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  1. #106
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    Personally, i'd rather a 'Dog' calendar hanging in the shed...MM
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  2. #107
    FenceFurniture's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elanjacobs View Post
    Repeating a lie until it becomes accepted as truth and the evolution of language are very separate things.
    Language is constantly changing, now faster than ever before, words lose old meanings and gain new ones. As words become "normalised" or more accepted socially, their punch diminishes.
    It's nothing to do with language evolution whatsoever. It's everything to do with attitude, respect, and old values (in that I think "the wife" is less common these days).

    (and this is my last word on this micro subject) Would you introduce your Mother to someone as "The Mother"? I reckon she'd box your ears on the spot! And if you wouldn't, then why wouldn't you?

    (that's an example, without knowing your personal circumstances, so no offence or upset is intended of course)

    I still don't believe that there would be very many who would refer to their spouse as "the wife" in front of them. Certainly far fewer than those who use it out of their earshot. Why would that be?
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  3. #108
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    Surprisingly, my wife and her sisters refer to their father as 'the father'.

    They use the term in casual and formal settings - in fact over 40 years, I have never heard any of them refer to their father as anything else but 'the father' even to their Mum.

  4. #109
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    My daughter refers to me as "The father." Among other less complimentary titles.

  5. #110
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    Ive just looked at this thread, nice pictures, what is the thread about again?
    I would love to grow my own food, but I can not find bacon seeds

  6. #111
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    Hi. I see the argument has ended. Good.

    I don't have a problem with different opinions to my own even if I am passionate when discussing them. There is one thing that really annoyed me.

    Your initial comment cast denigrating aspersions on people who have done nothing morally or legally wrong.

    You got the backlash you deserved with your pointless virtue signalling that only detracted from the topic. It only continued because you dug up an old thread. If you had said nothing it most likely would have gone away. And no one would have been offended. Seeing as the topic is essentially a harmless one.

    Just because you are offended/getting offended on behalf of an imaginary person. Does not mean you are correct, and the 'others' are wrongthinkers. And if a passerby was so traumatised by this topic, They most certainly would not be a benefit to any community they join.

    Every where you go does not have to perfectly fit your worldview. When you realise that. Your life will be much more pleasant.
    That quote was in reply to me saying that I wasn't trying to get into an argument or offend people by pointing out to guests reading it that the thread to that point was not a reflection of most of the forum.

    I did not cast aspersions on anybody. I said nothing about the content of the thread. I did not agree or disagree with the content. I did not agree or disagree with the calendar. I did not insult you or your outrage at the loss of a calendar. I did not mention your individual posts or insult them or offer any opinion on them whatsoever.

    I did not even disagree with you. I would have had every right to do so if I had chosen to. I would have had every right to launch into an explanation of the power of media, advertising and language on the way we view ourselves and the world and to defend my view of feminism. Because you know what?
    Every where you go does not have to perfectly fit your worldview.
    I didn't. So do not blame me for your childish reaction. Take responsibility and stop being a victim.

  7. #112
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    Mnb, of all the participants in this thread, you have conducted yourself with the most dignity.

    Sometimes there are posts on here in the belief that this forum is as good-to-go for flaming/trashing/dickheadedness as most other forums and social media are. This is not the case, but sometimes new comers need some leash-training. Not too often - most people get the (good) vibe early on (and are relieved!) because they have usually read quite a bit before they join and post. Sometimes there is an exception......
    Regards, FenceFurniture

    Jan-Feb 2019 Click to send me an email

  8. #113
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    Default Thanks FenceFurniture

    Thanks. It is a good forum. I normally don't bother with them though to be honest that's partly because I tend to be impulsive and quick to react myself It did mean I found it quite difficult to decide on what was appropriate or not so it's good to get feedback.

    This is not to stir things up everyone but I do thank you FenceFurniture for speaking up. I know there are plenty of guys like you out there but it is so nice to be reminded of it.

    And also to the guys willing to actually discuss things - thanks.

  9. #114
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    Check out Miss June ...MM
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