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  1. #106
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Mobile Al


    I do not know were I have been but I had not seen carved golf balls tell I joined this forum. I am going to give it a shoot. It looks like fun. And I have a number of friends that are golfers who I am sure will get a kick out of it. I will have to start with copying the Blue moon for one of them. Any suggestions’ on what are best balls for carve? Or will any of them do?

    Make today a day that will let you smile.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by CV3 View Post
    Any suggestions’ on what are best balls for carve? Or will any of them do?CV
    Grant tells me he's found a book that tells what you can expect under the cover of any particular golf ball, but apparently this involves literally hundreds of varieties. Personally I just dill them with a 9mm hole which does 3 things...
    1. it tells me whats in the ball and if its carvable and if it is therefore worthwhile cutting the cover.
    2. It gives me a point to anchor my 'handle' device to make the ball easier to hold while I'm whittling it
    3. It gives me base to mount the ball either as an ornament on a plinth or a bottle stopper on a cork.

    Just get a few balls and try them out. Don't forget to post your results.

    Quote:My latest carving in Aus is one tring to imitate an old man smiling with his eyes tight shut, but I cannot get the creases of the closed eyes quite right. Is there a secret to closed eyes as well as open ones?

    I promised to post photos of eyes squinting and closed... here they are.

    I started with upper eye lid drooping.

    You achieve this by cutting the lower side of the upper lid in a flatter arch, thus reducing the size of the eye apature. Carving the iris against the lower side of the upper lid also helps with this. Combine this with a frowning mouth and you have the 'grump' look. Combine it with a grinning mouth and you have the 'dopy' look.

    Next try carving the upper side of the lower lid arching upwards towards the bottom of t he upper lid rather than downwards away from it. The closer you get the two lids together the 'squintier' the look becomes.

    Finally you get to the point where the lower and upper lid arches meet and you have shut eyes. Shut one eye you have a 'wink'. Shut both eyes and add a 'negative' mouth and you have a scowl. Shut both eyes with a laugh mouth and you have a 'belly' laugh.

    A view extra lines around the outside edge and bottom of the eyes completes the 'crinkled' look to the skin in that area.

    I appologise for the 'out of focus' shots. Its always late when I get to this so I have no natural light. If I use flash the photo is just a white blob. If I don't use flash then its a little 'fuzzy' cause I can't seem to hold it still enough. Still I think you can get the idea.

    Hope it helps. Post your results when you get time. Looking forward to seeing them.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Mobile Al


    Thanks Whittling. I will post some pictures when I go the golf ball.
    Make today a day that will let you smile.

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    These are absolutely fascinating.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    G'day Munruben, Grab a golf ball and a pocket knife and join the fun!

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hervey Bay


    G'day Whittling and everyone

    Thanks for the directions for carving closed eyes Whittling. I am sorry I haven't replied sooner, but have been away a lot lately.

    I have attached pics of my attempt at the old man laughing that I referred to in my question. I have noticed that people when they screw their eyes shut, the top lid disappears and virtually blends with the eyebrow and that is one area I went wrong. Also, I think I have made the slot between the eye lids too pronounced and also may not have cut the lower lid in enough. Can you give me your thoughts on this for me please? All advice most appreciated.

    I have chucked in a couple of pics of a ball I knocked up the other day for my Grandson to be. I tried to make a cheeky face for him and he thought it was great. Amasing how little things can bring so much pleasure . I took the attached two pics to show how the light and subtle angle makes a difference to the amount the expression changes. The light also bleaches the colour out if you get it wrong as I am finding out quite a bit these days. Thank goodness for digital cameras, it would have cost a fortune in reject prints in the old days.

    I had a chat with my father this morning, and he told me he took the ball I made for him to golf the other day to show his mates. He reckons they had a good laugh and a couple of them were quite taken with it. It is certainly proving to be great hobby. I can't thank you enough for teaching me.

    CV, the book I bought by Tom Rhodes listed a large number of different golfballs. He gives their colour, make up and carvability. He also gives plenty of other ideas for golfball carving too. The book is called "Golf Ball Carving Unlimited", and costs US$16.95. You can find Toms web site at Golf Ball Carving - the Ultimate Guide Book if you are interested.



