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  1. #121
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149


    Quote Originally Posted by Cklett View Post
    I fully agree with the posts before. On top the summer heat doesn't make it easier for some. I am still confident to finish my plane in time but wouldn't mind to have a little more to refine and also enjoy it more with less pressure.

    On top I would like to share a plan I came up with the last days. This is such a great experience and with the permission of everyone I would like to take all the finished entries at the end and turn it into a book. A photo book which showcases all the planes we made with your 200 word descriptions and garnished with some highlights and puns of the journey.

    I will donate a copy for free for the winner and for the rest to obtain copies for the costs of printing and postage.

    I think that will be great to document what we achieved.

    Hopefully you guys are ok with that and maybe gives extra motivation to get as many planes finished by whatever deadline will be decided as possible.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    Sounds like a great idea. What do others think.


  2. #122
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Cklett View Post
    I fully agree with the posts before. On top the summer heat doesn't make it easier for some. I am still confident to finish my plane in time but wouldn't mind to have a little more to refine and also enjoy it more with less pressure.

    On top I would like to share a plan I came up with the last days. This is such a great experience and with the permission of everyone I would like to take all the finished entries at the end and turn it into a book. A photo book which showcases all the planes we made with your 200 word descriptions and garnished with some highlights and puns of the journey.

    I will donate a copy for free for the winner and for the rest to obtain copies for the costs of printing and postage.

    I think that will be great to document what we achieved.

    Hopefully you guys are ok with that and maybe gives extra motivation to get as many planes finished by whatever deadline will be decided as possible.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    That is fantastic idea,if you were after my consent, tho I feel you don’t need it, but others may feel differently.

    It’s a big fat YES to the book idea from me.

    Cheers Matt

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    near Mackay


    I agree with the others on the possibility of getting some outside help for those who need it to get over some of the hurdles. I think every chance has to be given to get as many over the line, it would be great if everyone finished with a working plane, but realistically that probably won’t happen, as I suspect there may be one or two who have left it too late.

    As for extending the deadline, I am ok with whatever is decided.

    I am almost at the stage where I can have my plane taking shavings, but I still have a bit of work to go before it will be “finished “.
    Today could possibly be my last chance to work on my plane for some time, depending on some possible turns in my life, so I am going to get it taking shavings today, and get the photos needed to prove it does work, in case I have to present a “rustic” looking plane in the “finished” thread.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I’m happy with the current end date but will go with either the majority decision or a ruling from the judging panel.

    One thing I have really enjoyed with this challenge is the support and encouragement given by and to all the entrants; whether it’s Doug forging a blade, Paul providing figured timber or everybody assisting Matt with helpful suggestions on size and shape .

    I also like the idea of a book!
    Nothing succeeds like a budgie without a beak.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Canberra - West Belco


    I probably fall into "may not get finished" but i knew the end date and would not think of an extension strange how many months ago the end date looked so far away it didn't matter

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Lawrencetown, NS, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Cklett View Post
    I fully agree with the posts before. On top the summer heat doesn't make it easier for some. I am still confident to finish my plane in time but wouldn't mind to have a little more to refine and also enjoy it more with less pressure.

    On top I would like to share a plan I came up with the last days. This is such a great experience and with the permission of everyone I would like to take all the finished entries at the end and turn it into a book. A photo book which showcases all the planes we made with your 200 word descriptions and garnished with some highlights and puns of the journey.

    I will donate a copy for free for the winner and for the rest to obtain copies for the costs of printing and postage.

    I think that will be great to document what we achieved.

    Hopefully you guys are ok with that and maybe gives extra motivation to get as many planes finished by whatever deadline will be decided as possible.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    I'm onboard with the book - a great idea! I wonder tho' if you can estimate an approximate cost? I don't want to dampen the enthusiasm, but you wouldn't want to be left with the bulk of expenses should the price prove to be steeper than expected or actual paid orders fall short of a break even number.


  7. #127
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Brisbane (western suburbs)


    Quote Originally Posted by Sheets View Post
    ...... but you wouldn't want to be left with the bulk of expenses should the price prove to be steeper than expected or actual paid orders fall short of a break even number....
    Cost could be anything from minor to major. It depends on exactly what you have in mind - it could be quite modest but any bound book done commercially is going to be pretty expensive, particularly for a small run. I remember Dick (Doggie) telling me he was unlikely to recoup the cost of his Titan book, it was done more as a labour of love than anything else. More immediately, do you realise how much work you are giving yourself, Ck? Extracting text & pictures & putting it all together in a user-friendly format will probably take far longer than you may be thinking....

