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  1. #106
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    BOC. I was asking her based on the rumour that big consumers pay a fraction of the cost of an amateur like me.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Apr 2002


    A lot of us already have an ABN.
    Yes, its always worth giving it a try.....but I be scheptical if they would come across with a reasonable price if you did not have turnover.

    Yeh all that said..a lot of big companies are posting high prices as a matter of polocy, and not giving a good price unless you lean on em.

    Any thing with sharp teeth eats meat.
    Most powertools have sharp teeth.
    People are made of meat.
    Abrasives can be just as dangerous as a blade.....and 10 times more painfull.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Like Coventry bolts. Their website prices are crazy but if you ask for something in store the price is about 10% of the website without even asking for a discount.

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Ballina, NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Legion View Post
    BOC. I was asking her based on the rumour that big consumers pay a fraction of the cost of an amateur like me.
    Ahh yes... BOC are classics. I rang their head office and asked for prices on E and G for 5/2 and 100% argon. The prices they gave were about 1/3, of the local quoted price. I took great pains to explain that I was a low volume customer - "are you sure?".... "Great..." I said, "give a quote number and I'll go pick them up !".

    " Errr... sorry sir, I don't know how to do that. I'm new here "

    "Thought so... "

    I use my ABN for all gear, but it really doesn't make a difference - for gas it's all about volume used.

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    North Queensland

    Default Power 10 Gases

    Wondering if any forum members are customers of Power10 gases. I need to replace my argon cylinder soon and have been making enquiries following on from the information in this thread. I decided I didn't wan't to rent so looked at buying a cylinder. In my location, rural North Queensland, it appears the only buy option is Power10 gases. They supply some Total Tools stores as swap agents but the one in Townsville where I get to a few times a year doesn't have them.
    Therefore I contacted Power10 gases and eventually received prices for "D" and "E" cylinders plus refill and delivery costs. I wanted to discuss a few issues with them but over the last couple of days calling two different numbers I get the same recorded message from the manager. Am I being paranoid in thinking this could signal problems with the viability of Power10 gases. I don't wan't to buy a cylinder for $455 and find they close and can't get the cylinder refilled anywhere.
    Pleased to get responses from customers of Power10 gases. Maybe will need to rent again.

  6. #111
    Join Date
    May 2007
    South Australia


    Iv got an E Argon Cylinder from them

    When first looking at them i did email them and got no response
    but i ended just ringing the local distributor and getting all the info from them.
    They so far have always had plenty of stock.

    No locations close on there website? seems strange they don't answer there phones.

    I think its pretty poor you can't take cylinders elsewhere, hopefully that changes one day.
    Did you call within the opening hours on there website?

    Im just happy to not be paying BOC etc rental fees.

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    North Queensland

    Default re Power10 gases

    Thank you for your reply.
    I definitely phoned during their limited opening hours even taking into account Qld time (no daylight saving).
    My nearest agent would be about 1200 Kms from my place so trying to phone main office and also the factory store.
    Just concerned that lack of staff to respond to phone calls could indicate a business winding down because of some difficulties.
    Will try phoning again with almost an hour before Friday closing so can't see much action until next week.

  8. #113
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I bought a Speedgas E size Argon bottle about 2 years ago and just got my latest refill, it was a $135. in Sydney. What I didn't consider when I bought was the lifespan of the bottle. How long before they need to be scrapped? Speedgas just swap out full for empty bottles anyway so that may be a superfluous question.

  9. #114
    Join Date
    May 2007
    South Australia


    not your problem i believe, they just look after recertification etc

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    North Queensland

    Default My Power10 gases update

    Hi All,
    Following my previous post I managed to talk to the Power10 manager before closing hours Friday (yesterday). After some information I received I placed an order for an "E" argon cylinder which could take up to 10 days to arrive by courier to postcode 4805 because trucks need to be able to transport dangerous goods.
    I was told they are welding gases supplier to the Total Tools stores and later this year most TT stores in Qld should be carrying argon/argon mix. If TT Townsvile become suppliers then I will be able to pick up exchange cylinders when I need to drive to Townsville (approx 250 Kms away), which may be a bit cheaper without delivery to my address.
    Here is the cost information I received:

    A D size cylinder (1.7m3) is initially $335 that is the cylinder full of gas. When the cylinder is empty we exchange it for a full one at that time you only pay for the gas which is $100.

    An E size cylinder (4.0m3) is initially $455, When the cylinder is empty it is $145 for the exchange.

