G’day Folks,
Let me just start by saying that this forum is excellent! I have already learnt a bit just by reading other peoples’ questions and answers and am now keen to do all sorts of home renovations. I’m sure I will have many questions in the future.
Right now I am after help regarding rafter and beam sizes for a skillion fly roof over my deck.
The area of the deck which I plan to roof runs 6500mm along the house and 5500 span. I plan on just colourbond (or similar) roof sheets and no insulation as the roof is going to be high enough. The rafters will be attached to a beam & roof-extenda bracket arrangement on the higher side.
What research I have done leads me to believe that I will need to use H17 275 X 50 rafters with 900mm centres.
Is this correct? Is there better/more cost effective alternatives? Also, I cant seem to figure out what dimensions the beam on the roof-extenda brackets and posts should be or how many roof-extenda brackets I need...
Sorry for being such a noob and no doubt not using all the right terminology.
If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated!
If I need to provide more info to have these noob questions answered let me know.

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...