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23rd April 2013, 12:46 PM #91
23rd April 2013, 02:18 PM #92
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23rd April 2013, 03:07 PM #93
Ok ... my bad news is that we cannot make it as Julie cannot get the time off work ... tried twice. No go.
So ..now I will need an address to send the log to ? I will just bubble wrap it and post ... Do you think you can do that ?
Sorry I don't have a pic and the log iz up the mountain and I in Brizzy. But can get a pic this weekend.
If someone is passin thru :
Crows Nest
Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast
or even Toowoomba or Ipswich then I can deliver the log to them ... and also some very dead old narrow leafed ironbark its very red... dead trunks been standin for years .. I will just fell a straight one around 6" in length and billet the trunk ?... but is ironbark any use to you guys ... ??
But if I have to post the log then I won't be able to afford to post the ironbark. If the log turns out to be something special can you photo the results and post here ? Ummmm ... to me the log is somewhat rare and unusual ... hope it is not a disappointment to you guys, cuz I know nothing about wood.
Wuz lookin forward to meetin you guys ... Greg
Will book early for the next one ... !!!! Cheers
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wheelinround liked this post
23rd April 2013, 03:18 PM #94
Bugger! It would have been grand fun to have you and Julie along. Aust. Post won't take anything over a metre long, and max weight is 22kgs.
However, watch this space.
Next BBQ will be in Sept or Oct.
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23rd April 2013, 03:34 PM #95
Skew .....
I did a 'hard timber' search on google and looked at the images. The images I picked (from memory) all seemed to relate to sites that make knife-handles etc. And a lot of them were labelled 'ironwood' which seems to be a pretty non-specific name for timber.
But the log is entirely black on the outside ... only when I sanded a small bit did I see the grain ... so I could be wrong.
23rd April 2013, 03:36 PM #96
23rd April 2013, 04:13 PM #97
That's a shame Greg as I was hoping to meet up. The irony being that the Blue Mountains are about five times further away from me than the Bunya's, which are a favourite spot of mine.
However, if you were able to get the timber to me or to a pickup spot in Toowoomba, I would be able to transport it. You are welcome to send me a PM with a phone number and I will call you if you think this is an option.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
23rd April 2013, 04:21 PM #98
I knew it....Bushmiller to the rescue...what a champion!
23rd April 2013, 04:45 PM #99
Hi Mate ... Thats very kind of you. Would sure help me out.
I hope this log turns out to be worth it.
From my place into Toowoomba iz about 1.15 mins ... I think it wouldn't be much longer to your place would it ?
I also have some lengths (maybe 5-6) of Tazzie Blackwood (I tink ... bought from Lazarides years ago but tied up with string and no warp, never used ... well looked after) about 150mm wide x 25-30mm thick and 1.5-2m long, maybe a bit shorter .. haven't looked for ages ... The guys can have that to if they like ... But I don't know if you drive a Fiat Bambina or a Freight liner ... haaaaa
But if you want I will drop the black wood too ?
Would Sat morn suit you .. shouldn't be a problem straight to you, and not much difference in the distance. I would just head down into Dalby .. then Cecil Plains .. Then Milmerran ?
If this is suitable would earlyish suit... errrr 08:00 or 09:00 ??
Otherwise whatever you suggest ?
And I thank you ... Greg
opps .. my num 0429 505 111
23rd April 2013, 05:07 PM #100
hehehe. It's a one tonne flatbed.
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Mutawintji liked this post
23rd April 2013, 05:54 PM #101
Fence Furniture has stolen my thunder again. It's sort of between the bambina and a freightliner as in a one tonner as Brett said. Saturday would suit me just fine. I'll give you a call tonight when I get home some time after 1900hrs.
"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely!"
23rd April 2013, 06:18 PM #102
24th April 2013, 10:34 AM #103
24th April 2013, 11:15 AM #104
24th April 2013, 01:37 PM #105
Don't go too much by my description ... But yes, my first thought would have been for somebody who likes making floor lamps or such. But otherwise not much 'timber' in it, just a skeleton ... possibly cut up for pen blanks ... but blank by blank ..
But .. in any case .. Had a great talk with Bushmiller last night and will be meeting up with him Sat morn and will pass on the 'log' and the blackwood .. I only got a very small shed and this is gunna free up some much needed overhead shelf space.
Also ... my shed and shack are on a mountain which is part and parcel of mine. Many parts of this are inaccessible and no-one alive has ever been in to them .. maybe no one ever. But I go in quite often and so will take photo's of various spots .. It well may be that there is some good timber or burls or whatever you guys call them ..
If I see something I think may suit I will photo and ask you guys if you like. Then we can just arrange to get it down there when someone is passing thru Brizzy.
I don't mind dropping a dead one now and then as I do this for firewood in winter anyway. I am mainly into the scale-modelling forum and the only timber I use is Amoora ... suits all my needs and I know it and its behaviour well ... when your on a good thing stick to it ... Haaaaa
Also .. you have all been so kind .. if you are up this way .. Buzz me (will give my address to Bushmiller).. drop in for a brew .. also if we get a bit tiddly and talk long into the night I have a guest shack as well ... no problems. The Bunyas are a very scenic range. Will look forward to catching you guys in Sep-Oct down there or up my way before then.
cool bananas ... Greg
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