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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie

    Default Planning a wee trip to the east coast...

    Anything to do over that way?... I mean theres a swag of yous eastern staters to visit an have a chinwag with but is there ANYTHING to see and do over there???

    And whos up for a madcapped slightly troppo bloke and his two nippers from the wilds of West Aussie come a visiting?... wont be a bother intend to be pretty much self contained just need camper room and a shower occasionally but if near the beach even that wont be needed!!

    Am hoping to leave around the 15th December take a couple of days to get to Chris's place in South Aussie then stay there for about 3 days or so taking in the sights then down to Vic to see a few mates there... plan to bypass Snoteny and straight to Queensland... up to Cairns Im thinking then back through Isa and Alice down the gunbarrel to Kal and home... all up the trip should take my holidays of 4 weeks... depending of course on a) How much fun were having at some particular place or other b) how much travelling I do over a weeks period c) how the $$$ handle it... and finally d) Weather or not Aarons fiance drops the bub while away then it will be reverse all the way back!! in a bloody rush!

    Anyway thats the plan so far... just need locations people to see and such

    So far definant is Chris (Christopha) in South Aussie but from there???? Queensland is a definant as well since Its a given that I will be visiting Wendy (Ruffy) and her boofheaded hubby and Cliff and Midgey... but otherwise??

    So suggestions ideas and locations to visit and people to visit and have a yarn with maybe even muck with some timber somewhere are open!!

    AND!! I have a mobile and am not afraid to use it!!! Since I will get rather lost

    Ahem... a note... I RARELY look at peoples locations since Ive no bloody idea where timbuckfriggintoo is!! and have this issue with maps... what can I say? they confuse me

    Shane, Brieana and Joshua (Soon to be called the "walkabout dingos" )
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Toowoomba Q 4350



    now to think of stuf that will interest you all that you can do around Toowoomba

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Avoca Victoria


    Skifing is always interesting wherever you are.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    In the shed, Melbourne


    We'll have to hold a BBQ in your honour Dingo. But by the sounds of it I'll be in Brisbane then.
    I make things, I just take a long time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    No wukkers Waldo mate... we'll just hook up somewhere in Brisvagas!!

    Tooowwoooowhere??? Man I just gotta get me a map of that east coast of Aussie such a strange place!! Betcha its a tiny bush town of one pub a post office an half a dozen shacks eh Wendy? oh and one with a ubeaut his and hers shed setup

    mmm reckon we can loose boofhead for awhile me red leatheretted one?? nah just joking mind you he will start waffling on about cars motors and other greese monkey stuff and you will notice within the first sentance he utters about such things a glazed look come upon my eyesockets the eyeballs will roll upwards into me head and thats it... just slide me sunnys down over me eyes and let him waffle on dont mind me I will be thinking about something or other that has absolutely nothing whatever to do with whatever the hell greese monkeys and such genetically modified humans yak about... maybe just some fine timber or maybe a scene I noticed on the way through or maybe the patio or even the last beer I had or maybe even your red letherette outfit... I mean how the blazes can any bloke think about let alone waffle on about cars and such when your there in a tiny red leatherette outfit is beyond me... ala de boofhead

    What the blazes is skifing??? surfing I know skiing Ive heard of skydiving I aint doin but skifing??? WHATTHA??? nah dont tell me its gonna be something like bungie jumping on a ski right??? NOPE AINT DOIN THAT!! I intend to be around in one bit (sorta) to see ALL me grandies grown!! skifing indeed

    You know I reckon I could get upto all sorts of things... might wreck a few reputations along the way... but then I dont have to stay so that aint gonna worry me none... just murmur something like "dont mind him hes a sandgroper" that should about cover any embaressment I might cause by my antics

    mmmm wonder if I can escape on me pat malone?? strewth can I cause some serious mayhem if that happened!!! WHAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Oberon, NSW


    Hmmm... I wonder whose lathe we can plonk you down in front of for a day.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  7. #7
    Calm's Avatar
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    Shane Ballarat is one hour north of Melbourne - towards Adelaide - there is a bed, showwer, stove etc here for any woodworker that wants to camp here. I am in town but will make room for you.




    "Tell him he's dreamin."
    "How's the serenity" (from "The Castle")

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Toowoomba Qld.


    Hey Shane,
    It would be pretty central to a few of us if you lobbed into Toowoomba...which, by the way is a city about 100kms west of Brisbane.
    If you want a real country town, with one pub, one shop/post office (but no fuel now) and an assortment of utes, well come north of Twmba 25mins to Cabarlah and you can visit me too!! Again, spare bed and a feed, with room to park your trailer.

    Andy Mac
    Change is inevitable, growth is optional.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Durong Qld


    You gonna go all that way in 4 weeks!!?? Make sure you take time to stop and look at things. Maybe someone will arrange a get together in Brisbane or Toowoomba. Will be good to say gidday. My place is a bit off the beaten track, and would probably have to swear you to secrecy about the way we live, (a shak and I am not a good housekeeper) but you could stop off here if you wish, if it falls into your meanderings Look for Durong on the map, north west of Kingaroy, well thats the closest town and we are 20km from there. Youll like it here if you like the bush. Between Toowoomba and here, you actually pass by a couple of other forumites. The Bunya mountains is the nicest place to visit around here, but you would need to leave your trailer in Kumbia whilst you went up there. Beautiful place.

