I'm wanting to rejuvenate my back deck. Think i'm getting there, just need affirmation/opnions and advice on the finish ...

It is completely open to the elements in Melbourne. The boards are ridged, grey & dry weathered with some splinters (more like spears!) flaking off. Under the weathering, the timber is a red colour when you pull of a splinter. There is still some oil present from the last oil (6 mths ago).

I don't want the off-run to damage the garden. And I have a fish pond that I will have to be VERY careful around (cover it up?)

From what I've researched:

1) Wet deck and sprinkle with Napisan (sodium percarbonate). Scrub with deck brush.
2) Hose off (or use pressure cleaner on lowest setting? - some debate here about damage?)
3) Mix oxalic acid as directed on box (or higher ratio than directed?). Use appropriate mask/gloves - toxic.
4) Spray on to deck with garden sprayer. Let sit for 20 mins. Hose off (pressure cleaner?)
5) Let deck dry for 3-4 days.
6) Apply finish - feast watson decking oil natural?? OR 50/50 boiled linseed oil/turps??

How is this all sounding??

Thanks everyone!

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...