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  1. #106
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Dundowran Beach

    Question Well,well,well

    Several interesting points have come up here, the one of most interest to me is there point of adequate training.
    Just got off the ship in Rio after almost 3 weeks at sea. What an enlightening experience!!
    The ship is a beautiful asset/facility. Very modern as it was launched only last year.
    The trip was wonderful because of the places we visited and the great people we met.
    Putting up with some of the staff and the incompetence and stupidity they exhibited was about as pleasant as a toothache. Not all these people were young but it was obvious that they were not well trained or were trained to the company´s standard.Furthermore, the senior staff had no bloody idea ( on the whole ) about beinghelpful and supportive towards obviously floundering staff. Barking and snarling was the otder of the day.
    Had I been on the end of this type of treatment I would have walked off.
    Let´s give young people a go! The sort of go I had when growing up and maturing; the sort of go where I was taught and mentored.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Paradise on the Murray


    Quote Originally Posted by flynnsart View Post
    Of course they dont know anything these days, all you old farts dont teach them anything. All they get is smart arsed responses to seemingly stupid questions. How they gonna learn if no one teaches them. Is it their fault the company doesn't train them? He/she was actually interested enough to talk to you, encouragement might have been a better response. funny, all the same rofl.

    What she said.

    Quote Originally Posted by nz_carver View Post

    now i here young people at franklinds doing nite fill at $19.50 phr
    and thay dont even do there job i mean if there not talking texting or being a idiot
    there going on about how there job is so hard and the $ is so bad!!!

    You open boxs and get payed well to do it its not that hard

    or u get the young kids who drop out of school and get center link
    (thats the one that gets me!!! i mean we all pay or tax for them to sit on there ass all day and play xbox!!!!
    Would you rather they be paid by Franklins or centre link

    I have 2 son's aged 14 and 17, they both have part jobs and I could not be more proud that they are out there having a go instead of expecting things.

    The 14yo has been working at Coles for 2 months. He has had some fairly difficult times with cranky old farts and people from foreign countries particulary when it comes to identifying some of the exotic fruit vegetables now available.

    It seems strange to me that on one hand we bitch and moan about the kid getting money from centrelink then we turn around and bitch and moan when the kid trying to earn a few bucks at Bunnings doesn't know every single one of the thousands of line items they carry.

    Hold the "brain dead" until he you have the explain the same thing to them twice.

    Whilst I'm on my soap box. Why do we go to Bunnings? Because we percieve they are cheap. If Bunnings only employeed highly skilled tradespeople would they still be as cheap?


    Proudly supporting research into the therapeutic benefits of the Friday Thread

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Quote Originally Posted by Howdya do that View Post
    What she said.

    Would you rather they be paid by Franklins or centre link

    I have 2 son's aged 14 and 17, they both have part jobs and I could not be more proud that they are out there having a go instead of expecting things.

    The 14yo has been working at Coles for 2 months. He has had some fairly difficult times with cranky old farts and people from foreign countries particulary when it comes to identifying some of the exotic fruit vegetables now available.

    It seems strange to me that on one hand we bitch and moan about the kid getting money from centrelink then we turn around and bitch and moan when the kid trying to earn a few bucks at Bunnings doesn't know every single one of the thousands of line items they carry.

    Hold the "brain dead" until he you have the explain the same thing to them twice.

    Whilst I'm on my soap box. Why do we go to Bunnings? Because we percieve they are cheap. If Bunnings only employeed highly skilled tradespeople would they still be as cheap?
    Howdya this sin't ashot at you or the young fella good on him ]

    I know your far from city hassles but there is signs of trouble looming here, Coles policy is no employee under age 15 its against the law or starters Union, OH&S and Workcover Insurance will not cover him either.

    My point here is the kid aware, but the adults old pharts are so who's not teaching whom.

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by wheelinround View Post
    under age 15 its against the law or starters Union, OH&S and Workcover Insurance will not cover him either.

    There is no minimum age for casual employees, as long as the work does not interfere with the employee’s schooling.

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Frank&Earnest View Post
    There is no minimum age for casual employees, as long as the work does not interfere with the employee’s schooling.
    vic it's 14 and 9 months
    smile and the world will smile with you

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    What have you been smoking, Arty? However, I keep forgetting that Australia is still a bunch of colonies, not a nation yet. Victoria is a bit more selective in the type of work children can do. And with some quirks: above 15 can serve alcohol??

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Lets put things in perspective.
    I'll almost put money on the fact that your Grandfathers thought those darn younsters are just slackers.
    A few years later your father was thinking the same thing.
    Now many years on you may now think that there is no hope for these young people.
    And I'll bet that in a few years those "no hope young people" will now be a bit older and be thinking the same thinks about those who come after them.

    I think thats just they way things are and will always be. I think its just human nature that we will always consider those that come after us to be 'inferior' in some way.

