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Thread: orders from LV

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Western Australia

    Angry orders from LV

    I have recently placed some orders from LV the most recent order was to be sent express mail.

    Imagine my surprise that an express mail package arrived addressed to me with what looks like an invoice contained in a sleeve stuck on the top...but here's the clincher, the contents of the package with accompanying receipt were for a chap in New Zealand who had requested his order to be sent by surface mail .

    I have called this chap in NZ and informed him of this stuff up by the relevent despatching dept of and that as a consequence he will have to wait a little longer for his order as I have returned the parcel poste haste to LV after giving them a blast by e-mail.

    Has anyone encountered this problem thru them before?

    I have'nt, so it came as a surprise that a company with all the good Kudos generated thru the auspices of web-sites such as this would make a boo-boo
    of this nature.I know that with the volume they turn over some mistakes may happen from time to time.

    LV produce some good product but I am concerned about further ordering if there remained doubt about their ability to deliver even more so at the expensive express post rate!


    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    One order mistake and you gave them a blast?? Without giving them a chance to make good?

    Not only that, but you called the bloke in New Zealand who wasn't even expecting his package for a few more weeks?

    I wish I had business dealings with you, you must have a perfect customer service system in place!

    LV are among the best, if not THE best in the world. How about we wait and see how they go about fixing the problem before judging eh?

    Last Saturday I was second in line in Bunnings, and the girl serving was having a good deal of trouble with the credit cards owned by the bloke being served. After trying the third card, the bloke in the queue got up HER because he was getting impatient.

    What is it with you people? I know it is annoying, but hey, you-know-what happens, and when it does, it's the systems that overcome it that are the difference between a good business and a great one.

    Take a tip from me, don't ever buy anything from Amazon if you are concerned by this!



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Thumbs up

    I am sure LV will address the problem and do whatever they can to make you a happy customer again.

    Give them a second chance.
    Visit my website at

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by bitingmidge View Post
    One order mistake and you gave them a blast?? Without giving them a chance to make good?

    Not only that, but you called the bloke in New Zealand who wasn't even expecting his package for a few more weeks?

    I wish I had business dealings with you, you must have a perfect customer service system in place!

    LV are among the best, if not THE best in the world. How about we wait and see how they go about fixing the problem before judging eh?

    Last Saturday I was second in line in Bunnings, and the girl serving was having a good deal of trouble with the credit cards owned by the bloke being served. After trying the third card, the bloke in the queue got up HER because he was getting impatient.

    What is it with you people? I know it is annoying, but hey, you-know-what happens, and when it does, it's the systems that overcome it that are the difference between a good business and a great one.

    Take a tip from me, don't ever buy anything from Amazon if you are concerned by this!


    Ok BM ,You've had your say and now I'll add that first and foremost I for one would never associate Bunnies service with LV notably that they're on opposite ends of the scale in terms of service.

    I feel justified in giving them a blast (which was lightly put and not vindictive in nature)not only to point out to them the mistake but that with a company such as LV they would expect to be informed if their ability to service the public was less than their high standards they expect of themselves and as you have pointed out that they may be the best in the world!

    I extended the courtesy of calling the chap in NZ merely to appraise him of the situation at my phone expense ,how many people would do that?

    I do expect good things from LV but even the best can make a mistake,that is a given and I believe it is my right as a customer to bring to light that mistake.
    I have unreserved faith that LV will put things right as has been testimony in prior posts here on this BB.

    On a final note BM, I have had numerous dealings with Amazon with no issue to date but that as well may not last!


    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  5. #5
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    My blast was no different to the one I'd give anyone who'd go public before giving the business a chance to respond. I just don't think that's cricket!

    My sensitivity if you like, comes from too long spent smiling while dealing with unreasonable responses from customers. Anyone whose ever sold a few thousand sandwiches a day will understand!

    Even when the customer is completely right (as you are), I've never found that anger as a first response is a way of extracting the best service!

    As for Amazon; I've just received two parcels today of the five ordered on 24th April. Two were returned to Amazon initially because they were undeliverable to my address. I did point out that it was the same address that the other three parcels arrived safely at, and that they were after all ONE order, but they had chosen to break them into five.

    Didn't matter. I was still not quite refunded all my postage on the "returned" items and had to order them again!

