after being forcibly removed from a road blockade in Western Australia's Kimberley region.
    The men were attached to vehicles in a protest against a controversial gas hub site at James Price Point, north of Broome.
    About 70 protesters blocked the road to the site where Woodside and the State Government plan to build a $30 billion LNG precinct.
    They were trying to prevent Woodside workers from entering to clear 25 hectares of native vegetation.
    The protesters watched on as police used an angle grinder and bolt cutters to free the two men.
    One of the protesters had spent more than 24 hours squeezed under a bulldozer and had jammed his arm in a piece of pipe that officers had to cut away from the vehicle.
    Another man Shane Eyre had chained himself to the steering wheel of a broken down car.
    "I'm staying here until Woodside go away," he said.
    Specially trained police were flown from Perth to Broome to forcibly remove the two protesters.
    They immediately ran into problems when the generator failed and they had to wait until a back-up arrived from Broome.
    Both men have been charged with breaching a move-on notice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Bloody hippie protesters they should go and get a hair cut and a job.

    Oh sorry that's what you said 40 years ago.
    "Working to a rigidly defined method of doubt and uncertainty"

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Northern Brisbania...


    Dear Wheelin'

    Let's hope he had the decency to wear a Forum T'Shirt for the occasion...

    Best Wishes,

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Toowoomba Q 4350


    let's hope he had the decency not to....

    ETA - I hope they don't end up clear the 25 hectares of native vegetation. as usual, not enough info the newsbite.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Beachport, South Oz, the best little town on the planet.


    I just knew that stunted runt was into bloody bondage but I thought he would have chained himself to the back seat not the flamin' steering wheel!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    nth coast nsw


    Onya Ding

    what if the hokey pokey is really what it's all about?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Something's wrong with that report. Either it's not the Shane Eyre we know as wild dingo or they condensed what he said into "I'm staying here until Woodside go away," Ding would have never said anything so succinct!

    Good onya Ding.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by mic-d View Post
    " Ding would have never said anything so succinct!
    Correct mic....however...a good journalist can summarise 14 pages of detailed observations into a one sentance grab

    what if the hokey pokey is really what it's all about?

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Toowoomba Q 4350


    Quote Originally Posted by mic-d View Post
    Something's wrong with that report. Either it's not the Shane Eyre we know as wild dingo or they condensed what he said into "I'm staying here until Woodside go away," Ding would have never said anything so succinct!

    Good onya Ding.

    Now that would be fun, giving a reporter one of Dingo's posts and seeing him reduce it to succinctness

  10. #10
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    Woodside fought long and hard to get the gas hub built in Australia providing work and income for Australians.

    Royal Dutch Shell wanted to tow in a platform and man it with cheap overseas labour, they were so determined they tried to buy Woodside but somehow it remains in Australian hands.

    25 hectares of native bushland out of several thousand hectares, extensive surveys to find all native artefacts and artwork which have been removed to safe areas to be returned at projects end. Employment and traineeships for local and surrounding indigenous workers but that is not enough.

    The world is not black and white but shades of grey

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    James Price Point is a few hundred kilometres from Camden Sound, the actual calving grounds.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2009
    On the road

    Default Interesting days eh!

    25 hectres are just the START... that is simply the first step in what WILL BE the second largest gas hub in the world the first being in Qatar... this will rival that.

    the 25 hectres is RIGHT on top of: (in no particular order)

    1) a pristine untouched coastline

    2) a dinasour footprint heaven the heaviest consentration of extremely well preserved footprints of up to 100 dinosaurs some never found before

    3) is the habitat of the bilby a protected species

    4) its a whale breeding area

    5) its a turtle breeding and egg laying area with 5 rare turtles breeding there every year

    6) its an Aboriginal burial ground

    7) its on top of Aboriginal miden grounds

    8) its part of the local Aboriginal songlines and dreaming

    9) its the most amazing stretch of wildreness that is left that is easily accessable to the public

    10) It has just offshore a coral reef that rivals the great barrier reef

    Aside from just those 10 things (there are many others) there is also the fact that

    1) Woodside and its joint venture partners DO NOT have the appropriate authority to be there

    2) They do not have the authority under the act to clear the land

    3) They do not have any plans for protecting or preserving the cultural heritage of the area

