Hi, i'm about to take on a bathroom reno and part of the reno will involve removing sheets of plasterboard with existing tiles stuck to it. As there are only a few square metres of tiles to remove, I don't want to remove all the walls in the bathroom as they are only painted and in good condition. The new plasterboard will form the walls behind the shower and the bath so waterproofing will be a factor in joining.

1. What are the best methods to join new plasterboard (waterproof variety) to the existing old plasterboard?
2. When I cut the existing plasterboard, should I have it line up overlapping a stud half way? Or should it be freefloating between studs?
3. Should I cut the new plasterboard so I have 2 butt edges to join instead of 1 butt joint and 1 recessed?

I've searched a fair bit on these forums and haven't found this situation before. I've also had a look at www.how2plaster.com (great website).

Thanks for anyhelp provided.
