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Thread: Divorce
10th August 2000, 01:29 AM #1
A married couple are driving down the highway doing 80kms per hour.
The husband is behind the wheel.His wife looks over at him and say's''Honey,I know we've been married for 15 years,but, I want a divorce."
The husband says nothing but slowly increases the speed up to 90kms per hour
The wife then says "I don't want you to try to talk me out of it,because I've been having an affair with your best friend and he's a better lover than you."
Again the husband stays quiet and just speeds up as his anger increases.
She says,"I want the house."
Again the husband speeds up and is now doing 100kms per hour.
She says,"Iwant the kids too."
The husband just keeps driving faster and is now up to 110kms per hour.
She says,"I want the car,the cheque account and all the credit cards too."The husband slowly starts to veer towards a bridge overpass piling as she says,'Is there anything you want?"
The husband says,"No I've got everything I need."
She asks,'Whats that?"
The husband replies (just before they hit the wall at 110kms per hour)"I've got the airbag!"
Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.
10th August 2000, 11:57 AM #2
I won't tell where I read this joke on the net the other day.... Might tell ya's something about me....
11th August 2000, 09:32 AM #3
Isn't that the passenger side airbag??
Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.