Hi All,
I wasn't sure whether this is the right place to put my query but here goes. We own the back unit of 2 and so don't have much of a backyard. I've got a small veggie patch, not large enough for my liking but nowere to expand to without taking over all the yard. Then my wife made the comment that the only place we could put one would be on the roof of the garage! Brilliant I thought, it's a flat roofed double garrage with plenty of sun and rainfall and easy for me to pull the hose up to water. My question is whether it can carry the load.
The beams inside are solid (50 x 200), spaced 1500 apart. The roof is flat profile with ridges about 150 apart (hard for me to discribe but you would know it if you saw it, it's pretty standard roofing iron) and there's no give or flex when a 75 kilo man walks on it! I was thinking of putting some relatively small tubs up there but was wondering if there's an easy way to tell what the loadbearing potential is. Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
Mark CH

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