Dear Gentlemen,

I've been using one of those little Plasterboard Screwdriver Bits (GFB brand) with the fixed depth-setting "Collar" that is supposed to set the penetration of the head of a PH2 Bugle-Head Screw to about 1mm below the surface of a Plasterboard sheet...

Well - that's the theory anyway, because in practice, mine is just sitting the things flush with the face, rather than the desired 1mm-odd into it. You can sort of see what the problem is with mine when you have a look at the photo below. By rights, you should be able to see about a millimetre of daylight between the top of the Collar, and the bottom of the Screw. But as you can see from the photo, these two points are instead level with each other, meaning that the Screws are not driving that crucial last millimetre home. I've tried to increase the penetration by upping the setting on the drill's clutch, but this is just leading to overdriving...:-

Now, these types of Collared Bits don't exactly grow on trees; there are only three brands that I know of - GFB, Wallboard, and USH. "GFB" is what I've got now (and isn't working quite right); "Wallboard" are what CSR Gyprock are selling, but it wouldn't surprise me if they were just repackaged GFB's (someone please tell me I'm wrong, and that they're instead worth making the trip to buy and try out...); and USH are a top-notch German brand that probably isn't even sold here in Australia.

So, the long and the short of it is: does anyone know of a reliable one that puts the Screws 1mm in, and perhaps who might be selling them here on the northside of Brisbania?

Many Thanks,

Attached Thumbnails

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