    Prices include Gst. Delivery would be $100. (To me from Factory store in NSW).


  11. #116
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    North Queensland

    Default Power10 Gases Update, Negative.

    I thought I would be able to announce by now I had received an "E" size cylinder of Argon but this apparently is not going to happen.

    Soon after I received cost information from Power10 Gases I phoned the Manager on 20/02/2015 and placed an order and provided my credit card information. At that time he told me the cylinder would not be sent until late the following week because other orders were being sent first. This was ok by me and there was never any mention that the company did not wan't to supply small orders.
    In the time up to yesterday morning I sent a couple of enquiry emails and received replies indicating they were busy with larger issues but I still expected supply of the cylinder until yesterday morning. Below is the email I received.
    "Hi Gerry

    We have too many wholesale deliveries and your cylinder did not make it on the delivery trucks on Tuesday. It was scheduled for tomorrow but this is gong to be an ongoing problem for us. So we have decided this morning that we are not going to do anymore individual sales and deliveries.

    Sorry of the inconvenience.


    So after making an agreement with me they have decided to let it go. It seems now they have built up a customer base over some time with individual customers it is now in their commercial interest to stop dealing with individuals. I suppose this is the commercial reality in some business circles.


  12. #117
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Mackay Qld


    Coregas Townsville is taking a quite different attitude to their southern branches in not wanting to supply weld shielding gases to the the light user ,ie, the likes of you and me in the Nth Qld area.

    The shoddy way Normanby has been treated is digusting and unprofessional but sadly illustrates the disdain many business have for the Diy / handyman group.

    They believe are slim pickings in the handyman trade.The reason in this case,they believe of course is the volume of gas to be sold will be much lower as the population here, is very much smaller.

    I am aware, through my current work , that there are very many Mig and tig owners out there who would just jump at the chance to go over to a swap and go welding shielding gas supply structure.

    Add to that the many more potential owners of Migs or Tig welders who are sweating on a Swap and Go system to come to central and north Queensland. The purchase price of a new cylinder does not phase them either.Should Swap and Go shield gases become a reality many more Migs and Tigs will be sold.


  13. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    It's a pretty typical, short-sighted view that so many Australian businesses take. Rather than expanding their customer base to include bread-and-butter, low volume users, they decide it's easier to cherry-pick the high volume users - less paperwork, less planning and easier logistics.

    However they also leave themselves exposed to greater risk - if one or two of their high-volume customers shuts down or goes to an alternative supplier they take a big hit and can be left with cash flow issues and nothing steady to back them up. Low-volume users pay cash there and then, not in 30 days.

    Furthermore, it's simply unprofessional to commit to supply, then later change your mind because you decide it's a bit more of a hassle than you want to deal with.

  14. #119
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    North Queensland

    Default Follow Up on Welding Gases

    I have also been trying to find out from the Total Tools head office when their franchises in Mackay and Townsville in NQ would be stocking welding gases (Argon & argon mix) for sale and swap and go. Coincidently I received an email from a director of Total Tools Mackay telling me the Mackay TTs store would have these cylinders available early April. Have contacted TTs Townsville a couple of times but no information yet if they will be doing welding gas swap and go. Although I am approx equal distance (250Kms) from each TTs store Townsville would be a better option for me as I need to regularly travel there.
    However I will seriously consider a trip to Mackay if this is my only option apart from renting cylinders.
    Incidently if I do this I will still be using Power10 gas!! I am not aware of any other cylinder gas buy systems coming to North Queensland.
    Will wait to see what happens next.

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Just to add to this, my CO2 cylinder is almost empty, and with the availability of swap'n'go for gas, I decided to take the plunge and get an E size MIG mix. I'll still get my CO2 tank filled, and will use it when I need something more mobile, or a joint that will benefit from the fierce CO2 arc.

    So I went to Total Tools - turns out they're completely out of MIG mix. They rang Power 10 but couldn't get an indication of when more bottles would arrive, and it looks like they've been out of bottles for a while, which completely buggers up the idea of swap'n'go. You don't want to run down your bottle to empty only to discover there's some unknown period you have to wait before you can get a replacement.

    With that prospect, I decided to head next door to Gasweld - it's $50 more up front for an E size ($529) but refills are the same price, and most importantly, they had heaps of bottles in all sizes on the floor, and apparently, many more out the back.

    I'm also kind of glad not to be giving Power 10 my business, although I guess if you're up North, any swap'n'go service is better than none at all.

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