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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Narrabri NW, NSW

    Default Men's Shed In Narrabri

    No not Narabeen, Narrabri. On the Newell Highway a favourite stopping off point for people travelling Melbourne to Queensland.
    Our shed of which I'm a proud member, has only been running for just over 12 months and we have close to 70 full members. There are no set tasks, you can do whatever you like. I was preselected for computers before I even thought of joining it. I was also asked to take my RC boats along and build them there. I wanted to make some timber framework for the interior of the boats and within 10 minutes there was a scroll saw in front of me. Being disabled was a problem. For the first few trips I had a medical staff member accompany me at Veteran Affairs expense. Now my wife takes me when I feel I can handle it and I know I'm in good hands because my old retired doctor is a member as well. I go when I feel I can and do what I happen to take with me. No pressure and if you just want to chat you can do that as well.
    We have been given a Grant for $65,000.00 and we intend to build a new building within 12 months. We have already been given the land by the Showground trust. Our workshop is unbelievable. A Lathe, drop saws, drill presses, planers every type of heavy and light woodworking gadget and gizmo anyone would be proud to have in their workshop. We are shown how to use anything we want to use and have a fully licenced chippie there all the time.
    Not once have I seen, heard or even heard of an argument. There's plenty of digs flying around aimed at certain people but everyone gives as good as they take and no one has ever taken offense. A nicer bunch of guys you couldn't wish to meet. From all works of life from farmers to doctors. Some of the old delapidated furniture which finds it's way in the back door goes out the front door looking like new Some of the restoration work is fascinating to watch and guys will explain what they are doing and why.

    It's an old cliche with it being like a big family. It would be classed as a weird family. There are the born comedians to some more serious men but we all learn quickly that nothing is said which would upset anyone. There are guys who are depressed and under treatment but anyone sitting on their own is very quickly visited by someone to talk to. We only operate Wednesday and Friday 9am to noon. But I find 3 hours of constant drills , saws etc about as much as I can take. But our new building has a large loungeroom for guys who want to sit back and chat or play cards or anything else they want to do. Then there's a massive tea room and then my own room with computers to teach the guys how to send emails and write letters etc.

    One thing we are not in any way, shape or form is "huggy". Just a bunch of guys having fun completely SOBER. Not a drop to be seen or smelt. Not even a hangover. If there's one in your town and you're not a member, give it a go, nobody has suffered any ill effects that I know of.


  2. #2
    crowie's Avatar
    crowie is offline Life's Good, Enjoy each new day & try to encourage
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Faulconbridge, Lower Blue Mountains


    Sounds a beaut shed, Stu.
    I've been considering joining the local Lower Mountains Men’s Shed but have baulked after talking to the local co-ordinator, nothing like what you've described.
    I don't think I'd have to think twice about your shed though, well done.
    Cheers, Crowie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Blue Mountains


    Hi Crowie,

    Talking about the Lower Mountains mens shed, I visited there a couple of weeks ago and had a very enjoyable morning. A good bunch of blokes, had a cuppa and a chat, all very relaxed. They don't have a proper workshop yet but are working on it.

    I like the idea of being involved in the early stages of the shed and hopefully seeing it grow into something special, maybe even as big as Bedbug's one day

    In the meantime though, I'm looking forward to the next get together on Saturday, you never know, I might even sign up and get a bit involved.

    All the best, Peter
    The time we enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Blue Mountains


    Sounds like a great shed you've got there,Bedbug, and hats off to you for getting there when it sounds like it isn't all that easy. I find the overall idea of these sheds very appealing as you can do as much or as little as you want, and it's no big deal.
    The time we enjoy wasting is not wasted time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Springfield NSW


    Sounds like a great place to be Stu.

    Our shed in Castle Hill, Sydney is much the same . Some blokes come along every week and hardly leave the lunch room because of the good chat and basic good humored bull that goes on. Others are more serious and always seem to have a real project going on. Most of us fit somewhere in the middle.

    Our rule is 30/30/30. 30% for yourself, 30% for the shed and 30% for the community.

    We get a lot of stuff donated -tools machinery etc. Much of it is rubbish but there are also gems. My particular thing is the restoration of hand tools and old machinery. I am currently rebuilding a couple of Durden Pacemaker combination table saw/jointers. We have also rebuilt some very old Hyco machinery including a huge cast iron scroll saw.

    I want to start a computer "how to " session very soon - similar to yours email, digital photos etc.

    Next time I am up Narrabri way ( a couple of times a year) I will try to make it on a Wednesday or Friday morning. I'd love to see the place. I hope you are there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Narrabri NW, NSW


    Please, anyone coming our way let me know beforehand and I'll take you along personally and introduce you. It's a really great place. All the guys know I have medical problems and couldn't care less. Not in the negative way but it doesn't worry them. If I drop something it's almost magic the way someone appears picks up whatever it was and gets on with their job. I do some some pretty weird stuff for a men's shed like build my boats or take a half finished pro helicopter with me to finish off building it. Making wooden parts for the interior of my boats and last week I was removing shafts from Brushless motors and replacing them with a different size. I must have had about 6 guys come over and ask what I was doing. They stand there shaking their heads because of the unusual things I do. Next week I'm taking a 4 foot wingspan radio controlled Cessna 182 with me. That will cause a stop work. Because they were told(without my knowledge) about my problems I'm watched by someone all the time. They don't organise it but I can look up at any time and someone will be glancing over. It gives me a great sense of security. They don't talk about it or make fun of me or avoid me. I'm treated like everyone else but there's always that feeling I'm in a safe place.

    Everything is rather bare at the moment. Only the essentials are left in the shed. It's used during the Narrabri Yearly show so we have to vacate for a week. That's one heck of a lot of work. All those tools and timber and prjects all shifted out. At least it gives the place a good clean out. After each session it's given a sweeping but we all know what our reputation as cleaners is like. Pretty poor.

    Our old semi retired barber attends and although he does no woodwork he is our teaman. He gets stroppy if anyone tries to make their own tea or coffee. That's his job and that's it. He collects all the cups and washes up after and again that's his domain and hands off to anyone who goes near him. He's an old Greek I think. Very happy and jovial bloke. I have a Puppy (Shhh! that's my name for him) He's an old guy who's going deaf and can't handle any tools and he follows me everywhere and asks what I'm doing. He's perpetually interested in what I'm doing. I went one day to do some scroll saw work and I think I got 3 pieces of wood cut and he wanted to talk. With only a break for a cuppa he and I yarned on for over 2 hours. He's like a big magnet and absorbs everything I say and he has to know everything too. The funny thing is it's nota nuisance thing. I enjoy it as much as he does. Now that I broke the ice as far as disabled people go about 3 more have been joined up. One guy walks with crutches and is almost identical with me in back problems. But I have other things to worry about like low blood pressure. If I bend over to try to pick anything up I'm likely to end up flat on my face. That's why the guys watch me.

    So don't pass through without a visit. If you can't make it on a wednesday or Friday 9am tp noon then still send a PM and call in for a nice cuppa and biscuits and a rest after that Coonabarabran road.

    kind regards Stu

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