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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Reducing Immigration Levels in Australia

    I believe Australia should stop sending foriegn aid to poor countries and also stop taking in their refugees and immigrants.

    I think yes we should help them BUT we should help those who are in our own country first. We need to get rid of poverty in Australia first before assisting other countries eliminating theirs. Ours would be a smaller job. Let's tackle the smaller job before tackling the big job.

    Its only the vast minority that seem to do things because of peoples race (ie. racism), but you rarely hear about them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Glen Forrest, Western Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Noddy View Post
    I believe Australia should stop sending foreign aid to poor countries and also stop taking in their refugees and immigrants.

    I think yes we should help them BUT we should help those who are in our own country first. We need to get rid of poverty in Australia first before assisting other countries eliminating theirs. Ours would be a smaller job. Let's tackle the smaller job before tackling the big job.

    Its only the vast minority that seem to do things because of peoples race (ie. racism), but you rarely hear about them.

    Your first post and it has nothing to do with woodworking
    Are you really here for the forum or do you have an agenda


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Brookfield, Brisbane


    are you a woodworker?

    i whole heartedly agree none the less.
    Mobile Sawmilling & Logging Service
    8" & 10" Lucas Mills, bobcat, 4wd tractor, 12 ton dozer, stihl saws.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005


    I'd classify it as copypasta - exact same text appears here:

    But just to add a bit to the debate...slightly more migrants than Australians find jobs here; just on half the migrants come here on skilled visas while only 12% come in on the humanitarian visa program.

    The vast majority of migrants are younger than the baby boomer generation and are helping fill the skills and labour shortage created as boomers drop out of the workforce.[email protected]?OpenDocument

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Master Splinter View Post
    I'd classify it as copypasta - exact same text appears here:

    But just to add a bit to the debate...slightly more migrants than Australians find jobs here; just on half the migrants come here on skilled visas while only 12% come in on the humanitarian visa program.

    The vast majority of migrants are younger than the baby boomer generation and are helping fill the skills and labour shortage created as boomers drop out of the workforce.[email protected]?OpenDocument
    I posted my post on debate politics as well. I don't have an agenda. I love making things out of wood.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2004


    Most of us come here to debate wood not politics. The issue of foreign aid is complex and has a lot to do with helping regional and international stability. In some countries particularly the poorest a small amount of aid goes a long way. We at least have a good social security system, and the fine tuning of that system should help with those slipping below the poverty line.

    Don't forget that in this country everyone has access to health, education and sufficient support to remain adequately fed. The argument being run is a poor one as we will never lift everyone above Australias version of the poverty line as the line will shift as you raise standards.

    If you simply think its fine to ignore the plight of the worlds poor and let them starve then the theme in post #1 is the one you need to acheive that.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Bottom of the leg


    As i understand it foreign aid isn't just about money.

    Its about goods and services which in the main is supplied by Australian company's.

    Which in turn benefits the workers here.

    I may be wrong but ive always thought thats the way it is.

    Cheers Fred
    Cheers Fred

    The difference between light and hard is that you can sleep with the light on. ... t_creative"

    Updated 26 April 2010

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    So what level of immigration is/was good? What about all the immigrants who built the Snowy Mountains Scheme? If we hadn't had the massive influx of migrants after WW2 this would be a much poorer country, both from a financial and cultural point of view (and especially from a cuisine point of view).

    I came here when I was five and I've been doing my bit to make this a great country to live in, including running the local rural fire brigade and being on the local festival committee. So what do you do for your community Noddy?

    "If you need a machine today and don't buy it,

    tomorrow you will have paid for it and not have it."

    - Henry Ford 1938

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Mt Crosby, Brisbane


    As said this isn't a political forum, but it does get political quite often Not normally on a first post though.

    Foreign aid:

    Remember when we "gave" 3 billion after the boxing day tsunami ? many people don't realise that wasn't a gift. It was a loan, with interest.

    The other really great example of isolationism is Afghanastan. When the Taliban finaly won control of the country (or most of it) the West disengaged. Not only did we stand by while OBL and co built up a base there but we watched as they destroyed the country, it's history and it's people. Good job guys... Rwanda anyone ? Sudan ? Cambodia ?


    The correct number is parity. Regardles of race issues Australia is overpopulated. We have known for decades we were over taxing our natural sources of fresh water. The only ways to "make" fresh water that I know of are energy intensive in a world where energy is becoming increasingly expensive. The simple fact is higher population is driving up the cost of living and down the quality of life. I don't care really where they come from nor on what basis they come, we need to downsize our population to about 13 mill.

    No one seems to have notice that Rudd has upped immigration to 300,000 form the 110,000 of the Howard gov, who in turn had upped it from 70,000 Hake/Keeting. It shoulde be about 30,00 50,000.

