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Thread: U, Beaut & at Brisbane WWW Show
30th April 2006, 12:39 PM #1
U, Beaut & at Brisbane WWW Show
OK Queenslanders, we'll be there again this year on Stand 34 and the crew will comprise of "U" (that's me, Neil
) "Beaut" (that's her, Pauline
) and back again by popular demand, (he demanded to come) "" (that's him, The Axe Wielding Mongrel
) We have spared no expense to bring this legend back to Brizzie just for you.
We are looking forward to seeing old (and not so old) faces and meeting more members at the show again this year, and to this end, are offering a very special entry to genuine members. To find out more please send me a PM and I will elaborate.
We will be demonstrating constantly throughout the weekend, hoping to build on the number of U-Beaut users for our Queensland distributors.
Because of the demo's we are often extremely busy and may not have time to meet or greet, but will do our best. With this in mind, I apologise in advance to anyone who may feel slighted or missed out. We are there firstly for business and although we would love to stand and chat it isn't always possible. We hope you will understand.
Cheers - Neil
PS We all love scones, fruit ones, date ones, cheese ones, jam n cream ones, we don't mind.
30th April 2006, 08:35 PM #2
Originally Posted by ubeaut
"I see dumb peope!"
30th April 2006, 08:55 PM #3
I can't compete with Soundman's scones, but I could try my hand at a dovetailed tomato or carrot
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Twist One - Wooden Hinge/Latch/Catch/Handle
Twist Two - Found Object
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30th April 2006, 09:17 PM #4
Originally Posted by rufflyrustic
- Andy Mc
30th April 2006, 09:31 PM #5
Only the best for U, Beaut and - by hand of course, My router's a bit dusty
Sorry, but no shellac finish
Box Challenge 2011 - Check out the amazing Boxes!
Twist One - Wooden Hinge/Latch/Catch/Handle
Twist Two - Found Object
Twist Three - Anything Goes
30th April 2006, 09:43 PM #6
Ahhh.. salad with character.
- Andy Mc
30th April 2006, 09:48 PM #7
are ya coming to the newcastle show?
30th April 2006, 09:49 PM #8
Better than salad with attitude
"I see dumb peope!"
30th April 2006, 11:01 PM #9
Hey Neil,
Now theyll come.
Read s l o w l y north brothers and sisters;
AY, OK Queenslanders, AY we'll be there again this year on Stand 34 AY and the crew will comprise of "U" (that's me, Neil) "Beaut" (that's her, Pauline
) and back again by popular demand AY, (he demanded to come) "" (that's him, The Axe Wielding Mongrel
) We have spared no expense AY to bring this legend back to Brizzie just for you. AY
We are looking forward to seeing old (and not so old) faces AY and meeting more members at the show again this year, AY and to this end, AY are offering a very special entry to genuine members. AY. To find out more please send me a PM and I will elaborate AY
We will be demonstrating constantly throughout the weekend, AY hoping to build on the number of U-Beaut users for our Queensland distributors AY.
Because of the demo's we are often extremely busy AY and may not have time to meet or greet, AY, but will do our best. AY. With this in mind, I apologise in advance to anyone who may feel slighted or missed out. AY.
We are there firstly for business and although we would love to stand and chat it isn't always possible. AY. We hope you will understand. AY.
Cheers - NeilAY.
PS We all love scones, fruit ones, date ones, cheese ones, jam n cream ones, we don't mind. AYYYYYYY!
1st May 2006, 07:47 AM #10
Originally Posted by dazzler
1st May 2006, 08:22 AM #11
I think dazzler's been watching too much television but, ay Exador?
Oh, and in Brisbane the best Country Radio station is often mistakenly called Triple A (AAA), for all you southerners, that's not how it goes.
It's Double A, Ay
Cheers but,
1st May 2006, 08:37 AM #12
Thanks Dazzler, now I understand, ay.
1st May 2006, 10:13 AM #13
Neil, would you bring The Axe Wielding Mongrel to Sydney too?
Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
1st May 2006, 11:24 AM #14
Stirlo - Yep
Wongo - Nup...... Got the "Original Mongrel" for Sydney (Doorstop) can't afford to have 2 of em on the same stand, it'ud be complete and utter chaos in the first degree, a bit like this...
I'd much rather this:
Cheers -Neil
1st May 2006, 11:48 AM #15
Originally Posted by ubeaut
now ifyer threw Al in with Stoppers and all on the one stand
t'would be complete & utter chaos.