    Long way off tho, think we will be home.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Lindfield N.S.W.


    Sydneysiders - I thought that given Shane's view of our city we should see if one of our Blue Mountains colleagues could host a do - what do you reckon?

    If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France



    That's no small trip Shane! Gissa hoy when you reckon you've got your itinerary sorted. Not much room to camp here, but plenty of beach and river and stuff.

    Mind you, I don't reckon you've got time to actually stop anywhere with that sort of jaunt!



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    4 weeks gee's Shane, 3 days across the Nullabour for starters hope you fitted long range tanks and a flamin Jet motor

    4 weeks is pushing it hard Shane with little time for much and with the tin lids they'll want to stop and see. I am sure they'd prefer if you was a awake when driving.

    Ok so no Sydney you can now skirt right round it just need Toll $$$$$ sorry cards.

    We're close to the end of the run between Melbourne & Sydney not far off the freeway, shack is small but there's good food awaits.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Nerang Queensland


    Ok, it seems you already have quite a few offers from Qld as we are a friendly bunch, but I also can offer my front lawn for your camper and a shower/kitchen etc on the Gold Coast. Not sure how old the nippers are, but most kids like the theme parks here. On the other hand, they are exy , so perhaps you don't want to stop here . Pm me if you are interested anyway.

    Either way, hope we can catch up at one of our get togethers.

    Every day presents an opportunity to learn something new

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Minbun, FNQ, Australia


    G'day Ding, if you make it this far with out running out of time/fuel/money the things you have to see are the reef & the rainforest....but save up 'cos the reef isn't free.

    I don't live on the coast anymore, I live high up in the hills about an hour from the coast just on the edge of a cloud forest.

    I do have a some spare beds but they may have friends & relos in them at Christmas.

    Let us know closer to the time & I'll give you some directions & a room number.
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Cheers Cliff and Wendy (along with everyone else!!)

    Ive decided that Im gonna boost the trip out to January... Will leave here on about the 6th head east to Adelaide and thence to Chris's place... then its anyones guess where I end up!!... Intend to be at Chris's or somewhere he and I can hook up and get totally utterly disgustingly leglessly pickled on the 8th

    mmm may have to extend the trip eh? give meself a few days to sober up again!! Dont know what she has planned probably back down to Bremer with her mob so maybe I will do the trip alone... mmm means I have total control of the trip!!! sooooo in my reckoning Id make Adelaide in 2 days flat say 3 days at Chris's place soo I reckon I could be at the elbow bending place say 6 days after leaving here... say the 12th... then straight to Queensland for this little black duck!!... sorry fellas but hell if I can roadtrip upteen thousand klicks to get over there I reckon you can wander a few for a meetup??... Never know old Chris may shanghai me to Neil or Robbos place for a bit of a session?? god knows with that cloud muncher!!

    So theres the initialy itinerary

    6th Jan... leave Perth head east
    8th Jan... Arrive Chris's get rotten as 10 chops in the searing heat
    12th Jan... Arrive at the elbow bending location (as yet undecided)
    14th Jan... Arrive Queensland... somewhere!!
    16th Jan... Arrive Cliffs or Wendys

    I reckon thats a good trip eh?

    Coming back it will be something like this

    Leave Cairns... Toobloodywoombly??? Hey!! thats about how I intend to be there too bloody woombly to stand up!! Well its Wendy and Boofheads rep Id be destroying not mine cause I dont have one there ... anyway thence straight to Isa... thence to threeways... thence to Alice... thence to Kalgoorlie via the gunbarrel hwy... thence home... shouldnt take me more than 3 days I reckon the way I drive!

    Any other suggestions more than welcome mmm maybe I should start collecting mobile phone numbers now? that way when I get buggared somewheres nearby I can give someone a hoi an yell down the blower "How the blazes do I find you???!!"

    Anyway its coming together slowly... but we got plenty of time for the planning


    oooh another thing I INTEND to see while Im up in Banana land... Cape Trip!! Gots me a 4x4 nothin gonna stop me this time dahmnit!! last time I tried to get there some 30 years ago I was in a mini moke... sorta died a viscious death out there it did damned thing shoulda nicked me mates Willys Jeep when I had the chance after that 5 day binge he and I got on bloody keys were in it an full tank of juice and all... but no got to be damned honest didnt I and so I took the moke... he ended up coming up to get me!!! still he had to work so never made the Cape... THIS TIME I WILL!!

    mmmm just quietly thinking about the Tazzy mob... One never knows with me I could do Queensland and be enjoyin meself so much I just keep driving down to wherever one gets the ferry and make me way over to the pimple for a few days?... Believe me when Im in the driving zone anywhere is possible!!

    Im now worrying ME!!... If that happens I might have to stop off somewhere and find a... a... good god NO!!!!... a job???? egads an begoorah me boyohs thats just not done!!.. mmm I was thinking of working at a mine in someplace awhile back Carcor or somesuch place in the wilds of nowhere in particular Victoria... or was it NSW? mmm bin awhile since I thought of that particular jobbie... mmm maybe me ol mate Darren will slot me in somewhere for a week or two?
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

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