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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Nth NSW

    Cool A BIG THANK YOU !!

    I want to say a very big thank you to the helpers that so very kindly gave me their time, energy and opportunity to get to know them a little better...forming a special friendship...
    I was telling Daryll (he was on the turning stand that makes walking sticks and stuff and has some real far out, weirdly made up lathes that do barley twists and incredible other stuff, that was also best mates /friends with David Baird , an incredibly smart, wise , generous, kind & very talented elderly man who sadly passed away recently..leaving a BIG void at the show)...... that the woodshow's are a funny place, some folk travel hundreds, some thousands of kilometres to attend / demonstrate / perform at these shows, you meet people ..some for only a few minutes, some you might, over the 3 or 5 days spend hours with them, then you don't see them again for a year...unique relationships form ....and before I leave this little part of the story, I must admit I was "Blessed" to have known & had a relationship with the late David Laird...I dearly missed him at this last show as I imagine many others did too !!
    Well, through asking for help at the shows, Noelene and I have been truly blessed to have had such wonderfull people come foward and help us,I cannot overemphasise my gratitude to these wonderfull people..
    From Noelene and I , a big , very BIG thank you to..Gerard, Christos, Dave, Peter, Paul,and the young lad, a friend of Paul's....
    Thank you also to the great company whilst having some lunch in the forum's room , some great guy's !!!
    My mind seem's to be always full of stuff, trying to sort personal problems, projects etc...sometimes I feel like Robinson Cruso ...troubles I have in my mind etc...sharing time with these wonderful guy's showded me I am NOT alone with problems and actually how small and insignificant some of my stuff is and the strength and dedication folk have in keeping their lives on track...
    I know that Noelene had a wonderful time at the show, first one in 18 years where she lasted the 3 days, snouting about for deals, swaps, some conversations with old friends, looking, shopping..her prize possesion I think was a pair of biggish old fashioned seconhand sewing scissors..10 bucks !
    I had a great time also at this last Sydney Wood Show, The kids and interaction with their parents , friends give me tremendous satisfaction in my corale..
    If anybody noticed the smaller size of my bush crafts post & rail fenced area, it was my doing...after many many years of splitting shingles, axing cricket bats, the heavy bush work I did when younger has caught up with me, giving me a lot of pain, so for the year I am only doing the saw race and some my lower back and shoulders a break...
    Thanks also to Neil & his wonderful wife Pauline Ellis of U Beaut for giving us folk this wonderful Forum to communicate with our brothers & sisters !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Stan well said.

    Dave Laird was my mentor at OTGA sadly missed.

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