    I received a reply to my email which was computer generated, but personally "signed", so I replied and received another identical response telling me to check my address, or take it up with the carrier. (FWIW I managed to get home that night, and the address was correct!)

    I'm still waiting on two books which require a DAILY order update from me!

    I'll remain as a customer, but a very cautious one for a bit!

    Thanks for giving me the chance to air that though!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2001


    Good service is not about not making mistakes. (We all make them).

    Good service is about what happens next..... (half way down)

    Regards from Perth

    Visit for tutorials on constructing handtools, handtool reviews, and my trials and tribulations with furniture builds.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Saxton View Post

    ...but here's the clincher, the contents of the package with accompanying receipt were for a chap in New Zealand who had requested his order to be sent by surface mail .

    I have called this chap in NZ and informed him of this stuff up by the relevent despatching dept of and that as a consequence he will have to wait a little longer for his order as I have returned the parcel poste haste to LV after giving them a blast by e-mail.

    John, wouldn't it have made more sense to come to some arrangement with LV and have forwarded the parcel to the chap in NZ? Now it goes all the way back to Canada, then it has to be sent out again to NZ

    I agree with Midge, I think I would have waited for LV's response before so openly flaming them in a public forum.

    We are all human after all and humans do make mistakes sometimes............

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Over there a bit


    Oh Lord it's hard to be humble.
    Boring signature time again!

  9. #9
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    Yes it is my son.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Aus.


    Human error .... estimate? Good operator, maybe two or three in a hundred? I'd say that was fair. Bugs you when you're in that 2 or 3 of course.

    +1 to what Derek said: it's what happens next.
    Cheers, Ern

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Australia and France


    And on to Amazon...

    After being asked for the eighteenth time to approve a delay of one day in the despatch of my order, (two books "in stock" ordered on 24th April), with no delivery in sight, I finally saw red, or more a pale pink, but wrote a polite "please explain".

    Here is the opening paragraph of the response I received:

    I have reviewed your account and can see that this
    experience has been far less than positive. We strive for
    convenience and efficiency at, but in this instance we
    have fallen short of our goal. I'm truly sorry that your impression
    of doing business with has been so negative.
    After a further dozen or so mea culpa's, Amazon have upgraded the shipping method when the order comes in, and provided a $5.00 voucher for use against a future purchase.

    I really can't whinge about that either can I?

    Thanks Amazon!



  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Too close to Sydney


    Heaven help us if LV are an example of bad service. I concur with most of what has been said.

    As to deserving a flame, I tried to purchase a couple of Veritas planes from a mob in WA. They took my money and then told me a few weeks later that they had no more stock. I'm still fuming and this was some time ago.

    As to Amazon, I have never had a bad experience with them. Fast and inexpensive. I just wish they would ship hardware to us and not just books.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    10 million served and only one complaint - not bad I'd say

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Western Australia


    OK, on a final note perhaps some humble pie does need serving out but there are a few points that still needs clarifying. I posted here with the question asking whether folk had come across this anomaly wondering if there had been a problem with their despatch methods of late but which I in turn did'nt point out.

    As for waiting for a response I didnt get one that immediately satisfied me regarding movement of my purchase but only to return the parcel.

    As for slamming LV I dont feel that I have, merely pointed out this one shortcoming which like any well run company has been rectified for which I am grateful and would not expect any less as anyone addressed as clientele.

    There have been many accounts of folk calling up short on dealings that have not gone to their expectations and also mentioned from time to time on this BB.

    On the note of service I believe it starts with first point of contact otherwise it doe's not benefit any party.

    On forwarding the parcel on to the chap in NZ it was not what LV wanted rather to have the parcel returned as they will re-issue another order to him
    hence the "return to sender" option I employed.

    I have always regarded LV as one of those North American companies that stand out, but as like any that I deal with and with my hard earned I stand by my right to question where need be.

    Lets move on from this ...


    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Cowra - Central West NSW


    LV is has one of the best systems i have ever seen.
    John I'm glad that it has been sorted, I have never had a problem with them, either as a private customer or as a retailer.

    Any store that will send out cheques retro-spectively, has got there sh-t in order.
    (For those who don't know what I mean, if LV have a sale on saws, and you bought one two weeks ago, they will send you a cheque for the difference, no questions!).
    Steven Thomas

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