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  1. #106
    Join Date
    May 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by HammaHed View Post
    Did you know there is a chick named Sarah Palin who thinks that people and dinosaurs walked the earth together 4,000 years ago when the world was created - and now she wants to get her finger on the WW3 nuke button.....
    A lot of people have funny ideas , some are even stupid ideas, thus we have checks , balances and rules to limit people from rushing in with halfcocked stupid ideas , ammusing that you should bring up that analogy , then again after reading you earlier posts , perhaps not

    The trouble with life is there's no background music.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Common sense prevails

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    sinnamon park queensland


    ham ahead
    the way you handle things leaves much to be desired
    the silvaglide is supposed to go on cast iron to prevent rust and if it comes in contact with the skin can cause terminal dermatitis.
    I expect this warning will keep you occupied for long enough for you to forget what you were doing, and go away.

  4. #109
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    Feb 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by HammaHed View Post
    Did you know there is a chick named Sarah Palin who thinks that people and dinosaurs walked the earth together 4,000 years ago when the world was created - and now she wants to get her finger on the WW3 nuke button.....
    Perhaps, like many other people, she just wanted a clean start

  5. #110
    Join Date
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    Cranbourne West


    HammaHead, you had a legitimate query in your original post, in fact quite a few forumites agreed that the restrictions on pictures needed improving. Personally, I didn't have a problem with the limitations imposed. However your arrogance and petulance are becoming insufferable, and I and many others wish you would go away.

    I personally believe that everyone has a right to a viewpoint and am therefore against indiscriminate censorship, however in your case I will make an exception. I implore the administrators to ban you from any further activity on this and any other ubeaut forum as I don't believe you are acting in the true spirit that is intended here.

    Please, just go away.
    To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional

    Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.

    What could possibly go wrong.

  6. #111
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Thanks for the changes and the option of posting a full size image if it is really required. I would still encourage people to reduce the images to under 100k if the detail is not really needed.
    It does seem a shame that we have now lost the ability to add a 600x800 image in the body of the text but I guess that is the trade off for being able to upload much bigger files.
    So to Neil and the admin team, a big thanks.
    All the best

  7. #112
    Calm's Avatar
    Calm is offline Stubby Owner and proud of it. Now coming back to Earth.:D
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpy John View Post
    HammaHead, you had a legitimate query in your original post, in fact quite a few forumites agreed that the restrictions on pictures needed improving. Personally, I didn't have a problem with the limitations imposed. However your arrogance and petulance are becoming insufferable, and I and many others wish you would go away.

    I personally believe that everyone has a right to a viewpoint and am therefore against indiscriminate censorship, however in your case I will make an exception. I implore the administrators to ban you from any further activity on this and any other ubeaut forum as I don't believe you are acting in the true spirit that is intended here.

    Please, just go away.

    Are you over it GJ


    "Tell him he's dreamin."
    "How's the serenity" (from "The Castle")

  8. #113
    Join Date
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    Cranbourne West


    Quote Originally Posted by Calm View Post

    Are you over it GJ
    No, this guy's like a steel splinter in a woolen sock, very annoying and won't go away.
    He's like a bowl of Allbran, he gives me the ......

    I hope that's enough smilies to keep the mods happy.
    To grow old is inevitable.... To grow up is optional

    Confidence, the feeling you have before you fully understand the situation.

    What could possibly go wrong.

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    The way this site allows the indiscriminant use of smilies could really be improved in my wait what am I saying


  10. #115
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    Thanks Witch1. that was one of the funniest put-downs I've read.

  11. #116
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    sinnamon park queensland


  12. #117
    Join Date
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    Perth, Western Australia


    Ham ahead,

    The positively undesirable feature you happen to have in your personality is not regarded positively on this forum. Whilst we are open to suggestions on this forum, criticism of a site you have hardly been on is wrong.

    If you are so concerned about the way pictures are handled on this site, don't post any or better yet take yourself for a long walk on a short jetty.

    We don't need crap like this.
    "If you can't kill a zombie with it, it ain't a weapon."

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default Your reality must be everyone elses????

    Quote Originally Posted by HammaHed View Post
    OK the original reason I spat chips about the issue of reducing images to both dimensions and file sizes is because:

    a) I post lots of articles on lots of other sites; and one of my favourites is Instructables.

    That has the feature or programming of being able to upload ones images as is; and then

    Display the image in a reduced, but fairly reasonably sized image - on the web page; and

    With two more clicks, one can then jump from the "smaller" image to a medium image and then to the full sized image.