    I think it's a great idea to have a more compact record of the individual builds, with all the triumphs & disasters that were encountered spelled out (very handy for anyone new who is contemplating having a go), in some form or other. I thought that was one reason for including a little blurb with each "finished" entry? The guidelines for the accompanying text do suggest you include such information. If you find the word-limit too confining, maybe the judging panel could be persuaded to overlook a few extra words (within reason! ).

    When all the entries are in & judged, I could tidy up the "Done" thread, and just leave each person's presentation, without all the extraneous chatter, which would make it easier to scan for something you wished to check on. I presume Ubeaut will leave this under its own heading in te "Home-made ools & jigs" section so it will be easy to find & also be a permanent record of proceedings (well,as permanent as anything can be).

    I've followed individual threads fairly closely because I was interested to see where first-time metal plane makers had any problems. Some very useful information has popped up here & there, & I've 'borrowed' a few ideas like Brad's very clever trick for drilling rivet holes in the body. For the steps that seem to have caused people the most difficulties, I've added details or re-written the relevant sections in the "second edition" of my manual, due out sometime in the next decade or two (), I think it will be much improved as result of this little 'competion-that-wasn't-a-competition'....


  8. #128
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by IanW View Post
    Cost could be anything from minor to major. It depends on exactly what you have in mind - it could be quite modest but any bound book done commercially is going to be pretty expensive, particularly for a small run. I remember Dick (Doggie) telling me he was unlikely to recoup the cost of his Titan book, it was done more as a labour of love than anything else. More immediately, do you realise how much work you are giving yourself, Ck? Extracting text & pictures & putting it all together in a user-friendly format will probably take far longer than you may be thinking....

    I think it's a great idea to have a more compact record of the individual builds, with all the triumphs & disasters that were encountered spelled out (very handy for anyone new who is contemplating having a go), in some form or other. I thought that was one reason for including a little blurb with each "finished" entry? The guidelines for the accompanying text do suggest you include such information. If you find the word-limit too confining, maybe the judging panel could be persuaded to overlook a few extra words (within reason! ).

    When all the entries are in & judged, I could tidy up the "Done" thread, and just leave each person's presentation, without all the extraneous chatter, which would make it easier to scan for something you wished to check on. I presume Ubeaut will leave this under its own heading in te "Home-made ools & jigs" section so it will be easy to find & also be a permanent record of proceedings (well,as permanent as anything can be).

    I've followed individual threads fairly closely because I was interested to see where first-time metal plane makers had any problems. Some very useful information has popped up here & there, & I've 'borrowed' a few ideas like Brad's very clever trick for drilling rivet holes in the body. For the steps that seem to have caused people the most difficulties, I've added details or re-written the relevant sections in the "second edition" of my manual, due out sometime in the next decade or two (), I think it will be much improved as result of this little 'competion-that-wasn't-a-competition'....

    I am aware that the book will take some work and effort on my side. One way to give back though.

    What you guys do not know is that I have a secret weapon in my family I intend to deploy [emoji16]

    However don't expect a best seller. Just something to capture the memory and to show to friends and others who are not cruising the forum.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Dandenong Ranges


    Quote Originally Posted by Cklett View Post
    I am aware that the book will take some work and effort on my side. One way to give back though.

    What you guys do not know is that I have a secret weapon in my family I intend to deploy [emoji16]

    However don't expect a best seller. Just something to capture the memory and to show to friends and others who are not cruising the forum.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    Hi CK. I think it's a great idea. And always nice to have an "ace up your sleeve"!

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149

    Default Where are we at? A quick update.

    On 7 September 2020, we launched the 2020 – 2021 Plane Building Challenge. By the end of that month 19 members had posted their intention to take on the challenge with another 4 in the months of November, December and February of this year.
    Since the launch 183 days ago , there have been 1949 posts in the member’s threads and a further 188 in the judges section. As impressive as these figures are, I think the real story of the popularity of the challenge is in the number of views – 194,029 - an average of 11.68 new posts each day and 76.66 views per day. (Note these raw stats are only guaranteed to be as accurate as my skills in using a phone as a calculator). Further analysis of these figures show that 7 members have either completed their challenge or completed the work necessary to say they have a ‘working plane’ and have produced an acceptable shaving - thus technically completing the challenge. A further 7 members are still working and regularly posting updates as to their progress.

