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Thread: Can't take it With You
16th December 2013, 08:01 AM #1
Can't take it With You
From a great little book called, 'Plato and Platypus walked into a Bar'. :
A guy is near death and calls the priest in.
'I know you say I can't take possessions with me when I die but could you arrange something with special prayers or something?'
The priest reluctantly agrees to keep the guy happy and tells him to put some belongings in a brief case and keep it by the bed.
The guy immediately sells all his possessions and buys gold bars which he keeps in the brief case by the bed. Well, he dies and they bury the brief case in the coffin with him.
The guy turns up a the pearly gates with a brief case under his arm and St Peter says, "Well, hello. You have been a faithful servant. Come in. But what's in the suitcase. I'll need to check that.'
The guy opens the suitcase and St Peter says,
'You brought pavement?'