    Never underestimate the power of human stupidity
    Common Sense, Isn't quite so common
    Adapt, Improvise and Overcome

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    I think its just human nature that we will always consider those that come after us to be 'inferior' in some way.
    This doesn't mean that it's not true. I think about the things my Grandparents' generation went through and wonder how the modern generation would cope with it. They worked hard to give my parents a better life, they in turn worked hard to give us a better life, and so on. Each generation (generally speaking) gets a better start than the last. I think that maybe this has a cumulative affect on character and 'work ethic'. A kind of 'spoilt brat' syndrome. My kids have got it much better than I did. That must have some effect on their personalities and ability to cope with tough times.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    This doesn't mean that it's not true. I think about the things my Grandparents' generation went through and wonder how the modern generation would cope with it. They worked hard to give my parents a better life, they in turn worked hard to give us a better life, and so on. Each generation (generally speaking) gets a better start than the last. I think that maybe this has a cumulative affect on character and 'work ethic'. A kind of 'spoilt brat' syndrome. My kids have got it much better than I did. That must have some effect on their personalities and ability to cope with tough times.
    how easy is it to judge from our middle class towers
    smile and the world will smile with you

  10. #115
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    Aug 2003


    Well, there have obviously always been people who never have to struggle for anything, and at the opposite end of the spectrum there are people who will struggle all their lives, but I think what you refer to as 'middle class' represents the majority of people in Australia and on this forum. If you can afford to own a computer and have it connected to the Internet, you can't be doing too badly.

    As for passing judgement, well yes it is a natural thing to do. You think about what you had when you were young and how you dealt with things and then you look at the kids today and what they've got and it's only natural to criticise them when they complain about how hard they've got it. Just like our parents did. So imagine taking a teenager from today and placing him or her in the middle of the great depression, or World War II? Not saying they wouldn't handle it but it might give them some perspective and appreciation for what they've got - and no doubt it would me too.

    The way things are going, we're all going to have to deal with hard times soon enough. Maybe this generation will end up having it harder than our grandparents did. Who knows?
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by silentC View Post
    Well, there have obviously always been people who never have to struggle for anything, and at the opposite end of the spectrum there are people who will struggle all their lives, but I think what you refer to as 'middle class' represents the majority of people in Australia and on this forum. If you can afford to own a computer and have it connected to the Internet, you can't be doing too badly.

    As for passing judgement, well yes it is a natural thing to do. You think about what you had when you were young and how you dealt with things and then you look at the kids today and what they've got and it's only natural to criticise them when they complain about how hard they've got it. Just like our parents did. So imagine taking a teenager from today and placing him or her in the middle of the great depression, or World War II? Not saying they wouldn't handle it but it might give them some perspective and appreciation for what they've got - and no doubt it would me too.

    The way things are going, we're all going to have to deal with hard times soon enough. Maybe this generation will end up having it harder than our grandparents did. Who knows?
    l put myself as middle class as rightly so you mentioned most of the members on this forum are ! Maybe we have a few upper class just slumming down in their spare time

    You are right silent if we sent one of our teenage repetitive back in time they would find it hard

    in exchange the past send one of their average teenagers to our time ,how would they cope if the full punch of globalise action,drugs, teenage sex ,violence in the home, drinking, teenage suicide,bloody eating disorders,sexual abuse, parents working 2 jobs so they can live in middle class with a big house so everybody in the street thinks they have a good job and money,divorce, today it is all just shoved down their neck and in their face

    In any time in any place children will learn to survive in the world that the generation before them shaped (that being us middle class, voting SHEEP )
    The children that can't adapted quicker enough will dye in the past do you want that for your kids or your grand kids ????

    l are asked this question earlier, how do we fix the system or do we let kids slip though and leave them to their own devices ?

    kids today are no diffrent to any other time ,it is us the grown ups

    smile and the world will smile with you

  12. #117
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    I have a bit of a problem talking about classes (middle class, lower class etc) as it seems to be based on wealth. Most of the biggest fools I have encountered worship money and consider themselves better than others because of their wealth.

    Some of the wealthy have to pay for their kids to attend university because their kids are too thick to get there on their own merits. Does that make them better students? I hardly think so. They are giving their kids the same rotten view on life that money allows you to take short cuts.

    There seems to be an attitude that we automatically respect our forefathers and are automatically critical of the generation after us. What a load of rubbish!

    There are quite a few oldies with a lack of intelligence (nothing to do with education) demanding respect and pretending they are superior because they lived through the depression or fought in a war. Some of them might even be upset that we might reach their dizzy heights if the current economic disaster becomes a depression too.

    There are dumb, average and smart people from all generations. Intelligence is not related to numbers in bank books, postcodes or how many times you have orbited the sun.

    There are those who can cope with horrors like war, depressions, fires, and floods from all generations. I think our youngsters would cope with anything the past generations endured. Perhaps the way our generation has brought up the younger ones might make it a bit tough at first but then it is us to blame not the youngsters.

    I respect those who cope, those who care and those who can think from all generations. If they are dumb and stupid, they are dumb and stupid no matter what their age or wealth.
    - Wood Borer

  13. #118
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    The point I'm making is that if they were made to go without some of the stuff they take for granted today, they might appreciate it more and see it for what it is. Like mobile phones. There seems to be an expectation now that kids of a certain age will get one. Take it away and you'd think they'd lost an arm or a leg. I survived quite well without one. Having a mobile phone is just so unimportant in the scheme of things. What about that kid who ran away and was later found dead after his Dad banned him from accessing the internet? He thought he couldn't live without it. Stupid...
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  14. #119
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    we give them the toys and blame the kids when they are missing the point
    Now lets take the mobile phones and Internet off the adult why were at it lets get rid of running water and power most people will not cope .
    Our generation has lost the skills to survive not the kids , we are to blame but we spend small amounts of money to fix it and vote parties in that help the rich get richer and the poor get poorer .

    how do WE fix it
    smile and the world will smile with you

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Hay Wood Borer your a teacher ? have you done the PD on generational poverty
    smile and the world will smile with you

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