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2nd July 2009, 04:40 PM #1
Old, New Woodworker from Gippsland
Hello from Gippsland Victoria (Aust)
Very new to this forum and to serious woodworking but inocently enthusiastic about aquiring better skills. We have bought an old house (1886) on the edge of town (Sale)
The house is very original and its comming up a treat. We have just repaired, sanded (floors), painted etc etc but would like to put on an extention on the north side to catch the sun (warmth and light in winter) and have a big country style kitchen (with a slow combustion stove etc)
This project is way beyond anything I have done before but i will give it a go in about 6 to 9 months
Anyone out there wants to advise me on my next equipment aquisitions??
I am looking for a table saw and possibly a jointer /planer or thicknesser
Have a budget of about $500 for the table saw.
Have just aquired a 1hp hafco Dust Ext (E Bay)and have all the normal power tools, compound mitre saw press drill, routers (& Table ) etc
I have set up my workshop in a shipping container and cant fit much more in. Have completely blown the budget as well.
I am keen to relate to people willing to share knowledge & connections particularly equipment choices
2nd July 2009, 06:54 PM #2
welcome we love photo's here and by the sounds of it you might have a few of your work/shed/tools.
Containers fullneed more shed space time for another container
Last edited by RETIRED; 2nd July 2009 at 07:42 PM. Reason: tut tut Ray
2nd July 2009, 07:43 PM #3
G'day Coff and welcome to cyber heaven!!
You've been a busy boy by the looks of things.
You must remember one of the immutable rules for wood workers. It is not Possible to blow the budget because it is open ended.
2nd July 2009, 10:28 PM #4
Welcome to the forum.
3rd July 2009, 12:13 PM #5
Thankyou Cristos
for you reply and encouragement I will get some pics for you. Do you know if there is a list of tablesaws (on th forum) summerising things lile quality, price, features etc? I am daunted by the choices (particularly new asian imports) and huge varation in quality. Unfortunately my budget is about 500 for this item.
Cheers Mike
3rd July 2009, 12:17 PM #6
3rd July 2009, 12:28 PM #7
Hello Wheelinround
I visited your blog and had a good laugh at the snake stories. I can relate to them having lived "in the hills" in my twenties. Have fallen for the one where you pick it up and find it was much longer and livelier that you thought. Or where you have one in the house and spend an hour chaseing it from under furniture and in cupboards untill it is really agro
Where is Hinchinbrook??
3rd July 2009, 12:37 PM #8
Hi Mike
There are 2 Hinchinbrooks one in QLD (I wish) I'm in NSW subrub of Western Sydney
Yes snakes featured in my life a fair bit one story I don't think I put there is about my uncle who has his ove of snakes my cousin also took them on in his teens. he was sent off to boarding school while the rest of the family mum, dad and 4 sisters tender after them.
He had a Python which broke loose one day while everyone was out, they searched hi and low
I came to stay overnight and as aunt was turning out the light thought she had better warn me.....the tank it should have been in was in the same room
Later that evening a shrilled scream woke the whole house hold and aunts mother who lived next door, aunt ha slid into bed where she had earlier placed a hot water bottle to warm the bed. snuggled down stretched out andft of python moved.
3rd July 2009, 03:39 PM #9
Welcome aboard Mike, You sound just the right sort of guy we need around here.
Reality is no background music.
Cheers John