    I reckon that system works really great.

    In this enlightened age of vested self centeredness, and the tendancy to perceive ones own range of expereinces and facilites as applicable to everyone else...

    Where the frustration comes into this for me, is that while I can reduce images down in dimensional size and file size - the software I have for doing these process's - and I have a fair range at my disposal; well the best and easiest software works fine for general reduction - fast and easy and they do batches etc., to really begin to push the limits down to very small sizes - especially the file size; well it kind of gets to be frustrating guessing the amounts of reduction for different images and their image content.

    So I get to be thinking...... this is just too much effort, and after using the really "up to date" websites, I feel as if I realy don't want to be doing these kinds of reductions and image modifications - specifically for this site.

    And while the opinions run thick and fast along the lines of "My reality is everyone elses too" - the lack of objective imformation is where the matters raised in this fashion become invalid.

    While SOME people may be on dial up, I think there is an awful lot who are on broadband - and by using the "Instructables" website of handling images, that would cater for everyone; but having moved off dial up a few years back, dial up has as much appeal as upgrading to a 486; and backing all my stuff up on floppies.

    So I put that forward that the broadband users ARE in the overwhelming majority and dial up users are in the kind of extreme minority - and by using the "Instructables" webistes method of handling images, as slow as dial up actually is - this format still caters for everyone.

    I also hear screeches of "server space etc.," while not being utterly ofay with every detail of every server setup; for those who are doing the Luddite proclaimations - in case you had not noticed 1 Terrabyte SATA drives with 32M of cache can be had for around $130...

    I also see a few people proclaiming how wonderful this site is, they are doing it all for us, for free...

    Setting aside the issues of "My perspective is the how the world operates" and the countering of these misunderstandings with fact - to get back to my original point - being the very reason for my starting this thread;.

    From some of the more insightful and market savvy posters along with my own frustrations at taking backward looking steps to cater for this sites image handling; I feel that there are many good personal and buisness reasons for improving and upgrading the sites image handling capabilites.

    The thought has occured to me that you perhaps have just come to the probably quite unpleasant realisation that YOUR reality is not quite the ideal nirvana that you fervently hoped that it is. Just because you may have an opinion on a particular issue ( and i for one don't see it as a particularly critical issue) does not mean that you have all the answers to questions no-one has asked.

    Discovering that there is a generally happy community that gets along quite nicely with their different to yours form of reality could well be quite traumatic for someone so arrogant as to come in to an existing, long running online community and within a dozen or so posts start telling everyone how to do things

    I have a lot more respect for those on encountering a new situation, watch what is going on for a while, ask a few questions about why the answer is 42 before jumping in head first and making suggestions about how the way your reality works is the panacea to all the problems we all apparently suffer from.

    Even those who have expressed opinions here about photo sizes etc have stuck around, ie, they have the common sense to realise that while they might prefer a different method of operation, they are prepared to work with what is available.

    You want everyone to use the programs you use and suggest that we all go out and spend $130.00 just to store photos. Is it possible that you may have some vested interest in these programs, businesses or other websites you spruik?

    While there are those that have advocated you being banned in various different phrasings, I think that it is inevitable that you will either lose interest, be able to drum up business elsewhere if that is what you are actually doing, you will be banned or you will learn to get along with others better once you realise that there is more than one way to skin a cat than just flogging it senseless and stop wading in feet first and accusing everyone here of being backward Luddites.


  14. #119
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    sinnamon park queensland


    methinks 'es not the messiah 'es a very naughty boy!!!
    ham (excuse the familiarity but it seems like i've known you for years)

    according to some of your"instructible" (sic) cohorts you have been at this type of thing for a long time. may I suggest that if you change to using UBEAUT products most of which are natural products and harmless to humans, you may find some relief to your problems, the rash you have acquired from intimate contact and overuse with the silverglide products may subside and leave you in a less irritable frame of mind.
    May I further suggest that if you re-read all the drivel you have so far regaled us with you may find ,(as I do) that it will induce a soporific state which will cause you to slip into a deep sleep untroubled by thoughts of loose women and men wearing monokinis and perhaps, having slept the sleep of the just . you may arise in the morning with a complete personality metamorphis and we can all be astounded by your quiet and humble new personality.
    hope you take my advice and the rash clears up.

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    sinnamon park queensland


    I think 'es gone

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