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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Braidwood NSW

    Default How passionate are we about our tools?

    Two days ago I was hit with the dilemma of fire burning on the ridge near my house at about 10 o'clock at night. After collecting all sentimental belongings and valuables I had to go into my carving shed and decide what to take and what to leave. In a state of distress I packed up all my pfeil chisels first as they are (I see now) my most loved tools. Next.....what is hoard of huon and some exotics. Thankfully my other half has great faith in my carving (more than me) and just started taking my large lengths of huon and put them in my car.

    After spending a sleepless night in our cars in a safe area, packed up with our belongings, kids,dogs and parrot we returned home at 5.30am and to our relief the flames had gone. THANK YOU SO MUCH RFS words cannot describe how greatful we all are for your bravery and my heart goes out to all those who have lost everything.

    Still quite distressed and tired I thought I would check the forum on my phone and Section 1 had asked his question on which brands. I unpacked my small laptop and answered. Thank you Section 1 and everyone you took my mind away from an awful place.

    I know it's not over yet (I can still hear the choppers and the weather is going to get hot and windy again)so my car still sits packed and in the shade.

    I think all woodies have to ask themselves what would I take and what would I leave.
    A very heavy question when faced with fire.

    Please everyone stay safe in this bad fire season and decide now before you don't have time to decide at all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Blue Mountains

    Default How passionate are we about our tools?

    Glad to hear you are ok! I'm packed and ready to go.

    My eldest serves in a local RFS and hasn't had a call out yet. But the next few days will tell whether the pyros are still locked up or have got loose again.
    "We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer

    My blog.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    McBride BC Canada


    featherwood, that was a dreadful situation. Good to read that you are home safe and sound. Lots of fires and fire news in the 4 yrs that I lived in Melb. Ugh.
    That was 40 years ago and the gums burn just as brightly now as they ever did.

    Better be ready to run again, I can't believe that you guys are done with this yet.
    I think I'd grab my banjo, my crooked knives that were such a headache to learn to sharpen and the cat.

    Possibly your family knows that you would be more settled with "comfort possessions." Better able to face the crap of the day (and night). I read of the record high and sustained heat. Hard to imagine here (-5C and snowing like Hello, again/yet/still/never stopping.)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Braidwood NSW


    Thanks Sebastian, good to hear you are packed and ready.
    I'm at the end of a long road with only one way out, so I'm staying packed!

    Thanks RV, I think I like winter better than summer now!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Glad all is well so far Featherwood.

    Quote Originally Posted by Featherwood View Post
    I think all woodies have to ask themselves what would I take and what would I leave.
    This is where those who live in fire danger zones should have a fire plan. If you're not sure what shape your fire plan should take, please contact your local fire authority (CFA where I live).

    Essentially this is what we do. On extreme fire days my partner, kids and I go and stay at the in-laws. If we're separated, we know where to meet. If in doubt, leave without hesitation. If you see and smell smoke, it's too late to leave. All our photo's are backed up in two places, my parents and her parent's place. At the end of the day I don't give two hoots about the shed, house and it's contents. It's all adequately insured and replaceable. Lives and photos can't be replaced. Ever.

    Stay safe.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2012


    I feel for you all over there threatened by fires, it's a scary time, so far, touch wood WA hasn't had any bad fires this season yet and I hope it stays that way although we had a chemical fire near where I live yesterday and got a call to close windows turn off air cons and stay inside.
    Featherwood, I just scored my 1st little batch of Huon pine last week and started carving something a few days ago, I can now see why you love it so much, it a joy to work with. The guy I got it from in WA has a mountain of timber he wants to sell, he has 54 lengths of Huon 2.4mtrs long, he wants 2 grand for it, maybe we should all chip in and share it, He also has lots of Camphor laurel, the rest is hard woods. Stay safe.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Braidwood NSW


    Hi again Sebastiaan, just would like to say I hope your son doesn't have to get called out. You stay safe too.

    Thanks Scott,
    Sorry, but I tried to cut a long story short. We had actually spent all day in town (packed) on advice from the RFS. Early evening we went to the RFS station and asked if it was safe to return to our home. We were told that it was ok but watch the wind direction. So we returned home and didn't unpack the cars, we fed the animals and showered. We then reassessed what we had taken after thinking about it all day. We had room, so I went into my was then that the dilemma struck me. My faithfull old chisels that had given me so much pleasure for 15 years lay on the bench, so I packed them and my huon.

    At this point there was no smoke nearby that we could see or smell. Two hours later we saw the fire on the ridge. So we left straight away.

    Couldn't agree more that we all need a fire plan.

    Thanks Rob,
    Watch out....huon is addictive!
    Wow! What a nice stash! If I was rich I'd be in.....spent all my money on my hoard of 10cm x 12cm x 200cm lengths, my annual investment from the T&WWW Show.
    Have fun with the huon.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012


    I don't want to be dismissive of some pretty scary situations...but I hope this can lighten the mood. I hope I can find his Apocalypse forecast.<wbr>v=VeqZCnj7CJs&feature=youtube_<wbr>gdata_player

    Rob - we really need to talk.

    Oh yeah, I think I'd grab my bike if it came down to it.
    And the other bike.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Braidwood NSW


    Thanks Raav.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Thats a good read Featherwood. Thanks for sharing and glad you're OK.

    I love my tools and timber stock like I love my children. I wonder if the 3 of them could move my Powermatic jointer.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012



    Good to hear you're all safe !
    Even from the opposite of the globe, pictures are frightening.

    My place is all surrounded by forest... I would probably be stuck in such a case.
    But at least, my gouges are not too heavy to carry !

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Braidwood NSW


    Thanks so much Wongo, I was starting to think it was a girl thing being sentimental (passionate) about my old tools.

    Thanks Copeau,
    Yes, living in a forest has its pro's and con's.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    So glad to hear you are all still safe and well. Praying that it stays that way for you. You have made me think about our situation here. The house is pretty good though there is probably more we could do on our eastern side, but the shed (with all my wood and tools) is very vulnerable. Have to address that.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Braidwood NSW


    Thanks Whittling, I was thinking of you a couple of months back when the big SA fires were burning. Glad you're OK too.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Im on standby for five day deployment but may have to hang around North coast NSW anyway with temps like they are now. We need a revolution in fire protection. Safety is always only a couple of metres away anywhere... but you have to be able to last underground! We need small bunkers designed that can do the job - even big concrete waterpipes with some sort of good sealing and oxygen system. It only usually needs to be for a very brief time.
    " We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting" - Kahlil Gibran

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