    They love immigration because bringing in labour makes a few smart a*s's rich while the rest of us pay for it. If you want to live in an overpopulated country emmigrate. You have plenty of options...
    I'm just a startled bunny in the headlights of life. L.J. Young.
    We live in a free country. We have freedom of choice. You can choose to agree with me, or you can choose to be wrong.
    Wait! No one told you your government was a sitcom?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Noddy View Post
    I believe Australia should stop sending ......stop taking in their refugees and immigrants.
    As an immigrant myself, and proud of it, I thoroughly disagree with the above statement.

    Our Noddy must still be living in noddyland.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Katoomba NSW


    Some very misinformed statements and assumptions there.
    At least do a bit of research before flipping the Rant switch.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    We need to get rid of poverty in Australia first before assisting other countries eliminating theirs
    1. As I am currently living in a country where Australia invests foreign aid reasonably heavily...
    ... I see clear examples of how it is a good thing for both Australia and the country involved.
    To shut it down would have dramatic and negative consequences for Australia.

    2. As I am currently living in a country where 'average daily earnings' are somewhere between US$1 and US$2 per day, and 30% of the children are malnourished, and 10% of children suffer from organ damage from malnutrition because of the low wage levels ...
    ..... I can tell you that there is no poverty in Australia, although I recognise that some may be unhappy with their current income level and living standards.

    3. As I am currently living in a country that is desperately trying to educate their population in vocational training, and achieve an educational level that will allow them to come to Australia and work under a 'seasonal vacancy and skills shortage" program (basically 9 month work visa's)...
    ...I can tell you that there are thousands of jobs going unfilled in Australia that migrants (permanant or temporary) can fill, which would assist our economy, which is the whole bloody point.

    4. As someone that has some small experience and interest in the process and workings of Government, I can tell you that regardless what side of the political fence a party is, the most important responsibility of the Government is to generate the conditions for a growing domestic economy...
    .... and foreign aid and migration is a part of that, and is only done when it either assists in the growth of the donor country's domestic economy, or when it is needed to "win the next election".

    Good luck with it, but I would suggest that you may need to do a little more research, so that you can ensure that your opinion is actually based upon reality.

    "Use your third eye" - Watson

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Blue Mountains


    I think that all the foreign timber that wants to move to Australia can and should. But If I have to choose my preferences would be the black stuff from Africa, followed by the Latino/African cross from South America, The highly figured white stuff from North America and Europe, and the golden stuff from Asia. I refer of course to Ebony, Brazilian Rosewood, Maple and Teak.

    On the people side of things I welcome all immigrants, Im one, as are all the non indigenous members of the list. This far right racist agenda stunk years ago and still stinks today and betrays a deceitful, petty mindedness that boggles. Funny also that the most concerned are those who dont have much contact with people from other cultures. Its very similar to the attitude to reconciliation. Live in Auburn or Cabramatta for a while and you realise all peoples regardless of language, colour or culture are people just like us.

    BTW we will never stop the blending of the races either, asian people will marry white aussies, arabs, latins, kooris and will breed mixed offspring. Its been happening for the whole of humanities history. I personally believe that in 100 years time the dominant features of the Australian will include "asian eyes" and a darker skin colour that we currently have.

    Stick that up your nasty salute......

    "We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer

    My blog.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastiaan56 View Post
    I think that all the foreign timber that wants to move to Australia can and should. But If I have to choose my preferences would be the black stuff from Africa, followed by the Latino/African cross from South America, The highly figured white stuff from North America and Europe, and the golden stuff from Asia. I refer of course to Ebony, Brazilian Rosewood, Maple and Teak.

    On the people side of things I welcome all immigrants, Im one, as are all the non indigenous members of the list. This far right racist agenda stunk years ago and still stinks today and betrays a deceitful, petty mindedness that boggles. Funny also that the most concerned are those who dont have much contact with people from other cultures. Its very similar to the attitude to reconciliation. Live in Auburn or Cabramatta for a while and you realise all peoples regardless of language, colour or culture are people just like us.

    BTW we will never stop the blending of the races either, asian people will marry white aussies, arabs, latins, kooris and will breed mixed offspring. Its been happening for the whole of humanities history. I personally believe that in 100 years time the dominant features of the Australian will include "asian eyes" and a darker skin colour that we currently have.

    Stick that up your nasty salute......

    Hear, hear!

    Small-minded people can be so... small-minded.

    Additionally, I'd like to see an influx of Elm, ash and European walnut.

    I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.

    Regards, Woodwould.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    P.S. Instead of ranting about reducing immigration levels, how about eliminating the hoards of cretins we already have here!
    I know you believe you understand what you think I wrote, but I'm not sure you realize that what you just read is not what I meant.

    Regards, Woodwould.

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