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Thread: bin555

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Byron Bay, NSW

    Default bin555

    G'day all, I've been lurking around the forum for a few weeks now and thought it's about time to come out of the shadows and make myself known.
    I'm an old bloke,retired builder, live in northern NSW and after escaping by a hair from
    getting woodworm, I thought I'd give metal a go.
    I have bought a lathe from a bloke who bought it at an auction. The machine was in perfect
    nick but absolutely filthy and after a good clean up it now looks great and even works
    quite well. The machine is a BL 200-D lathe (it says so at the headstock) has a 220mm
    swing, 550 Distance between centres, 20mm spindle bore and a 375 W motor. It's
    obviously made in China but who the makers are is so far a mystery. Searching on the internet I found a firm in Holland of all places that sells the same machine. The machine had no manual and the thread on lubrication on this forum was very much
    That's the hardware. As far as the software (me) is concerned I'm trying to keep out of
    mischief by keeping reasonably busy, at the moment I'm making some parts for a
    spinning wheel of my daughter. Then there are a few modifications for the lathe planned and we'll see what else will turn up to make me deserving of my afternoon sherbet.

    Cheers H

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    moonbi nsw Aus


    Welcome aboard H
    As a burned out Chippy that has been entertained by this Forum for a few years now, I can say with some authority, that there will be no problem you come across in your metal working that these Forumites can't give good advise to.
    I have an old (at least 100years) lathe that is 400mm swing, after removing the gap piece, and 1mtr between centres. The only metal turning I had done previously was a couple of things at high school 1000 years ago. I also had to rethink measuring and found that there is a whole civilisation that live under a millimeter.
    Seriously though there is a wealth of experience attached to this Forum that is just so easy to tap into.
    I'll keep my eye out for more from you as time goes by.
    Is Paul Hogan a neighbour or Russel Crow?
    Great part of the world
    Just do it!

    Kind regards Rod

  3. #3
    Ueee's Avatar
    Ueee is offline Blacksmith, Cabinetmaker, Machinist, Messmaker
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Welcome H,
    As a cabinetmaker i too suffered from the thought that 1mm was where measuring ended. I find great satisfaction in making things accurate to tolerances that no woodie could ever dream of.
    We have a show us your lathe thread here if you would like to show some pics someone may give you a clue to the manufacturer or even have one themselves.
    We are all too happy to help out if you need it, we also love just seeing what you have made!


  4. #4
    Dave J Guest


    Hi and welcome, good to see you joining in.
    I was once a wood person as well, now all my wood machinery just sits there gathering dust. The sliding table saw still gets a work out from time to time, though usually building shelfs etc for the metal side, LOL


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Hi and welcome H,
    great to see you have moved out of the shadow and over to the dark side. I have a feeling you wont be disappointed by joining this forum. A great and helpful bunch of people like on no other forum. If you would like to be bored witless and you have about 200 hours to kill you can read this.
    Anyways, Hope to see heaps more posts from you and don't forget the cardinal rule on this forum, pictures pictures and more pictures


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Dave J View Post
    Hi and welcome, good to see you joining in.
    I was once a wood person as well, now all my wood machinery just sits there gathering dust. The sliding table saw still gets a work out from time to time, though usually building shelfs etc for the metal side, LOL

    Perhaps I'll just point out your missing opportunity here then, since you seem to be missing it Sell all that useless woodworking crap, use the money and space for, I don't know, a collection of surface grinders or something.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Rural Victoria


    Quote Originally Posted by chambezio View Post
    I also had to rethink measuring and found that there is a whole civilisation that live under a millimeter.

    Welcome aboard bin555!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Byron Bay, NSW


    Thanks for the welcome, Chambezio. I'll have quite a few questions to ask as I am quite new to the
    iron monger business, lol. I'll keep you all on your toes. Cheers H

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Byron Bay, NSW

    Default Thanks to all

    I've just sent a reply to Chambezio but really should have included Ueee, Dave J,
    Steamwhisperer, Jekill & Hyde and Gerbilsquasher.. Thanks to all of you for the warm
    welcome extended. I just hope you wont regret it one day - I'm full of questions.
    It'll take me a while to figure out the intricacies of the forum, I'm pretty hopeless on a
    computer also. So you're dealing with a bit of a dunce here.
    My next post will, with a bit of luck, include a picture of my pride and joy and, hopefully,
    someone on the forum might recognize the make of the lathe. Cheers, H

    PS. Paul Hogan sold his shack some time ago for $ 14 mill. I believe. Probably needed
    the dough to pay some taxes? Imagine the workshop that pile could have been converted to. The best mens shed in the country.

  10. #10
    Dave J Guest


    Don't worry about questions, we all have to start somewhere and it's good to see you joining in and wanting to learn. I don't know if you have noticed but we have members on here as you as young as 16 (Andre) all the way through to 80 plus asking questions or helping others out.

    You will find this a great forum where members are willing to help anyone out, and no matter how small or basic you think a project or job is, you will always get good feed back without negatives putting you down like some other forums do.

    With the 14 mil, it might buy the best one in Australia, but I have seen some guys work shops on the Garage journal (US) and I think they might come close to that if not more for a few of them.
    We can only dream about it, LOL

    With the pictures you will have to resize them. I use windows power toy image resizer which is available for free. It's really easy to use, after installing it just right click on the photo and select resize image, and for this forum you can select large. It will keep your original picture and make a copy of it named xxxxxx large. Then when you click on manage attachments in your post you select browse and pick the one named large.
    Microsoft Powertoys Image Resizer - Download


  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012


    G'day bin555, welcome to the forum, glad to see there is someone on this forum whithin a stone's throw from me. I am in Lismore. Recently I was thinking of starting a local forum for metalworkers in the area, then I found that the woodwork forum had a metalwork component.(hopefully we can hook up with some like minded individuals in the local area).I am a fitter/machinist by trade and just enjoy anything mechanical. I have a lathe, mill/drill, tig welder, and have just purchased a tool grinder which I am restoring. Would be happy to help you out in any way I can.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Dural NSW

    Default Welcome bin 555

    Welcome bin555.
    I was reminded to contact you tonight because I just drank some nice binn555
    It was also good to see a bloke 12 yrs older than myself joining the forum, because I get a bit of a ribbing from a bloke in Perth who thinks I am pretty old, even though he is catching up.
    I believe you will share a great deal of knowledge with others on this forum.
    There is some incredible know how locked away out there with these members.
    Its just one of the best things I have discovered, & I am sure you will also find it that way.
    Welcome again.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Perth WA


    Hello H,

    I'm the cheeky young bastard my old mate Bruce is refering to. It is a great forum with frequent humour, interesting discussion and abundant helpful advice.



  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    HI H,


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    South Brisbane QLD


    Welcome H. This metalwork bracket at the WWF is a little gem of a place in my experience. It has members with a wealth of metalworking knowledge, and good humour. Best of all, anyone coming here trying to get agro is dealt with pretty quickly and tend to move on. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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