    That leaves 8 who have not posted to their thread since the 30th November 2020 plus me. In racing parlance, you could say that I have been backed out of the starting stalls at the behest of the stewards and am undergoing a veterinary examination to determine my fitness and physical ability to continue.

    But what of the 8 who are ‘missing in action’?
    Is it a case of not having the shed time now that the Covid restrictions are largely lifted and people are traveling to work, able to catch up with friends, family and colleagues? Is a simply a case of “I’ve changed my mind?

    Are there other concerns such as:
    •It is much harder than I expected
    •I don’t have all the tools that are required
    •I find that I don’t have the skills that are required
    •I really need assistance or a mentor

    Many of the 2137 posts that I referred to in the second paragraph are posts offering support, problem solving suggestions, offers of assistance and different options to try. But the thing they all have in common, is the friendly banter, good natured humour and genuine offers of encouragement, support and assistance.

    Personally I have been both a receiver of support where I did not have the skill or equipment to heat treat my blade – Doug3030 put up his hand and did the work. On the other-hand, Simplicity who would probably have been the “pre - race favourite with the bookies (according to Bobby-the-bookie) needed access to equipment to flatten the sole of plane as his equipment was over 100km away and he only had access to his Father-in-law’s garage and tools – I was able to invite Matt to use my equipment.

    To the members who have completed their challenge and produced a working plane –CONGRATULATIONS.

    If you are working towards completing your challenge – Hang in there and keep at it – you can succeed.

    If you are struggling for what ever reason - Let us know. Post a question or an update – there are members here who can help.


  11. #131
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Oldgreybeard View Post
    A further 7 members are still working and regularly posting updates as to their progress.
    I guess I would fall into that category.

    Making a plane, in fact the exact pair of planes I am making, has been on my list for quite a while but well down the priority list. There are other planes on my list as well but the pair I am working on are the most "challenge-worthy" of them.

    It was the opportunity of the Challenge itself that motivated me to put other projects aside and step up and join in. I am pleased that I did because making the build a part of something bigger has definitely made it more enjoyable and I feel I am getting more out of it, as well as putting something back into the group of participants.

    After the recent time extension, my two plane blades and bodies are sitting in a cardboard box on the shelf under my workbench and will come out in time to be finished by the new end-date.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldgreybeard View Post
    That leaves 8 who have not posted to their thread since the 30th November 2020 plus me. In racing parlance, you could say that I have been backed out of the starting stalls at the behest of the stewards and am undergoing a veterinary examination to determine my fitness and physical ability to continue.
    Bob, I hope you are able to recover in time to at least put a working plane on the judging table, hopefully finished to your satisfaction, but at least finished and taking a shaving.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oldgreybeard View Post
    But what of the 8 who are ‘missing in action’? Is it a case of not having the shed time now that the Covid restrictions are largely lifted and people are traveling to work, able to catch up with friends, family and colleagues? Is a simply a case of “I’ve changed my mind?
    One of these would be Jools. She has narrowed her build down to one of two designs. But, like me she has other priorities. The time extension has allowed her to continue to improve her skills on her new embroidery machine. She will be starting the build in time to finish.

    I do have some inside information on another build or two but that is up to the builders themselves to post about if they so desire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oldgreybeard View Post
    Personally I have been both a receiver of support where I did not have the skill or equipment to heat treat my blade – Doug3030 put up his hand and did the work.
    Thanks Bob, happy to have been able to help. Assistance with the making of blades has been permitted under the rules even before the recent "relaxation" allowing outsourcing of the skills to do the more complex bits. I am happy to assist any of the challenge participants in this way with any blademaking assistance that they need. That could be with advice, grinding, heat treating or putting you in touch with someone who can do the bits I can't do yet.

    Most people so far seeking assistance have made their own blade and just gotten me to heat treat their blades, which is very much in the spirit of the challenge, but I can and have done more when that was needed. Not being able to source a blade is no excuse for pulling out.
    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mt Waverley Vic 3149


    Thanks for your comments Doug, I am looking forward to seeing what you and Jools put forward.

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    Well said, with some great encouragement.

    Cheers Matt.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    May 2019


    That's some great statistics. Love it.

    I wonder if Jools is just secretly working on a tablecloth to outshine Matt's.

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

  15. #135
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Not far enough away from Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Cklett View Post
    I wonder if Jools is just secretly working on a tablecloth to outshine Matt's.
    know nothing.png
    I got sick of sitting around doing nothing - so I took up meditation.

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