  7. #112
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    Mobile Al


    Quote Originally Posted by Grunter53 View Post
    G'day Whittling and everyone

    CV, the book I bought by Tom Rhodes listed a large number of different golfballs. He gives their colour, make up and carvability. He also gives plenty of other ideas for golfball carving too. The book is called "Golf Ball Carving Unlimited", and costs US$16.95. You can find Toms web site at Golf Ball Carving - the Ultimate Guide Book if you are interested.


    Thanks for the information on the book. Good job on your carving.
    Make today a day that will let you smile.

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi Grant,

    You are getting really good at this! I can't fault the eyes. I think you have it down pat. Have you tried closing just one eye in a 'wink' yet? When you do, try pulling the mouth mound and mouth around to the same side as the 'closed' eye. This gives the face a sort of 'scrunched up look on that side. If you make the mouth expression a happy one you get a really cheeky looking troll!

    You might also start playing around with noses too. A bit more arch over the nostrils and maybe a bit wider too will give you a different look. Its all just experimenting now anyway to see the effects of trying different things. There's nothing at all wrong with what you're doing.

    I've been experimenting a bit with mouths and toungs. I'll try to post a shot or two soon.

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hervey Bay


    G'day Whittling and everyone

    Thanks again for the support.

    The ball I am carving at the moment is my first attempt at a wink. It is a black ball and I am finding it a bit harder to judge the cuts, probably due to reduced shadowing. I am finding that the coloured balls are much easier to see what you are doing whilst carving, rather than the black and white.

    I will post a pic once I have finished my attempt at a wink for further advice, and with the next few balls, I will try altering the nose a bit as you suggested and see what happens.



  10. #115
    Join Date
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    Hervey Bay


    G'day again Whittling and everyone

    Finally got to finish my latest ball with a wink. Stuffed up a bit, too many wrinkles around the closed eye that blend in with the eyebrows. I looked in the mirror for guidance and sadly there are more wrinkles in the mirror than came out with the golfball.

    Can only improve as they say. Hope you get a chuckle out of it.



  11. #116
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hervey Bay


    G'day again Whittling and everyone

    Just thought I would post my latest efforts in golf ball carving for your critique.

    Hope they give you a laugh.



  12. #117
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi Grant,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you... hectic here! Getting ready for upcoming Working With Wood show in Adelaide and too much to do before hand.

    I love what you've done with the golf balls. I'm particularly impressed with the beards you've managed to put on them. I've never managed more than a moustache.

    I promised you a photo of my experiment with tounges... here it is. I'm happy with the tounge but I think the eyes need more 'punch' to give him a slightly more agressive expression. He looks a bit too passive to me.

    The other one is an experiment in seeing how many teeth I could fit in a wicked grin.

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Christies Beach


    Another excellent effort guys!

    Would like to see what is inside the new TaylorMade Penta!
    The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.
    Albert Einstein

  14. #119
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Hervey Bay


    G,day everyone

    Whittling, I love the cheeky smile. Will have to have a go at one. I am amazed at how long a tongue you were able to show sticking out - it looks great.

    Tank-stand, will let you know what the Taylor made balls are like if I get one unless Whittling has managed to get one already. At the price, I think it may be a while before I find one. I hope they aren't a duel core.

    I made a blunder last night and carved a Titleist knowing it had a duel core. It is the worst ball I have attempted to carve. The inner and outer core are brittle and flakey (chunks broke off when least needed). Also the inner core is a different colour and really made carving the eyes difficult. I have attached a pic of the result for anyone who is interested.



  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Wow... Looks like a 'zombie' face with those eyes! I've never managed to carve a duel core ball successfully. Well done for having a go.

    I've not tried the TalorMade ball yet either. Looks like its up to you Tank!

    I'm getting a bit low on golf ball 'blanks'. I usually take the covers off a dozen at a time and keep them in an egg carton until I'm ready to carve them. I'll have to do some more soon. I'll see if I've got a TM in amongst my 'collection'. I'm hoping for another blue coloured ball as I sold my last 'Blue Moon' and don't have any more blue coloured blanks at the moment. Want to do a few more of those for the upcoming WWW Show.

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