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Thread: Highly figured Tasmanian Timbers
26th July 2018, 05:35 PM #1
Highly figured Tasmanian Timbers
Hi. Members may have seen some of my pictures I have shared in the "Timber" section on this forum. I specialise in salvaging and milling highly figured Tasmanian timbers including Blackwood, Myrtle, Musk, Black heart sassafras and Mountain Ash. Figure types include Fiddleback, Quilted and Burl. Mostly short lengths up to 600mm in blocks and thin boards. I generally don't stock dry, ready to use but if you're after something extra special for future projects feel free to send me a private msg via the forum, email to [email protected] or contact me through my instagram page @tasmanian_burl where you can see lots of pictures and details of the wood I mill.
Regards. Jason.
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26th July 2018, 05:59 PM #2
Thank you for the Heads Up. There's some great timber there.
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 0 Likes, 0 , 0TasSculptor thanked for this post
26th July 2018, 06:22 PM #3
I can vouch - TasSculptors are absolutely EXCEPTIONAL
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 , 0Euge liked this post
28th July 2018, 08:10 AM #4
Another very satisfied customer here, well done Jason.
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1st August 2018, 02:20 AM #5
Jason just sent me up 5 huge slabs of this premium firewood
IMG_20180730_221322_215.jpg IMG_20180730_221322_209.jpg IMG_20180730_221322_208.jpg IMG_20180730_221322_212.jpg
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1st August 2018, 11:47 PM #6
Nice. I handled quite a bit of Tasmanian firewood as a child and I don't ever remember it looking as good as that.
I've also got some fine looking timber from Jason, and I've been too timid to use it yet for fear or wasting it.
2nd August 2018, 12:00 AM #7
This one is so bubbly it made my nose bleed. Its a huge slab and so detailed it boggles the mind.
BTW, its dead flat..... smooooottthhh.....
TasmanianBurl (13).jpg TasmanianBurl (12).jpg TasmanianBurl (11).jpg TasmanianBurl (10).jpg
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31st August 2018, 08:55 AM #8
That's some really beautiful wood. All of it. The bubbly stuff is incredible.
I really wish I lived closer.
31st August 2018, 12:05 PM #9
8th September 2018, 05:55 PM #10
I'm drooling. It's art just as it is.
Can someone educate me on the wood types. The pink is beautiful and the white but the quilted stuff with the dark and lighter brown and white is my favourite. What is it?
I'd love it on the wall. Some oil on it and put it up.
Edit: the third from the bottom.