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Thread: What influences your vote...?
27th October 2007, 11:39 AM #121
I did say economic management was only one issue on which I will shape my vote.
Another is of course climate.
Here I have a problem. Every time I hear Little Johnny talking on climatic responsibility I get this absurd mental image. His face slowly blends into Kermit the Frog singing "It's not easy being green.,"
Don't know why I should worry however. I live in Victoria and my representative in Canberra is Kevin Andrews. It's a terrible irony that my vote will count for nothing.
3rd November 2007, 08:58 PM #122
so vote kermit in the senate
3rd November 2007, 09:12 PM #123
Today's Australian made the point that there is a vast amount of benefit in properly insulating houses and putting in better hot water services.
There would me a few hundred million saving to the economy by doing this. Also a great reduction in Green House Gasses. If you believe that gumpf. Personally I look at all the houses that have been going up for years and notice that none of them have eaves. The roof just ends at the walls and the gutters are stuck on the wall! Talk about bad design, houses that will require a lot of energy to keep cool. Builders and developers are trying to get decent sized houses on small blocks of land. The reason they do this is the looney lobby wants us all to live close together in small houses and ride busses to work walk to the shops etc etc etc. Well they got us onto small blocks of land but the public transport never happened people want to go to big shopping centres that will never be on every corner. Which just goes to show that the chattering class is contradictory by nature and has no interest in getting the details right beyond having a warm fuzzy feeling about manipulating the rest of us into a corner.
StudleyAussie Hardwood Number One
3rd November 2007, 09:48 PM #124
3rd November 2007, 10:02 PM #125
being connected with reality is not sad Astrid.
We are back to the old wet v dry spray that went on way back when
StudleyAussie Hardwood Number One
3rd November 2007, 10:52 PM #126
being cx with reality hmmm
cockroaches in melb
melting glaciers
huge tsunami
46 degrees in europe
global warming sceptic are stuck in the sand or there bank accounts
3rd November 2007, 11:13 PM #127
Sorry there is evidence that the earth has in fact cooled these past 7 years
But I am not denying climate change of even global warming, it appears to be happening however what it is caused by is a moot point.
Al Gore and friends ignore some important facts of science. The little ice age for one. Of course you must ignore the Viking habitation of Greenland. They were growing grapes and wheat there back then too cold for that now. Actually they ignore that in history and during the warm and cool periods the earth was only a few degrees different in temp the seas only a few feet different in level.
One pearler we have at the moment is that we are in the midst of the worst drought in 1000 years!!!!!! I remember a the terrible drought of 80-83. Two years in the middle of that without a drop of rain. The federation drought also is up there and I think there was one around the 30's or 40's that was up there too. This current drought is a peanut compared to those most of the current drought is about state government mismangement to suit their own short term objectives. Drained the whole damn thing dry absolute shocker.
But was always thus and always thus would be. Liberal governments build the country then Labor Governments come along and wreck the lot. Every single time how on earth can anyone consider having a Labor Government ever again anywhere?
StudleyAussie Hardwood Number One
4th November 2007, 12:18 AM #128
so your saying that we should be blue for ever and ever and ever
I think thats called a dictatorship
and less about "the chattering class" please
this is just one of the put downs on people who think
4th November 2007, 12:34 AM #129
*LOL* group think is not intellectual consideration
All the great thinkers ever have been liberals or conservatives. Any thing else is just emotional clap trap that gets on the 6 o'clock news but has no weight whatsoever.
Bells and whistles who needs it? Looks good sounds good but when the rubber hits the road there has just been no thought given to the details or the reality of it all. That is all too hard for the chattering mob, but at the end of the day it is only the hard grind to get the details right and get the thing to work in the real world that matters.
if you are not a socialist when you 20 you don't have a heart. If you are not a conservative by the time you are 40 you don't have a brain.Aussie Hardwood Number One
4th November 2007, 12:59 AM #130
i could give you a list of great names but i wont bother
keep up your principals and we will see an end to kids down t pit one day
ps i see you did not address my comment re democracy
pps dont pinch quotes without quoting sources
4th November 2007, 01:24 AM #131
No it is democracy we vote Labor is corrupt and only there to serve itself so it will never deserve to be elected and it will democratically be on the sideline forever.
I believe the quote was Churchill, you are getting so tetchy though Astrid for someone I thought was good to have around and a lot better than some of the sticks in the mud you get around the place that I am starting to remember a famous quote of Menzies
StudleyAussie Hardwood Number One
4th November 2007, 01:51 AM #132
i am not tetchy more amused
i am working class through and through
father housepainter
mother seamstress
grandfathers coal miners and railway workers
grandmothers housemaids and barmaids
family name wedgwood
what a laugh
am ex union rep
why does this make me a "stick in the mud"
i really think you should broaden your views on people generally
not all liberals are idiot private schoolboys
and not all labour are union thugsl
take tim and peter costello
I wonder what christmas is like at their place
4th November 2007, 01:59 AM #133
ps the actual quote is
"if youre not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time youre 35, you have no brain"
4th November 2007, 08:58 AM #134
4th November 2007, 10:56 AM #135
Geez studley,
haven't heard anyone so bigotted and one-eyed for a long time! All Liberal good, all Labour bad...must be refreshingly easy living in such a simple world.
Anyone that expresses a concern about the environment is anti progress, possibly a loon, and should be howled down.
I really don't think there is much difference between the Coalition and what is left of Labour now. One builds up (ie. good in the eyes of supporters) for the other to tear down...seems like a perfectly balanced democracy, works equally for both sides of the electorate. To many, studley, the Coalition has let the people down, as hard as that may be for you to comprehend.
About the election campaign, all I can see at the moment are the two sneering patronizing schoolboy bullies masquerading as adult politicians, in the front row during the "great" debate. To think one that of these (####) could end up as our leader, by default, is beyond me.
Cheerio!Andy Mac
Change is inevitable, growth is optional.
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