    4) The size of the proposed area is 500,000 hectres! Almost the entire peninsula is earmarked for a) the hub itself b) for site accomadation needs c) for construction of associated industries and for d) "future industrial expansion"

    5) The KLC (kimberley land council) esentially had a gun to their heads "either you sign off on the proposal and get XXXXX dollars or under the governments powers we will compulsary take it"

    6) The KLC does not act for or on behalf of either the two tribal groups who's cultural and presence on the land at James Prices Point has been unbroken for centuries... that being the Goolabooroo and Jabir Jabir people... Joseph Roe the lawman for the Goolabooroo people is presently fighting both the KLC the state government and the woodside consortium in the federal court over the whole mess

    7) The community of Broome has turned out enmasse to fight this thing going ahead on several occasions... the business community has recently come out saying they do not want the hub in Broome... so the entire community are against it

    8) Bringing the bulldozer onto country was and is ILLEGAL... they do NOT have the appropriate permission under the section 18 and 18a of act to do what they intend to do with the clearing of the 25 hectres

    9) The state premier colin barnett is giving confused messages regarding its sygnificance on all levels... he has publicly stated that James Prices Point and the area of the gas hub is "a very unremarkable piece of the Kimberley" that the "gas hub will go ahead as will over 400 other mining applications earmarked for the Kimberley" that "the Aboriginal people will allow it and therefore gain huge financial rewards or the state government WILL resume the land and they will get nothing" "that the Kimberley has not even approached its future potential as a tourist destination"... his intention is to mine the horizontal falls area for uranium and copper the bungle bungles are being surveyed as we type by several mining companies several mining ventures are already happening in other areas of the Kimberley WITHOUT any approvals in place... all sanctioned by the premier colin barnett... the man is a complete moron

    10) There is already a gas hub of the size and with the necessary infrastructure IN PLACE in Karratha south of Broome UNUSED and available to the joint venture by BP (note one of the joint venture partners!) Shell another of the joint venture partners has already stated that they prefer an offshore facility over James Prices Point and have already the ability to construct one... as a side note Shell has begun construction of the worlds largest gas container ship in Korea for this project.

    ONLY by direct non violent positive action by people can this thing be stopped.

    Im not a "feral dole bludger" but have since yesterday been called just that by some in other places who by the way have NEVER seen Broome or James Prices Point people I call "ignorant"... I AM a father and grandfather who wants my kids and grandkids to SEE what I am privaliged to be able to see whenever I choose... by 2012 they will NEVER be able to for it will be gone forever... I dont want them to have only my few grainy old pics to look back at in years gone by to be able to see such a place

    The day it occured I was there intending to stay but a few hours to support the other Shane... then go fishing at Manari (part of the proposed site) for a few days... a discussion was held about what next to do after they got Shane out from under the dozer many things were discussed some discarded and one chosen... someone was to be chained to the wrecked car... a young woman with 2 very young daughters was the only one who put her hand up to do it... I simply shook my head and muttered "########" and walked to the car climbed through the broken window and sat down... chains went on I was asked if I was sure and the locks went on the keys disappeared and the girl came over smiled and gave me a hug through the window...

    So I sat for 5 and a half hours in the heat and dust on glass on the seat heavy chains wrapped around my arm and legs discomfort and some pain due to the chains tightness (note I am going to get the buggar that did that! he owes me a ride on his camel! ) but I had some great "buddies" making themselves into human fans to keep me cool plenty of water and food being bought over every few minutes... the ONLY thing I didnt have was a blasted toilet!!! You try hanging on for 5 and a half hours PLUS another half hour being driven very fast over very rough roads NEEDING A TOILET!!! otherwise it was quite an easy feat for me... the other Shane being locked on for 25 + hours by a specially made device to the dozer was a whole other experience!!

    I acted... sometimes one just does because one can

    Regarding the journo and the comments... as has been said they are experts at making my yarns and rants into short soundbites gad I hate that!!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruzi View Post
    The world is not black and white but shades of grey
    Quote Originally Posted by Wild_Dingo View Post

    . I AM a father and grandfather who wants my kids and grandkids to SEE what I am privaliged to be able to see ... by 2012 they will NEVER be able to for it will be gone forever...

    I acted... sometimes one just does because one can
    Looks black and white from here.
    once again....ONYA Ding

    what if the hokey pokey is really what it's all about?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Black and white, ey.................glad to see Ding is a Collingwood supporter.

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